Ad 26NE I SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17,2013 NE .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................:................................................................................................................................................................................................:......................................................................................................................... CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY OF M PLANNING BOARD NOTICE OF AMEND] NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC' LAND USE MA! PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Miami Beach Planning Board will.hold a meeting on CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Tuesday,December 17,2013 starting at 12:00 p.m.,in the City Commission Chambers,Third Floor _ AND ZONING of City Hall,located at 1700 Convention Center Drive,Miami Beach,Florida.During this meeting,the Planning Board will hold discussions and public hearings,not necessarily in the same order as listed below: NOTICE TC Discussion 1. Site Planning and Operational Issues PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN t hold a meeting on TUESDAY, Decen Previously continued Items Commission Chambers, Third Floor, t 1. File No.18981100 West Avenue-Mondrian Hotel.The applicant,1100 West Properties,LLC, Miami Beach, Florida. During this m is requesting approval for a modification to a Conditional Use Permit pursuant to Chapter 118, following public.hearings: Article IV of the Miami Beach City Code,in order to modify certain conditions. New Applications File No.2147.4000 Alton Road,Talmt 1. File No. 2146. 1220 S. Biscayne Point - Boat Dock. The applicant, William Pizzorni, is applicant, the City of Miami Beach, is requesting a Conditional Use Permit pursuant to Article III Section 66,and Article IV Section 142, Land Use Map of the Comprehensive of the Miami Beach City Code,to construct a new L-shaped dock,14 wood dock piles,a boat to Section 118-166 of the Code of tl' lift with 2 wood support piles,and 3 additional mooring piles for a total projection of 65'6"fro_m the seawall. 163.3181, Fla. Stat., and Section 163 Land Use Designation for parcels of 2. File No. 2100. 112 MacArthur Causeway (formerly part.of 120 MacArthur Causeway).' known as the Talmudic University, at The applicant, Fisher Island Community Association, Inc., is requesting a Modification to a Conditional Use Permit pursuant to Article IV Section'!18 of the Miami Beach City Code to acres,from the current ROS, "Recreat introduce approximately 15,458 square feet of office space on the north end of the fourth floor of Use Category of RM-2, "Residential, h the parking garage. 3. File No.2147.4000 Alton Road,Talmudic University FLUM Amendment.The applicant, File No.2148.4000 Alton Road,Thin the City of Miami Beach, is requesting an amendment to the Future Land Use Map of the The applicant, the City of Miami Be, Comprehensive Plan of the City of Miami Beach pursuant to Section 118-166 of the Code of Official Zoning District Map,references the City Of Miami Beach,Florida,Section 163.3181,Fla.Stat.,and Section'163.3187,Fla,Stat., by changing the Future Land Use Designation for parcels of land adjacent to what is more Of Miami Beach, Florida, pursuant to commonly known as the Talmudic University,and which are comprised of less than 10 acres, and Amendments, by Changing the 2 from the current ROS,"Recreation and Open Space,"to the Future Land Use Category of RM-2, land adjacent to what is more commo "Residential,Multifamily Medium Intensity-" which are comprised of less than 10 4. File No.2148.4000 Alton Road,Talmudic University-Zoning Map