Historical Resolutions RE: Sister/Brother Cities .rur± ! - '- ipwwr�rw�Niii RESOLUTION NO. 13322 WHEREAS, it has been the policy of the United States k of America to establish and maintain a "People to People" Program, designed to foster and encourage warm understanding F and cordial friendship between the People of the United States of America and other Nations, through the medium of direct personal contact; and WHEREAS, it is the desire and intent of the City Council of the City of Miami Beach to implement said Program, by affiliating the City of Miami Beach and its People with j another City of another Nation, possessing inherently similar characteristics and interests, as a Sister City; and WHEREAS, the People of Ramat Gan, in the State of Israel, have built upon the hills and fruitful fields of their sturdy and courageous Nation a City built upon founda- tions of Liberty, Justice, and Righteousness, and encompassing therein wondrous achievements in Architecture, Parks, Gardens, Religious and Educational Edifices and Facilities ; and WHEREAS, the exalted spirit and exuberance of the People who dwell in the City of Ramat Gan serves as a precept for all; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, as follows : SECTION 1. That this City Council, on behalf of the City of Miami Beach, r'lorida, hereby extends an invitation to the Government and People of the City of Ramat Gan, Israel, to participate with the City of Miami Beach, as its Sister City, in the National "People to People" Program, for the purpose of creating between the Peoples of our two great Nations and Cities a most cordial and mutually beneficial relationship of harmony, understanding, good will and inspiration. SECTION 2 . That the Honorable Jay Dermer, Mayor o f the City of Miami Beach, Florida, is hereby appointed as the City' s representative and Chairman for said Program. SECTION 3. That a copy of this Resolution be transmitted to the Mayor, and other Government Officials of the City of Ramat Gan, Israel; to the United States Information Agency; and to the United States Department of State. The adoption of the above and foregoing Resolution was moved by the Honorable Jay Dermer. ' PASSED and ADOPTED this 21st day of July, 1971. yor Attest : Z21 City Clerk - Finance Director I OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY-1130 WASHINGTON AVENUE-MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 x; RESOLUTION NO. 10029 WHEREAS President Eisenhower in 1956 inaugurated the "People-to-People" Program to establish greater friendship and understanding between the peoples of the United States and other nations through the medium of direct personal contact; and, WHEREAS, to implement- this- program the City of Miami Beach and other- cities in the United States have been requested by the American Municipal Association to affiliate" with a foreign city of, similar characteristics and mutual interests; and WHEREAS the City Council of the City of Miami Beach has selected the .City of Fuj isawa, Japan, as the (sister city of the City of Miami Beach for participation in said program in -the hope that it will lead to a lasting friendship between the peoples of the City of Miami Beach and Fujisawa, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, as follows: Section 1: That this City Council, on behalf of the people of the City of Miami Beach, hereby extends an invitation to the government and people of the City of. Fujisawa, Japan, to participate with the City of Miami Beach as its sister-city in President Eisenhower's "People-to-People" program for the purpose of creating good will and understanding between the peoples of our two great nations. Section 2: That the Honorable Kenneth Oka, Mayor of the City of Miami Beach, is appointed as the City's representative and Chairman of said program. Section 3: That a copy of this Resolution be sent to the Mayor of the City of Fujisawa, to the United States Information Agency, the United States Department of State, and to the American Municipal Association. