Ad 765 Notice of Commission Workshop 2NE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21,2013 NE 1 CITY OF MIAMI-BEACH NOTICE OF CITY-CO MMISSION WORKSHOP NOTICE iS HEREBY given that the City Commission of the."° Florida, will hold a City Commission Workshop on Thursday,of Miami Beach, p hursday, February 28, =,- 2013, at 3:00. p.m, in the Commission Chambers, 3rd 1700 Convention Center Dri floor, City Hall ve,Miami Beach,Florida,to discuss the Mi ami Beach ' Convention, Center RFE1 Phase II Master Plan and the Master Plan as well as receive presentations from the two short-listed developers. Concept, All interested parties are invited to att • end. Inquiries concernin this` concerning item should be directed to the City Manager's Office,at(305) 673.7000 Ext. 6513. Rafael E. Granado,-City Clerk ' City of Miami Beach To request this material in accessible format, sin language information on access for persons with-disabilities, and/or n interpreters, y accommodation- to review 'any document or participate in. any_ City-sponsored proceedin Please contact us five-days in advance at (35) 673-7411(voice or TTY g, May also call the Florida Relay Service at 711. ) u sers Ad#765 ,