Change.The applicant,the Use" District,to RM-2, "Residential, N City of Miami Beach,is requesting an amendment to the Official Zoning District Map,referenced in Section 142-72 of the Code of the City Of Miami Beach,Florida,pursuant to Section 118-162, , �,�,�,� M . "Petitions for Changes and Amendments," by changing the Zoning District Classification for °"x ` #; parcels of land adjacent to what isr more commonly known as the Talmudic University,and which ` are comprised of less than 10 acres,from the current GU,"Government Use"District,to RM-2,. " "Residential,Multifamily Medium Intensity"District. 5. File No. 2149. Talmudic University - RM-2 Height Ordinance. AN ORDINANCE OF THE - MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, i,k BY AMENDING CHAPTER 142., "ZONING DISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS," ARTICLE 11, k .. "DISTRICT REGULATIONS,"SUBDIVISION JV,"RM-2-RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILY, MEDIUM INTENSITY,"SECTION 142-217,"AREA REQUIREMENTS,"TO MODIFY THE REQUIREMENTS " FOR MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT AND MAXIMUM,NUMBER OF STORIES WITHIN THE RM-2 DISTRICT ALONG ALTON ROAD BETWEEN ARTHUR GODFREY ROAD AND WEST 34TH STREET, PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; REPEALER; SEVERABILITY; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NEXT MEETING DATE REMINDER: BISCAYNE ehr t�wa r fr ao��a 1a iyraefae� Tuesday,January 28,2014 @ 12:00 p.m. All interested parties are invited to appear at this m All persons are invited to appear at this meeting or be represented by an agent,or to express their views in writing addressed views in writing addressed to the Planning Board to the Planning Board c/o the Planning Department("Department"),1700 Convention Center Drive,2nd Floor,City Hall,Miami Drive; City Hall, Miami Beach,Florida 33139.Co Beach,Florida 33139.The applications,ordinances,and all documents related thereto are available for public inspection during planning Department.Pursuant to Section 286.01 normal business hours in the office of the Department.Inquiries may be directed to the Department at(305)673-7550.Any of the above items may be continued to another meeting date and,under such circumstances,further advertised legal notice may not be person decides to appeal any decision made by tf provided.Items continued from previous meetings are listed above for informational purposes. at its meeting or its hearing,such person must en Pursuant to Section 286.0105,Fla.Stat.,the City hereby advise sthe public that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by which record must include the testimony and evid City this Board with respect to any matter considered at its meeting or its hearing,such person must does not constitute consent b insure that a verbatim record of the Y the for the proceedings is made,which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.This notice does not irrelevant evidence,nor does it authorize challenge constitute consent by the City for the introduction or admission of otherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence,nor does it authorize challenges or appeals not otherwise allowed by law. