Ad 852 Notice of City Commission Meeting November 25, 2013 at 11:00 a.m. O€ r a W X E.z. E _ C 1 o - ovl�lAM I B EAC t i .- M N 1EETING CCOMICE Y:NOOT _ NOTICE IS HEREBY given fh'at the Crty_Commissron.of the Crty of Mramr Beachi-Florida;will hold a City"Commission Meeting :on Monday;=November 25,:2013;=at 11:00 aA.,-An_the Commission Chambers;_Tliird '.Floor,.City Hall,:` =1700'Coriver}tion.Center rive Miami Beach,-Florida,'for the purpose=of`accepting.the certification`of"the results of-the. ember 19,201.3 Run-Off.Election All;view-:officers shall be declared elected subsequent to:carvass of final Run"Off Election returns New officers.shall be mstalledarid shall enter upon the:discharge of their duties: _ The City Commission may discuss,and act on other City business at this<meeting ` _ - - INTERESTED-PARTIES'are in�iited"to appearat this meetirig, orbe represented;by an agent,or to express their views - in wri ting addressed=to.the Cit'�r Commission;-c/o the City Clerk_r 1700 Convention Center Drivel st Moor, City Hall,_ Miami. each, Florida 33139 Inquiries.should fie directed_,to the C_lerk's Office-at 3.05 673.741.1.This meeting may. - 'be continued,and-undersucfi;crrcumstarices,additional=legarnotice will not=be provided. _ Rafael E.Granado,Esq.., _ - City of;Miami:Beach City Clerk !Pursuant to:,Section 286 0105, Fla -Stat;the City hereby_advises the public that if a_person decides to appeal-any. ;i 'decision made by the City Cornmission.with respect to any matter con§idered=at its_meeting&-its hearing,such person 'i - a must ensure that a.verbattm:record of the proceedings is-made,which record-includes the-testimony an. evidenee upon whicfi:.tlie appeaf_is to be based hk notice does not=constitute consentbytl a City for the introduction o'r.:admrssion'of 'i otherwise inadmrss�ble orirrelevant-evidence,rior-does It au bonze challenges or appealsnot otherwise allowed by law., To request this`material in accessible format; sign:language interpreters,_;informatron on .access:-for °persons: with. disabilities and/or any accommodati& to'review ariy'document or:particrpate_in any- ty=sponsored proceeding,please contact us_five days in.advance at 305.673.741.1`(voice)or TTY users m__ay also call the Florida Relay_Service at 711. .:, 'Ad:652 - r M Z ' M i O N[. e- w M W A k M h- A IVII B (,tt i ri Z } Q N 2 Oi