Aantonio Hernandez, Jr - Concluded letter Cit�r of Miami Beathi 1 700 Convewiion Center Drive,,'wiiiiaroi.Beach, Florida
.OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Rafa6I Gr:ancdo,City Cle k
Tel: (3(05)673.74 1-l., Fax:.(305)67.1-7254
September 18, 2013
Antonio Hernandez Jr.
8230 Hawthorne Ave.
.Miami Beach, FL 33141
Subject: Debarment Committee
Dear Mr. Hernandez Jr.,:.
We have been'notified by the Office of Commissioner G6ngora that your membership
on the above Board is now concluded.
The City Commission has requested that.l convey to you its appreciation for your
contributions of time and effort, resulting in the successful functioning of this
Committee, and for the interest shown by you throughout your service on it.
Please note that regrettably, the parking decal will no longer be honored since your
term of membership on the committee has ended.
9afael E. Granado
City Clerk
cc: City Liaison: Alex Denis
City Commissioner: Michael G6ngora
Parking Department Director: Saul Frances
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