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilitie; In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990,persons needing special accommodation to participate in this to participate in this proceeding should contact tt proceeding should contact the board's administrator no later than four days prior to the proceeding.Telephone(305)673-7550 the proceeding.Telephone(305)673-7550 for ass for assistance;if hearing-impaired,telephone the Florida Relay Service numbers,(800)955-8771(TDD)or(800)955-8770(Voice), Service numbers,(305)673-7218 or 711,for asses for assistance. •aouels!sse aoi'L LL 10 8 LZL-EL9(50£)`saagwnu aovues (aoioN OLLB-996(008)Jo(aaJ)11-1-8-556(008)'sjagwnu aoimag/Celaa epuo Aelab ep!aol_j ayl euoydolel`paaledw!6ulaeay 1!:aoueis!sse aoi 0951--£L9 X90£)euoydelel•6u!peeooad ayi 099L-SL9(508)auoydelal•6wpaeowd ay;o;joud s�(ep mo}uey;aalel ou ao of aoud sAep anol ueyi aaiel ou aoieaislulwpV s,paeo8 ayi ioeluoo pinoys 6u!peeooid slyl w aledlo!laed of sly;ui a;ediotjAd o;uoilepoww000e lepads Buipeau suosaad'0661-}o;oy uo!lepoww000e le!oeds 6ulpaeu suosaad`0661 jo iob sa!;!l!ges!Q yl!nn sueolaewV eyl yl!nn aouepi000e ul azu.14 4 saop aou'aouap!Aa;UenaIOM ao apssiwpeui asinuaylo}o uoissiwpu noel Aq paM011e as!nnaayio iou sleadde ao sa6uapeyo azuoyine j!saop aou`aOUaPIAa 1Uen91aJal ;ou saop aoilou siyl paseq aq o;si leadde ayl yoit4m uodn eouapna pue Auow ao alq!sslwpeu!esimieglo;o uo!sslwpe ao uollonpoa4ui eqj aol A4!0 ay;�(q iuesuoo ejn4gsuoo.iou saop aLll}o pJoow wileq,aAe;eyl ajnsui.;snw uosied yons'6uueay sli jo 6wleew sl aoliou sl41•peseq eq of si leadde eyl yo!yM uodn aouap!na pue Auowilsel ayi apnloui isnw paooea yolynn Aq apew uoisloap Cue leedde of sappep uosiad a}i leyl o!Ignd ayl`sasinpe Aqa. `apew sl s6u!p0000ad eqj jo paooaa w!legaeA a ieyl aansue isnw uosiod yons`6uueay sl!ao 6ulleew sl!ie •sesod,md leuoi;ewo}ui lo}anoge pelsg as paaap!suoo aaiiew Aue of ioadsaa yi!nn paeo8 6u!uue1 d ay}Aq apew uolsloep Aue leedde of sep!oop uosaad aq lou Aew eoi;ou 18691 pasijaanpe aaylan}'seouelswnub yons japun'pue a;el e 1!1eyl oilgnd eyi sgslnpe�(geaay/(i!O eqj`•ieiS`el j`50 L0'98Z uoijoeS of iuensand quewiaede(]6uluueld ay;}o�(u�'055L-8L9(SOE)le peps edaa ay;o;paloaa�p aq�(ew said e p u'I 6u��np uoiloadsui oi�gnd ao;a�ge�iene aae o;a�ay;palelaj s;uawnoop 1 pue aqi ui algeliene aae siuewpuauae pesodoad ayl jo sa!do0'6£LEE UP!ao13'yoea8 !we!W `IIeH/(i!0 `•9AUa iwei{n�'ii'H ��`aooi�puZ'aniap aalua�uoi;uanuoD OOLL'(„luawlaedaQ,J;i aaiu93 uollu9nu00 f00Ll`luempedad 6u!uueld 941 0/0 PJe08 6u!uueld ay}of passaappe 6ull!ann Ul snnaln passaappe 6wlunn Ui SM91A.nayl ssejdxe olio`lue6e ue Aq palueseidej eq a alayi sseadxe of ao`lu96e ue Aq peluesaidaa aq ao 6u!leew s!yl ie aeadde of pei!nu!aae seiped Polseaelu!IIV - >� ., / NV CI 'Allll8HS:13n3S a3�b�3d3a NOIld0131400 >: ey lS3M aNH aVOa A3b3OOJ af1HJ HV N33M138 ad0H 31-11 NIHlIM S31HOIS 30 838Wf1N Wnviix vq aNV 1H -� . �- �,��, �� •� _.,.---`"�V S1N3W3a1f103a 3H1 Jl31aOW Ol«$1N3W3aInO3li V38N Wf11a3W`xiiiN`d3111f iN IVIlN3aIS38-Z-WIj„IN NOISIAI( r II 31011MV ,'SNoiivinE)3a aNV S10I»1SIO ONINOZ„ `H0d38 IMM 30 A110 3H130 3000 31-11 JO SNOIl`dlI M JNIaN3Wb� ``dala0-l3 `H0`d38 IWVIW -40 AM 3H1 30 I C,r 'aoueul PL.. . 3H1 30 30NVNIGHO NH O 44 610 Z-Wa 4' rN _ X - f f r Dg`, lolalslQ„�lISU911 `Z-Wa.oi`iouls!Q„asn iU9uauaano0„`M}uaaano gyi wail's yo!ynn pue`i(1!saan!Un olpnwlel 9yl se unnou�{�(luowwoo eaou .,3 XV$ aol uolleolpssel0 loials!q 6uluoZ eqj 6u!6ueyo Aq ,Isluewp ,. `Z9L-8{L uo!ioaS of luensand=epuo13'yoea8 iwe!W iO�l!0 a " _ m 'jOIJjSIQ u(j!sua}ul wn!paw (lwepllRl/ `eluapsaa„ `Z- H Oi`iOI,iSQ «aSn paouaaajaa'deyV lo!ais!Q BuluoZ 1810!40 ayi of luawpuawe uE 9yl`lueoildde eyl•96ue40 deW BuluoZ-f4!sa9nlun 0lpnwl uawuaano!D„ `n0 jual.ino eqj woal`sere 0L ue41 ssal jo pes!adwoo aae go!yM PUB `fi4iS.lanlun olpnwlel ay}se uMouN Aluoulwoo aaow Si je4M of}ueoefpe puel „•f1!suel `Z-Wa Jo Ajo6ele0 asn pue-1 eanin3 eqj of„'eoedS ued0 puE 10 slaoled aol uo!leollpsel0 Lo!als!Q BuluoZ agj bulbue4o Aq ,,`sjuewpuawV pue 'saaoe 0L ueyi ssel 10 pes!adwoo aae yo!ynn pue'fi1!saan!un sa6Ue40.lo}suo pe puel jo slowed aoi uo!ieu6saQ . l ,, w u APO 914110�O a O 2 4l 10 ZL-Z�t UOI�oaS u!paouaaa�aa d ��o!a�s! 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