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of Ma.reh,A.D. 1959. Mayor Attest: City C erk OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA - �'� ,}.. ,. x• rte RESOLUTION NO. 92-20526 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, EXTENDING AN INVITATION TO THE CITY OF COZUMEL, MEXICO, TO BECOME A SISTER CITY AND INVITING THE PEOPLE OF COZUMEL, MEXICO TO PARTICIPATE IN SAID PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the Sister City concept was inaugurated by the President of the United States in 1956 to establish greater friendship and understanding between the peoples of the United States and other nations through the medium of direct personal contact; and WHEREAS, all succeeding U.S. Presidents have endorsed said program, to be conducted for the broad purposes of the exchange of ideas and people between the citizens of the United States of America and the peoples of other nations; and WHEREAS, to implement this program Miami Beach and other communities in the United States have been requested by Sister Cities International to affiliate with cities in other nations of similar characteristics and mutual interest; and WHEREAS, the City of Cozumel, Mexico has formally requested participation in the Miami Beach Sister Cities Program; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach Sister Cities As Hoc Committee has recommended to the City Commission that the City of Cozumel, Mexico be invited to participate with the City of Miami Beach as its Sister City in the Sister Cities International Program; and F • WHEREAS, the City of Miami. Beach, through its City Commission, does recognize and endorse this program with the hope that it will lead to a lasting friendship between the people of Miami Beach and Cozumel, Mexico: NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the City Commission on behalf of the people of Miami Beach does hereby extend an invitation to the government and the people of the City of Cozumel, Mexico to participate with Miami Beach as its Sister City for the purpose of creating greater mutual understanding between the peoples of our two great cities and nations. SECTION 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to act as official representative of the City of Miami Beach to carry out this program. SECTION 3. That copies of this Resolution are to be sent to the Mayor and Commission of the City of Cozumel, Mexico, Sister Cities International in Washington, D.C. , the Embassy of Mexico in Washington D.C. , and the U.S. Embassy in Mexico. PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 17th ay of June , 1992 ATTEST: MAYOR CITY CLERK U FORM APPROVED LEGAL DEPT. q RESOLUTION NO. 84-17753 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ACCEPTING THE OFFER OF SECRETARY OF STATE GEORGE FIRESTONE TO ASSIST THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH IN IMPLEMENTING A SISTER-CITY RELATIONSHIP WITH A CITY ALONG THE FRENCH RIVIERA AND APPOINTING A REPRESENTATIVE TO TRAVEL TO FRANCE TO IMPLEMENT THIS PROJECT. WHEREAS, the Honorable George Firestone, Secretary of State of the State of Florida, has expressed his views as to the E great similarity between the geographical, climatal and economic Y characteristics of the City of Miami Beach and those of the area surrounding the French Riviera; and WHEREAS, the Secretary of State has suggested the I creation of a sister-city relationship with a city along the French Riviera which would lead to an exchange of information as to economic development and environmental protection projects that have been implemented in France; and WHEREAS, the Secretary of State has offered to assist the City of Miami. Beach in selecting an appropriate city for such • relationship and has extended an invitation for the City to send • representative to Marseille, France with him between June 29, 1984 and July 1, 1984, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, as follows: 1. That the offer extended by Secretary of State George Firestone to assist the City of Miami Beach in selecting an j appropriate city on the French Riviera for a sister-city relationship is hereby gratefully accepted. 