Ad 812 Notice of Special Election Nov 5 2013Page: NabesNE_9,Pub. date:Thursday,October3Last user:cci Edition:1stSectionzone:DadeNELastchangeat:18:52:26September30 MIAMI HERALD | NE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2013|17NE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 5, 2013 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Election has been called by the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, pursuant to City Resolutions 2013-28287, 2013-28296, 2013-28297, 2013-28299, 2013-28302 and 2013-28303, adopted on July 19, 2013, to be held in the City of Miami Beach, from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. on T uesday, November 5, 2013, at which time there shall be submitted to the duly registered and qualifi ed voters of the City of Miami Beach the following questions:QUESTION 1:Prohibition of Discrimination by City of Miami Beach in Employment Practices and Benefi ts Offered Shall paragraph A(17) of the Miami Beach City Charter Citizens’ Bill of Rights be created banning discrimination in employment practices and benefi ts offered by the City of Miami Beach based upon an employee or applicant’s race, color, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, marital status, familial statu s, or age?YES 300 NO 301 QUESTION 2:Improvement of Public Educational Facilities Available to Miami Beach Citizenry Shall paragraph A(19) of the Miami Beach City Charter Citizens’ Bill of Rights be created to set forth therein the City of Miam i Beach’s policy to cooperate with the Miami-Dade County Public Schools, and with other appropriate governmental agencies, which will strive to improve the quality and quantity of public educational facilities available to the citizenry of the City of Miami Beach, Florida?YES 302 NO 303 QUESTION 3:City Assistance to Condominium and Co-op Owners Shall paragraph A(20) of the Miami Beach City Charter Citizens’ Bill of Rights be created to acknowledge the purpose and duties of the City’s administration as assisting condominium and co-op owners to navigate through the City’s permitting process; facilitate resolution of other condominium-related issues with other outside agencies; and act a s a liaison between condominium or co-op owners, management fi rms and the City?YES 304 NO 305 QUESTION 4:Citywide Referendum Required to Repeal or Reduce Protections in City Code Chapter 62 (“Human Relations”)Shall Section 1.07 of the Miami Beach Charter be created to require a majority vote in a Citywide election to repeal, diminish, or otherwise negatively impact a right or duty established in City Code Chapter 62 (“Human Relations”) that inures to the benefi t of a member of the classifi cation categories of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, marital sta tus, familial status, and age as defi ned in City Code Section 62-31?YES 306 NO 307 QUESTION 5:Amending Charter Section 1.03(b) Re: Voter Approval of Certain City-Owned Property Shall Charter Section 1.03(b) requiring majority voter approval before City’s sale, lease exceeding ten years, exchange or conv eyance of Convention Center Parking Lots be changed to:• Require 60% voter approval instead; and • Include “Convention Center Campus” (all City-owned property within Civic and Convention Center District except Convention Cente r and Carl Fisher Clubhouse) within category of City-owned properties subject to 60% voter approval requirement?YES 308 NO 309 QUESTION 6:Advisory, Non-binding Straw Ballot Question – Medicinal Marijuana Resolution Should the City Commission adopt a resolution urging the Federal Government and the Florida Legislature to decriminalize and au thorize the medicinal use of marijuana?YES 310 NO 311 All qualifi ed electors of the City of Miami Beach may vote YES or NO on these proposals.The appropriate and proper Miami-Dade County election offi cials shall conduct said Special Election hereby called, with acceptance of the certifi cation of the results of said Special Election to be performed by the City Commission. The offi cial returns for each precinct shall be furnished to the City Clerk of the City of Miami Beach as soon as the ballots from all precincts have been tabulated.The voting precincts in the City for said Special Election shall be as established by the proper and appropriate Miami-Dade Cou nty Elections Offi cials. On Election Day, electors shall vote at the polling places and the voting precincts in which the offi cial registration books show that the said electors reside. All questions concerning polling places and voting precincts shoul d be directed to Miami-Dade County Elections Department, 2700 NW 87 Avenue, Doral, Florida 33172; Telephone: 305.499.VOTE (8683) or 305.499.8480 TYY.Registration of persons desiring to vote in the Special Election shall be in accordance with the general law of the State of Fl orida governing voter registration. Qualifi ed persons may obtain registration forms to vote at the Offi ce of the City Clerk, City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, First Floor, Miami Beach, Florida, 33139, during normal busines s hours, and at such other voter registration centers and during such times as may be provided by the Supervisor of Elections of Miami-Dade County. Each person desiring to become a registered voter shall be res ponsible for properly fi lling out the registration form and returning it to the Miami-Dade County Elections Department. The voter registration deadline for the November 5, 2013 Special Election is the close of business on Monday, October 7, 2013 . All questions concerning voter registration should be directed to the Miami-Dade County Elections Department, 2700 NW 87 Avenue, Doral, Florida 33172; Telephone: 305.499.VOTE (8683) or 305.499.8480 TYY.Absentee voters participating in said Special Election shall be entitled to cast their ballots in accordance with the provision s of the Laws of the State of Florida with respect to absentee voting.The Special Election will be conducted in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Florida Statutes and the Charter and Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida. Copies of Resolutions 2013-28287, 2013-28296, 2013-28297, 2013-28299, 2013-28302 and 2013-28303, are available at the City Clerk’s Offi ce and online at http://web.miamibeachfl .gov/cityclerk/elections/scroll.aspx?id=64033 Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk City of Miami Beach, Florida Ad 812