Bruce A. Carter ResumeCURRICULUM VITAE Bruce Allen Carter nd 1649 W. 22 St. Miami Beach, FL 33140 703-403-0712 carterbruce@me.com Personal Information: Name: Bruce Allen Carter Council Member, National Council on the Arts . Presidential Appointment, Nominated by President st Obama September 12, 2012. Confirmed by the U.S. Senate, January 1 2013. Educational Background: 2008 Ph.D. Northwestern University Major Area: Music Education Dissertation Advisor: Janet R. Barrett Dissertation Title: A Qualitative Examination of Undergraduate Compositional Identity 1999 M.M. The Peabody Conservatory of The Johns Hopkins University Major Area: Composition 1995 B.M. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Major: Music Education Employment Background: 2008-2012 University of Maryland, College Park. 2006-2008 Lecturer; University of Maryland, College Park. 2004-2006 Graduate Research Assistant; Northwestern University. 1997-2000 Graduate Teaching Assistant; Peabody Conservatory. 1999-2004 Orchestra Director, Teacher; Fairfax County Public Schools, Reston, Va. Research, Scholarly, and Creative Activities a. Chapters in Books Carter, B. (Oxford Press, 2013). “Intersectionalities: Marginalized Communities and Arts Education. Ed. Conway, C. In The Qualitative Handbook for Music Education Research. Carter, B. (Oxford Press, 2013). Is a Virtual Composer In the Classroom an Oxymoron? In Selected Essays in Honor of Northwestern University’s Rethinking the Musical Experience. Carter, B. (Oxford Press, 2012). “Digital Natives and Composition: From Imagination to Music.” In Kaschub, M. and Smith, J. Composing Ourselves, Preparing Music Teachers to Teach Composition. Carter vita (p. 1) b. Articles In Refereed Journals Carter, B. & Elpus, K. (In Review, 2013). Are arts students more likely to be bullied? The prevelance of bulling among arts participants. Journal of Research in Music Education. Carter, B. (April, 2013). Nothing better or worse than being black, gay, and in the Band:” The counterstories of three African American gay undergraduates attending Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Journal of Research in Music Education. Carter, B. & Hoffman, A. (April, 2012) Representin’ and Disrespectin’: African American Students’ Engagement in School Music and Implications for Teacher Education. Music Education Research Carter, B. (May, 2011). A safe place for all: Harassment in the Music Education Classroom. Music Educators Journal. Carter, B. (Spring, 2010). “And that is why girls do not write music:” A qualitative examination of undergraduate compositional identity. American Research Education Research Special Interest Group in Music Education. Carter, B. & Hoffman, A. (April, 2010). A virtual composer in every classroom. Music Educators Journal. Carter, B. & Hoffman, A. (in progress). “And then I might cry:” Gendered learner identity and obstacles to girls’ composition in the music classroom. c. Editorial Committees i. Invited editorial committee American String Teachers Association Editorial Committee. Four year editorial position that began August 1, 2009. Invited reviewer for Oxford Press: New York. ii. Editorial committee Music Educators Journal- Four year editorial position that began July, 2010. e.Refereed Conference Proceedings. Carter, B. (Spring, 2013) Bullying Among Arts Participants: A Review of the 2012 Crime and Victimization Data. AERA Annual Meeting. Social Context of Education Division. San Francisco, CA. Carter vita (p. 2) Carter, B. (2012 National Association for Music Education National Conference). Beginning at the Recapitulation: LGBT Studies and Music Education. Carter, B. (2012 National Association for Music Education National Conference). Creating an Ecology of Composition within Schools. Carter, B. (2011 MENC Eastern Conference). Who We Are Matters: How to Recognize and Prevent Bullying in the Music Classroom. Baltimore, MD. Carter, B. & Hoffman, A. (Spring, 2011 Conference). Rewriting the score: Improvisation and composition as tools for changing the social context of a middle school band classroom. AERA Annual Meeting. Social Context of Education Division. New Orleans, LA. Carter, B. (Spring, 2011 Conference). The counterstories of three African American gay undergraduates attending Historically Black Colleges and Universities. AERA Annual Meeting. Social Context of Education Division. New Orleans, LA. Carter, B. & Hoffman, A. (2010, October). Composition as a culturally responsive approach to the secondary instrumental music curriculum. Race, Erasure and Equity in Music Education: A Symposium Sponsored by the International Consortium for Research on Equity in Music Education. Madison, WI. Carter, B. & Hoffman, (2009, July).