2. That William E. Shockgtt is hereby selected by the City Commission to travel to the French Riviera with Secretary of State George Firestone between June 29, 1984 and July 1, 1984 for the purpose of selecting a sister city. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of June, 1984. Ma or Attest: RMI APPROVED LEGAL DEPT. B City Clerk f / (-Z -:; RESOLUTION NO. 74-14393 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, PROPOSING TO THE CITY OF TAIPEI , THE CAPITAL CITY OF TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA, THE ESTABLISHMENT BETWEEN THEM OF A SISTER-CITY AFFILIATION. WHEREAS, THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ENDORSES AND ENCOURAGES THE DEVELOPMENT OF SISTER-CITY AFFILIATIONS AS A DYNAMIC INSTRUMENTALITY FOR THE PROPAGATION AND AUGMENTATION OF INTER- NATIONAL FRIENDSHIP, HARMONY, PEACE, GOODWILL, AND MUTUAL WELL-BEING, and WHEREAS, THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AND ITS CITIZENS AND RESIDENTS HAVE LONG EXPERIENCED THE WARMEST ADMIRATION AND THE STRONGEST AFFINITY FOR THE INDUSTRY, COURAGE, PATRIOTISM AND ADHERENCE TO DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES OF THE PEOPLE OF THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA AS PARTICULARLY EXEM- PLIFIED BY THE CITIZENS AND RESIDENTS OF THEIR CAPITAL CITY OF TAIPEI , WHO HAVE CREATED AND MAINTAIN A PROUD BASTION OF FREEDOM AND LIBERTY IN THEIR LAND, AND WHICH SERVES. AS AN IMMORTAL AND SHINING INSPIRATION TO ALL FREE PEOPLES, and WHEREAS, THE MAYOR, THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, DESIRE TO CREATE AND TO CONTINUE IN PERPETUITY A SISTER-CITY RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE CITY OF TAIPEI AND THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, and WHEREAS, SUCH SISTER-CITY RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE CITY OF TAIPEI AND THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH WILL UNITE THEIR RESPECTIVE PEOPLES IN ENDURING AND INSPIRING BONDS OF AFFECTION, ESTEEM AND DEVOTION, AND THEREBY FACILITATE THE MUTUAL ATTAINMENT OF THEIR LEGITIMATE AND PROPER OBJECTIVES OF PEACE AND PROSPERITY I'N A WORLD ALL-ENCOMPASSED WITH THE IDEALS OF JUSTICE AND LIBERTY FOR ALL, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, BY AND THROUGH THE CITY COUNCIL, THAT THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH BE AND HE IS THEREBY AUTHORIZED, DIRECTED AND EMPOWERED TO EXTEND TO THE PEOPLE OF TAIPEI AND THEIR DULY-AUTHORIZED AND EMPOWERED CITY COUNCIL AND MAYOR, THIS OFFER AND PROPOSAL BY THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN ENDURING AND, PERPETUAL SISTER-CITY RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE CITY OF TAIPEI AND THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, ALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPROVED STANDARDS, GUIDELINES AND DIRECTIVES OF THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA WITH THE FERVENT HOPE AND DESIRE THAT THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF TAIPEI WILL ACCEPT AND EMBRACE THIS OFFER WITH LIKE AND IDENTICAL SENTIMENTS. i PASSED and ADOPTED this' 5th day of June , 1974. Mayor ATTEST: n City Clerk - --T --77-7 - T '.T_.?. ?�; � t - f ' ti. ; - G- • c'+ r _ � t.;::kT ., .ti l c .'� .�.,r.r, LS7Y ;. ,c C-�i,r nG.di'S,;�"''kg'wl.• i�' `.4- �-5 k:i, ';%�`"-' -k`-itn- �_' .:1 _ +.r i ,v g '1 > 'r,';.s-P.,�'�r - Y`':3 �yt,t'?t� ,. :,. t s.`z,. . , 'cJ• b r -w. rG,'-,t- in .'i 'so cr'4f..` k- _ ,( Y is + T ' �� ..� -al4" . a _-�.z #- i i.� „S Y i�: J f F „y,. r- i,:'{ '�-�F'f�-�".•�;b-'ei:, t `B :;`''f :'-^'. 'i i _ . •4 .- 5`' - .r -- t r:-,: •7'- F L Y. _� r:t y ,�- '� �y�����_ . _1 _ 'N. ' 7 - -T. _ .c' .'fs. 1. • _]�^ t ./ .J:.. Rr'r'""" :.; • x. -G.. � _ _ _ 4 `. ./ 1 Vii. !tq - .9 2 4 tI ON NO. 88-19254 1 RESOLUTION OLU T A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ESTABLISHING HERZLIA, ISRAEL AS OUR BROTHER CITY. WHEREAS, Herzlia is a coastal city in Israel; and f WHEREAS, Miami Beach and Herzlia have much in common in that they are on the ocean and have beautiful beaches; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Commission to form an alliance of Brotherhood between us. