I. Ivette Borrello Resume I. IVETTE. BORRELLO 2045 North Bay Road Miami Beach, FL 33140 Telephone(305)5346767 Fax: (305) 5316972 Cell: (305) 5621675 Email: ivetteborrelIo@belIsouth.net bellsouth.net -VOLUNTEER: Committee for Quality Education Board Member EXPERIENCE August 2009 to the present Miami Beach. FL The Committee for Quality Education was established in 1999 to guide the City's efforts toward providing the best education possible in Miami Beach public schools. During my participation, the City of.Miami Beach in partnership with the Miami Dade County Public Schools implemented the International Baccalaureate program to all citywide schools. and we worked to alleviate traffic and safety issues and add a nurse for first response services to our schools that have only part time or no service at all. North Beach Elementary PTA(Treasurer and President) August 2006 to June 2009 Miami Beach.FL We implemented an after school enrichment program that has become highly successful and has been a great source of revenue to the school. We improved the school's technology infrastructure by bringing Smart Boards to every classroom, updating the audio system for the auditorium and supporting the music, arts and physical education classes with new instruments, arts supplies and sports articles. EDUCATION: UNIVERSITY OF LIMA SCHOOL OF LAW March 1985 to December 1991 'Lima Peru Studied undergraduate and graduate at the School of Law and Political Science. Activities: Articles&Comments Editor, UL Magazine Honors: Member of the International Association of Students in Economic Studies (EISEC) Specialized in Economic Law. (1989 to 1991) WORK EXPERIENCE: REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT February 1993 to Present Miami Beach,FL 20 years of experience dealing with all aspects of renovating and managing properties. Currently owner and manager of two multi-family buildings on Miami Beach. LAW OFFICES OF ERIC STUPEL 1995 to 1998 Miami Beach.FL Legal Assistant of main partner dealing with and managing all aspects of the office.Civil and Criminal Litigation. PERSONAL: Married to Robert J. Borrello(attorney)and mother of two children(14 and 11 years old). 13