“You play music, but do you make music:” Composition, performance, and identity among African American middle school band students. International Symposium on the Sociology of Music Education, Limerick, Ireland. Carter, B. & Fitzpatrick-Harnish, K.* (2009, May). Do You Hear What I Hear? The Development of Techniques to Guide Students’ Perceptions of Music Rehearsals and Performances” Biennial Colloquium for Teachers of Instrumental Music Methods; Mt. Sterling, OH. Carter, B. (2009, July)“And That Is Why Girls Do Not Compose:” Hearing the Voices of Young Women Composers. Paper Presented at the American Education Research Association National Conference. San Diego; CA. Carter, B. (2008, Feb.) I Am a Composer, I Think: The Development of a Compositional Identity. Paper presented at the Narrative Soundings Conference; Phoenix, AZ. Carter, B. (2008, April).The Effects of Composition on the Musical Understanding of Secondary Instrumental Students. Poster Presented at MENC: The National Association for Music Education Annual Conference, Milwaukee, WI. Hewitt, M. & Carter, B. (2007, May). Selecting Prospective Music Education Majors: Observing Group Dynamic to Identify Markers for Successful Music Education Majors. Presentation nd with Dr. M. Hewitt at the 2 Biennial Colloquium for Teachers of Instrumental Music Method; Mt. Sterling, OH. f. Compositions i. Commissioned Works. Carter vita (p. 3) Soundscape for Dancer and Choreographer Sharon Mansur- Commissioned Dance work. Premiered th February 16-19, 2011. Virginia Council for the Arts. (2009). A Rock, A River, A Tree. A commissioned work for Douglas Wilder Middle School Band with funding from the Virginia Council for the Arts. Date of Premiere: May 19, 2009. Royal Academy of the Arts. Commission of Trombone Quartet for the Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival. Premiere performed on BBC Radio. October 5, 2001. g. Talks, Abstracts, and Other Professional Papers Presented. i.Invited talks, etc. Metaphor and Meaning in Music. Invited presenter at the International Philosophy of Music Education Conference. April 2013: New York: NY. Musical Identities and Their Role in Composer Development. Invited to guest lecture at the University of London by Dr. Lucy Green. December 2008; London; England. The Top 20 Mistakes Made When Preparing Young Orchestras for Festival. Presentation at the Maryland Music Educators Association Fall In-Service Day, October 2008; Columbia, MD. Incorporating Alternative Styles in Your Orchestra Classroom. Presentation at the Maryland Music Educators Association Fall In-Service Day, October 2008; Columbia, MD. The Top 150 Pieces for String Orchestra. Presentation at the Maryland Music Educators Association In-Service Conference, February 2008; Baltimore, MD. Recruiting Students in Your Secondary Instrumental Music Program. Presentation at the Virginia Tech Alumni Conference, April, 2007; Blacksburg, VA. The Effects of Compositional Training of High School Students Performance Abilities. Poster Presented at the Big Ten Conference for Music Educators. October 2006; Bloomington, IN. h. Fellowships, Prizes, and Awards. Virginia Council For the Arts. (2009). Working with middle school director Dr. Adria Hoffman we obtained a grant to begin a composer in residence program from urban middle schools. 