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that Herzlia, Israel be established as our Brother City. PASSED and ADOPTED this 18th day of May , 1988 . YOR Attest: p City Clerk y (r. ''l 1r .. . FORM APPROVED -° S LEGAL DEPARTMENT: \\ /M Date: .T MLB/rlw (REQUESTED BY MAYOR ALEX DAOUD AND COMMISSIONER ABE RESNICK) I ' --5 !: `�y. +y.'yGV .1 .\3'l;Lf%5,: •^;f• _ w;i•^�' .f.','::l,i{{• '-� v�..+f�J^F .1. H . k .�C4' �"' .•P. ...?vs;q °e,j rfJ.�.7},h-5.3.•a :Xr.ti-�.!a 'i r :;'l'r brt,- ,.75 .a.tf l L'• :vi. wCi ��- - a'-+'i'• Wa 4. aY cF.tip' •U',r_ _ ril•Yf:.vi:liY.. .'§'r'. "\ _ '{ < :✓� ti• 6-,. s{, "'r�'•;2' :. :-T'.. ::347r:-ti •� or v'.-� "S-r.5*, _•� "u'-ls- .-_ ._ - _ . L .fir' °•fr.. .f:'•,- .. :v",•-�-- :'F' -.�;�' .1k'S •x,' Pe�:+' 'r .-•. r,•c' i. ;'�a` rs-Y ?h:`.. �.*.�'. �v��..'q +3, ':�,= ;, .a:v •� � - n ."5++� •`Y<C•. ky'J.,t-. .-? »� ..ese�,. ''f F7t'^ d �yy.7e� :r 3 -�'4r+ '��"V } ,'�.�' n'- L' h�•1 �...�r y'iy}?'� -+ '-�.,-�'�'.-•�'�' rrA�; J • r t�`,: "G a, ; `.-;&`!Y -.rj'a y'sas'`,s rr�t3i, _• � -k"'`�•.Sr ysr.4.. .ice,,{p�' �ES*r' is!.'T "? �y,`�: .S'�t-, s.$'7 '`Fr} " •>' .ti,.•L°' �' +e.'�L,F• •�.7��ny-- ,r+r.;, �_ yS,`:�. _,' - �9�*�5 .'-r�QC. �,�,jc:�J,4���;�i••� _tr Y Y r�<� sx <E 'f' ,�'�, a9M-.-� •�4 _ -� �_• 3' •C �4'r�,y, lr_ •`YM"s` k'`�"ar1.�'"' -' -n%�.... '1`{(,�, 4,.�i. r3•_ i is x. _.4i ~ Ii'ti.- _{r,,. P'r3 � - _ r� •4`- -iZ�`� - si •-ii'• rSL .SC >., ..z ;w, %���y"���.7rc s- 7°—„�.rd'•r =#'., .-�!- s,� ,y-C.,�r'I.?y�` „'•^ .,�y,.3�"'$.�� .•aa- '•,-• � .�y.. 'e.'E ,,�.5 w'as. ,! a -t-S`. ����- `. .t3=�r�'r+v'•?'• ? -�"fr, ��a smn���'�:�!� f"'"v - �-".:.{.--rr L v �```���5 �' L`,'u" •.�.°'r"'•;f,'i-...':a° 1 ���`�'�.�'t','t ?�:� v.v. r.' RESOLUTION NO. 90-19983 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA INVITING THE GOVERNMENT AND PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF MANAGUA, NICARAGUA, TO PARTICIPATE WITH THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH AS ITS SISTER CITY IN THE NATIONAL "PEOPLE TO PEOPLE" PROGRAM. WHEREAS, it has been the policy of the United States of America to establish and maintain a "People to People" Program, designed to foster and encourage warm understanding and cordial friendship between the People of the United States of America and other Nations, through the medium of direct personal contact; and WHEREAS, it is th"ea desire and intent of the City of Miami Beach to implement said Program, by affiliating the City of Miami I- Beach and its People with another City of another Nation, possessing inherently similar characteristics and interests, as a Sister City; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Miami Beach has selected the City of Managua, Nicaragua, as a sister city of the City of Miami Beach for participation in said program in the hope. that it will lead to a lasting friendship between the peoples of t the City of Miami Beach and Managua. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, as follows: Section 1. That this City Commission, on behalf of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, hereby extends an invitation to the Government and People of the City of Managua, Nicaragua, to participate with the City of Miami Beach, as a Sister City, in the National "People to People" Program, for the purpose of creating between the Peoples of our two great Nations and Cities a most cordial and mutually beneficial relationship of harmony, ` ; understanding, good will and inspiration. Section 2 . That Miami Beach Commissioner Abe Resnick, is appointed as the City's representative and Chairman of said i program. Section 3 . That a copy of this Resolution be .sent to the Mayor of the City of Managua, to the United States Information Agency, the United States Department of State, and