Susan Schermer photo resume
Susan Schermer
4530 N. Michigan Ave.
Miami Beach, FL
305 538-1772
Age: 75
Current employment: Retired
Education: Miami Beach High School Class of 56
Bachelor of Education from U of Miami, 1960
Masters Degree in Education from U of Miami 1974
Owner: Living Things at 456-41 Street 1974
Retired 2009
Own home, married, children grown, one grandchild
Own car, excellent driving record
Job History: After graduating college I opened my own flower shop on Miami
Beach, Living Things, 456-41 Street. I retired after 35 years in business. In that
position I was designer, buyer, computer operator, sales-person, event-
coordinator, filing clerk and chief cook and bottle-washer. I did everything except
the financials which were handled by my husband. Eventually we ran the shop
with 4 employees. It is now being operated by my husband. After so many years
I needed to move on.
Special skills:
Computer savvy. I can navigate the internet, use Microsoft Word, Outlook, and
Quickbooks. I have skills in Photoshop and can do some graphic design.
My hobby for 35 years has been photography and my work can be seen at
I can set up travel itineraries, organize events, shop finding the best deals, and
am especially skilled at visual design.
In the 1980’s I organized and developed along with the 41 Street Merchant’s
Association, “Art in the Heart of Miami Beach” which closed off Arthur Godfrey
Road for 3 years running. After that I was instrumental in creating “Trick or Treat
Street” for family fun on Halloween, which has since morphed into Lincoln Road’s
Currently I live at 4530 N Michigan Avenue with my husband, Mickey Schermer.
We are both in excellent health and totally committed to the city we intend to
spend the rest of our life in.