3. Teaching, Mentoring, and Advising a. Courses taught in the last five years. i.Undergraduate. Carter vita (p. 4)  Elementary Instrumental Methods (7-15), 2003-2012  Secondary Instrumental Methods (7-15), 2003-2012  Student Teacher Seminar (6-10), 2003-2012  String Pedagogy I (15-30), 2003-2012  String Pedagogy II (16-30), 2003-2012 ii. Graduate  Advanced Instrumental Methods (6-10), 2008  Music Education Curriculum (6-10), 2009  Foundations of Music Education (6-10), 2010  String Pedagogy (6-12), 2010  Philosohy of Music Education (6-12), 2012 ii.Independent Study, Tutorial, Internship Supervision.  Instrumental Music Field Experiences (4-15), 2006-present  Supervisor of Student Teachers (2-6/semester), 2006-present  Supervisor of Pre- Student Teachers (2-6/semester), 2006-present i. Undergraduate.  Advised 15-20 music education majors each semester regarding course selection and academic matters, 2006-present. iii.Other advising activities  Organized and reinitiated a student chapter of the American String Teachers Association  Advisor to student chapter of the Music Educators National Conference. b. Advising. ii. Masters. Matthew Heist (2010)  Amy Hairston (2010)  Matthew Johnston (2009)  Elizabeth Cuhna (2009), chair  Jonathan Kurtz (2009), chair  Allen Leung (2009)  Dawn Farmer (2008)  Erin Chester (2008)  Kerry Phelps (2008)  Leah Berlin (2008)  Nicole Stanleigh (2007)  Ray Chaney (2007)  Kerri Barone (2007)  Melissa Wittnebel (2007)  Alex Silverbook (2007)  Carter vita (p. 5) iii. Doctoral. Tzu-ching Tai (2006-2010)  Randy Rumpf (2008- 2012)  Karen Koner (2009- 2012)  Maggie Corfield-Adams (2011- Present), Chair  4. Service a. Professional. i. Offices and committee memberships held in professional organizations. MENC: The National Association for Music Education Music Teacher Education Special  Research Interest Group (2008-2009). ASTA: Member of the Maryland State Board. (2008-2009).  ii.Reviewing activities for agencies. Proposal Reviewer, American Education Research Association Annual In-Service Conference, San  Diego, CA (2009). Proposal Reviewer, American Education Research Association Annual In-Service Conference, San  Diego, CA (2010). Proposal Reviewer, American Education Research Association Annual In-Service Conference, San  Diego, CA (2011). iii.Other unpaid services to local, state, and federal agencies. Presenter, Baltimore County Public Schools Music In-service, Owings Mills, MD; August 2008.  Presider, MMEA Annual In-service Conference; Baltimore County, MD; October, 2008.  iv.Paid consultancies. Adjudicator, Fairfax County Public Schools, Arlington, VA; March 2012.  Adjudicator, Baltimore County Public Schools, Baltimore MD; March 2011.  Adjudicator, Fairfax County Public Schools, Arlington, VA; March 2010.  Conductor, Baltimore All-County High School Orchestra, Baltimore, MD; November 2009.  Conductor, District 12 High School Orchestra, Arlington, VA; February 2009.  Carter vita (p. 6) Adjudicator, Fairfax County Public Schools, Reston, VA; March 2009.  Adjudicator, All State Maryland Assessments, Bel Air, MD; March 2008.  Adjudicator, Fairfax County Public Schools District 11 Orchestra, Burke, VA; March 2008.  Clinician, Lake Braddock High School Orchestra, Springfield, VA; January 2009.  Clinician, South Lakes High School, Reston VA; September 2008.  Clinician, Centennial High School, Howard County, MD; March 2009.  Memberships vii.  American String Teachers Association  AERA The American Educational Research Association, Division G: Social Context of Education. SIGs: Critical Examination of Race, Ethnicity, Class & Gender in Education; Music Education; Qualitative Research  National Association for Music Education b. Campus. i. Departmental. Undergraduate Committee, School of Music, 2008-present.  Library Committee, School of Music, 2008- present.  Choral Music Education Search Committee, School of Music, 2009-2010.  Choral Music Education Search Committee, School of Music, 2010-2011.  Faculty Advisor for Student Music Educations National Conference, School of Music, 2009-  present. ii. University  Task Force on educating graduate students in Responsible Conduct of Research and Scholarly Ethics across disciplines iii. Special administrative assignments. Summer Youth Music Camp. Orchestra director of a day camp for middle school band, orchestra  and vocal musicians in 2003. Carter vita (p. 7) Carter vita (p. 8)