to the American Municipal Association. PASSED and ADOPTED this 9th day of May , 1990. f i V MA R ATTEST: FORM APPROVED LE av CITY CLERK JKO/rg a ----, � -� (Requested by Commissioner Abe Resnick) I I i RESOLUTION NO. 79- 15838 i A RESOLUTION APPROVING PARTICIPATION IN THE UNITED STATES "PEOPLE TO PEOPLE" PROGRAM AS A SISTER CITY TO SANTA MARTA, COLOMBIA. WHEREAS, it has been the policy of the United States of America to establish and maintain a "People to People" Program, designed to foster and encourage warm understanding and cordial friendship between the People of the United States of America and other nations, through the medium of direct personal contact; and %-X WHEREAS, it is the desire and intent of the City Commission of the City of Miami Beach to implement said Program, by affiliating the City of Miami Beach and its People with another City of another nation, possessing inherently similar characteristics and interests, as a Sister City; and WHEREAS, the People of the City of Santa Marta which was founded in 1529 - 450 years ago - and is the oldest existing city of the Western Hemisphere, have declared this desire to join with the City of Miami Beach in a mutual agreement of friendship and the exchange and promotion of the cultural, economic and social ties between each other; and WHEREAS, the lofty ideals and principles of Equality, Liberty, Justice and Righteousness are the basic tenets of our people and there exist further similarities amongst them; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, as follows: SECTION 1. That this City Commission, on behalf of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, hereby extends an invitation to the Government and people of the City of Santa Marta, Colombia, to participate with the City of Miami Beach, as its Sister City, in the National "People to People" Program, for the purpose of creating between the peoples of our two great Nations and Cities a most cordial and mutually beneficial relationship of harmony, understanding, good will and inspiration. SECTION 2. That the Honorable Dr. Leonard Haber, Mayor of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, is hereby appointed as the City's representative and Chairman for said program. SECTION 3. That a copy of this Resolution be transmitted to the Mayor, and other Government Officials of the City of Santa Marta, Colombia; and to the Sister Cities International Program headquarters in Washington, D. C. PASSED and ADOPTED this 21st day of February, 1979. �- Mayor Attest: City C erk �+ The adoption of the above and foregoing Resolution was moved by the Honorable Dr. Leonard Haber. A. A. `RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA INVITING THE GOVERNMENT AND PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF MANAGUA, NICARAGUA, TO PARTICIPATE WITH THE CITY OF IJIAMI BEACH AS ITS SISTER CITY IN THE NATIONAL "PEOPLE TO PEOPLE" PROGRAM. (REQUESTED BY COMMISSIONER ABE RESNICK) ACTION: Commissioner Resnick recounted his recent visit with its president Violeta Chamorro and the Mayor of Managua, and presented proposal. The City Manager advised that the Administration had been corresponding with the organization established by the Department of State, at Commissioner Resnick's request, to obtain data and requirements; that such a relationship entailed a greater commitment/responsibility than mere designation. The Commission endorsed the proposal in concept and authorized initiation of the designation process, with the report regarding current sister cities, the creation process, obligations under the Federal guidelines governing such relationships, etc. , to be submitted 5/23/90. Resolution No. 90-19983 adopted, extending the invitation and appointing Commissioner Resnick as the City's representative/program chairman. MAY — 9 1990 _- A. COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 276-90 STATUS REPORT ON CITY OF MIAMI BEACH SISTER CITIES PROGRAM. