Notice of Land Use Board Vacancy - DRB 14HE I THURSDAY,�-NOVEMBERA 2013 NE M NOTICE OF LAND-USE BOARD-VACANCY . -DESIGN:REVIEW-BOARD The City of Miami Beach is currently seeking applications'.to fill a vacancy in the Desigh Review_ Board.The Design Review Board-is 'Composed of seven members.The current vacancy isfor-the following category:One archifect registered in the State of Florida.or a_member of the faculty of.a school of architecture, urban planning or urban design.in the state,with-practical or academic.expertise in the field of design, planning, historic p'reserv'ation ae the history of architecture;or a professional-practicing in fields of architectural-design.or urban planning,. The Design Review Board has the following powers-and duties: 1)To'promote excellence in urban design.2)To review all application_s-requiring,aesign-.re-view approval for all-properties not located within a designated historic district or not designated-as:a.historic siteJdr works of art in Art in.Public Places.Program,-the _ Design Review Board shall serve as advisor to the City-Commission,.and may impose binding criteria, as -provided in Chapter 82 article VII,Art in Public Places, Division 4, Procedures.:_3)To prepare and recommend adoption of_des-igh plans pertaining to - neighborhood studies.4)To.'hear and decide appeals of the Planning Director.when deciding:rnatters-pursuant.to section 118-260. ' The Design Review Board is a quasi-judicial board;whose members are appointed with,_the-concurrence of at least four members of the City Commission.The members_of-the Design Review Board are subject to all<applicablef State;,County and City ethics laws,as. well as-Section.2-21 through 2-27 and Sections 1._18-71 through 118-77 of the Miami Beach-City'Code-., Interested persons:with-applicable backgrounds-may submit their.;"application: resume, photograph and professional licenses) . at_http://secure:miamibeachfl.qov/bcapp/bacupi�ad.a�x-'or.in person at the Office of the City Clerk,1700 Convention Center Drive,. Miami Beach,FL 331391- - All Board or"Committee members serve without compensation.All Board or:Committee members receiv =an•annual parking decal. Rafael"E.Granado,City.Clerk City of:Miartii.Beach - - - -