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION• IF IT IS THE CITY COMMISSION'S DESIRE TO ESTABLISH AN OFFICIAL, ACTIVE, RECIPROCAL, AND CONTINUING SISTER CITY PROGRAM, THEN THE ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDS THE FOLLOWING STEPS: 1) REINSTATE OUR SISTER CITIES INTERNATIONAL (SCI) MEMBERSHIP FOR THE SECOND YEAR 2) CITY COMMISSION APPOINT A COMMITTEE TO HELP REEVALUATE EXISTING AFFILIATIONS, AND FORMULATE FUTURE ACTIVITIES AND SUPPORT PROGRAMS 3) ADMINISTRATION TO FOLLOW-UP ACCORDING TO SCI PROCEDURES REGARDING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A NEW SISTER CITY RELATIONSHIP WITH MANAGUA, NICARAGUA (ECONOMIC & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT) ACTION: Item referred back to the Administration for review as to formation of a Host Committee (possibly with Commissioner Singer as Chairman or liaison and including community/corporate leaders) to establish guidelines, submit recommendations for Commission consideration, etc. , with a report/recommendation to be submitted 6/6/90. MAY 2 3 1990 B. COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 169-91 REPORT ON THE SISTER CITIES PROGRAM. 1. AD HOC SISTER CITIES COMMITTEE PROSPECTIVE MAKE-UP ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: IF IT IS THE CITY COMMISSION'S DESIRE TO CONTINUE THE OFFICIAL, ACTIVE, AND RECIPROCAL SISTER CITY PROGRAM, THAT IT AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO CREATE AND APPOINT MEMBERS TO AN AD HOC SISTER CITIES COMMITTEE, WITH THE ADVICE AND CONSENT OF THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COMMISSION. ACTION: Administration's recommendation approved; Committee to formulate initiatives and programs, develop support, identify funding sources, review/recommend prospective sister cities, etc. q Also see related item PA-lA. e r IVIAf SISTER CITIES - (SEE "PEOPLE TO PEOPLE"PROGRAM) /, Affiliation with Fujisawa, Japan,Book Page approved as part of "People to People" Program. 2-18-59 41 403 Res. ##10029 selecting City of Fujisawa, Japan, as sister city of Miami Beach, in connection with President Eisenhower's "People to People" Program 3-4-59 41 436 Fujisawa plaque presented to the City. 6-15-60 43 106 Mayor to negotiate with City of Santos, Brazil, with view of its becoming a sister city, and to leave as ac open nconnectiQn with neqoti tons i W.J.;:i, 'c", w�.th Nice, France. - 5-64 46 394 SISTER CITIES -2- Meeting date Ramat-Gan, Israel : RES. 13322 approving sister city, participatn. 7-21-71 Res. No. 74-14393-Proposing to City of 6/5/74 Taipei , Capitol of Republic of Taiwan, the establishment of a Sister-City affiliation. Requested by Mayor Hall . (Addendum) At request of Councimen Sahl/Meyerson,Council 6/19/74 agreed to permit change in vote at 6/5/74 meet- ing, when Res.74-14393 adopted estab. sister-city affil . with Taj, to reflect a unanimous vote. Mayor Haber welcomed and acknowledged the 2/15/78 presence of Mr. Rhoehi Makiuchi , from Fujisawa, SISTER CITIES 3 (continued) Date (sister city to M.B.) who is here on official 2/15/78 business. Mayor Haber advised that City of Santa Marta, 10/4/78 Colombia, is interested in becoming a sister- city to Miami Beach. Commission voiced approval and authorized the Mayor to complete the neces- sary arrangements prior to final Commission action. Mayor Haber rendered an oral report that his 2/7/79 trip to the proposed sister city, Santa Marta, Colombia was successful and that a formal re- port will be provided to the Commissioners. SISTER CITIES 4 Date Mayor Haber rendered an oral report regarding 2/21/79 his trip to the proposed Sister City, Santa Marta, Columbia. Res. #79-15838 ad_opt_ed, ex- tending an invitation to Santa Marta to par- titipate with the CMB, as its Sister City, in the National "People to People" Program. City Mgr, advised he is asking al City departments to report whether -they have any equipment that can be designated as surplus for this program. Mayor Haber announced that he will be leaving 3/21/79 on a trip to Israel on March 25, 1979 and would visit the City's sister city Ramat-Gan and major cities i n I s rael . (See Mayor Haber) SISTER CITIES 5 Date MISCELLANEOUS INSTRUMENT NO. 56 - release waiver. & covenant not to sue, dated July 25, 197§, by Jill Flanter of Miami , Florida, who is going to Santa Marta, Colombia, to participate in a water skiing competition event, on her own. Received July 25, 1979 in City Clerk's office. 7/25/79 (See Misc. in Numerial Index Deed File in vault) Keys to City presented to visiting Mayor and 8/1/79 Mrs. Peled of sister-city Ramat Gan, in Israel . SISTER CITIES 6 Date Announcement given by Mayor Leonard Haber re- 9/19/79 9arding display in City's main -Library build- ing of Japanese Storybooks and Paper Plays received from our Sister City, Fujisawa, Japan. (See Library) Cultural exch. project of sister city Ramat-Gan, 1/6/82 Israel. Temple Emanu-E1 Dir. of Ed. Dr. Amir Baron & P.T.A. Pres. Mrs. Rochelle Mal.ek, pres'd. request for 2 buses, instr. stge. rm. , org. of activities, etc. for 7/15/82 to 7/23/82 visit of City of Ramat-Gan Youth Band members & adult attendants, as outlined in 8/6/81 ltr. from S. Hirschfeld, Ramat=Gan Dep. Dir. of Dept. of Ed., Youth & Sports. Admin's recommendation that �t SISTER CITIES 7 (Cont'd) Date be auth. to wk. w/VCA to coordinate activities, 1/6/82 approved. (see M.B. VISITOR AND CONVENTION AUTH.) VM Eisenberg relayed greetings from & invitation 6/2/82 to visit sister city Fujisawa, Japan as extended by Messrs. Ishii, Ishikawa, Nagano, & Sudo on their 5/31/82 visit to City. In response to request of Comr. Fromberg, Pub. 6/2/82 Info Officer Zeke George gave rep. of activities planned for Cultural Exch. project visit of sister city Ramat-Gan, Israel Youth Band members & adult attendants from 7/15/82 to 7/23/82, sponsored by Temple Emanu-E1. Mr. George advised that his office is wkg. w/Rec. Dept. in developing SISTER CITIES 8 (Cont'd) Date arrangements for Band to perform a concert at a 6/2/82 City facility during visit. Comm. voted that a nominal admission fee be chgd. for attendance to such concert w/proceeds to pay City costs, & that all excess funds be given to Band members to use as spending money during visit. (see RECREATION DEPARTMENT) Memo 434-82, Ramat-Gan Youth Band concert (free 7/7/82 admission) , TOPA, 7/21/82, approved; thanks to be extended to Lincoln Savings & Loan for their participation (to pay expenses). City's contrib. - $750. (see CONVENTION CTR. COMPLEX) SISTER CITIES 9 Date 7/21/82 VM Eisenberg invited pub. to attend sp. concert by Youth Band Of Ramat-Gan, Israel (sister city) , 7/21/82 at 7:30 p.m. in TOPA. 6/5/84 Memo 362-84, Res. 84-17753 adopted, R-7B accepting offer of Secretary of State George Firestone to assist City in imple- menting a sister-city relationship w/city along French Riviera & apptg a rep. to travel to France to implement this project. Comr. Shockett designated to visit France w/FL Sec. of State bet. 6/29/84 & 7/1/84 to select city. Up to $1,000 allocation auth'd i 10 SISTER CITIES D= (Copt°d) (see FLORIDA, 6/5/84 to fund travel expenses. R-7B STATE OF, SHOCKETT, WILLIAM - COMMISSIONER) 7/25/84 M.B. Sr. High Sch. student David Cristol, R 11D brought greetings & gifts fr. Mayor & _J speaker of Fujisawa, Japan City Comm. Mayor 9 Fromberg read letter fr. Fujisawa d ,A Mayor regarding gifts & advising of anticipated � m w m Pd rt rt W autumn goodwill mission visit to MB rt C N W N m `� `� n commemorating the 25th anniversary of rt o H•, rt 0 o w E o � ''� sister-city relationship. (see FUJISAWA, ,d H. r0t�~�' rt �-S H 0 H. tHT1 JAPAN) H rt w 00 H �o H H I� c 03 .4 ° : 0 e, HM . a ogrt0 �aoz mH•n M r• m o a'w rt rt ., N• w p,o 0 rt co p r-+0 SISTER CITIES rt Date 11 �rd r j rt`� Co �d � H. o 0 m -.o ka o H H woo 9/5/84 Report by Comr. Grenald on the 25th Anniv. � w 0 w O r o R 9P of the sister-city relationship w/Fujisawa, un H. OP m m I-- H. w Japan. Comr. Grenald advised during his recent visit, officials of Fujisawa accepted P' Ho m , p. M o aP, the Mayor's proclamation & a delegation n f r. rt rd w o G H. o rt 0 p n 0 the sister city will be here next week. n m rt QQ (see FUJISAWA, JAPAN) w p, m cn W r m 10/17/84 Mayor Fromberg extended City's welcome to `m K R-11A reps. of Japans Shuh Hayama, Mayor of w W Fujisawa (City's sister city for 25 yrs.) ; Mitsuo Watanabe, Speaker of Fujisawa and Chm `O oo co of their City Counsel; and Takashi Ishida, o co rn Tategawa Prof. Govt. of Japan rep. to the MTER CITIES e ont'd) 12 10/17/84 U.S. who lives in Los Angeles, as well as R-11A the interpreter Sammy Ishikawa. FUJISAWA, JAPAN) (see 1116185 Presentation of video cassette re. sister R-9A city, Fujisawa, Japan; not reached - def. to 11/20/85. (see FUJISAWA, JAPAN) 9/3/86 Discussion re. adding Herzlia, Israel as R-9D sister city; app in principle. I D. DISCUSSION PERTAINING TO ADDING THE CITY OF HERBLIAo ISRAEL AS OUR SISTER CITY. (� (REQUESTED BY MAYOR ALEX DAOUD) S E P -, 31986 ACTION: Approved in principle. B. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, ESTABLISHING EERZLIAa ISRAEL, AS OUR BROTHER CITY. (REQUESTED BY MAYOR ALEX DAOUD AND COMMISSIONER ABE. RESNICK) ACTION: Resolution No. 88°19254 adopted. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ESTABLISHING HERZLIA, ISRAEL AS OUR BROTHER CITY.. WHEREAS, Herzlia is :a coastal city in Israel; and WHEREAS, Miami Beach and Herzlia have much in common in that they are on the ocean and have beautiful beaches; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Commission to form an alliance of Brotherhood between us. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that Herzlia, Israel be established as our Brother City. PASSED and ADOPTED this day of , 1984. MAYOR Attest: City Clerk FORM APPROVED LEGAL DEPARTMENT:. Date: MLB/rlw (REQUESTED BY MAYOR ALEX DAOUD AND- COMMISSIONER ABE RESNICK) `` Gir 41_'s.� RESOLUTION NO. 90-19983 A RESOLUTION.OF THE. CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA INVITING THE GOVERNMENT AND PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF MANAGUA, , NICARAGUA, • TO PARTICIPATE.WITH THE CITY 'OF MIAMI BEACH AS ITS SISTER CITY IN THE NATIONAL "PEOPLE TO PEOPLE" PROGRAM. WHEREAS, it has been the policy of the United ' States of America to establish and maintain a "People to People" Program, designed to foster and encourage warm understanding and cordial friendship between the People of the United States of America and other Nations, through the medium of direct personal contact; and .WHEREAS, it is the desire and intent of the City of Miami Beach to implement said Program, by affiliating the City of Miami Beach and its People with another City of another Nation, possessing inherently similar characteristics and interests, as a Sister City; and WHEREAS, the* City Commission of the City of Miami Beach has selected the City of Managua, Nicaragua, as a sister city of the City of Miami Belch for participation in said program in the hope that it will lead to a lasting friendship between the peoples of the City of Miami Beach and Managua. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA,- .as follows: Section 1. That this City Commission, 'on behalf of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, hereby extends an - invitation to the Government and. People * of the City of Managua, Nicaragua, to participate with the City of Miami Beach, as a Sister City, in the National "People to -People" Program, for the purpose of creating between the Peoples of our two great Nations and Cities- a most cordial and mutually beneficial relationship of harmony, understanding, good will and inspiration. Section 2. That Miami Beach Commissioner Abe Resnick, is appointed as the City's representative and, Chairman of said program. Section 3. That a copy of this Resolution 'be -sent to. the Mayor of- the City of Managua, to the United States Information Agency, the United States Department . of State, and to the American Municipal Association. PASSED and ADOPTED this 9th day of May , 1990. _(Signed) Alex Daoud MAYOR ATTEST: FORM APPROVED LEG L DEB . (Signed) Elaine M. Baker ' By CITY CLERK JKO/rg (SEAL) Date 4:10 (Requested by Commissioner Abe Resnick) AGENDA ITEM' —�— DATE