87-18881 Reso o r---" . ,Repealed by Res.4 488-19313 adopted 7/27/88 �.• RESOLU NO. 7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN ADDENDUM TO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE AND METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY, TO PROVIDE FOR AN EXTENSION OF TIME FROM JUNE 24, 1987 TO DECEMBER 319 1987, TO METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY IN WHICH TO CONSTRUCT METERING FACILITIES SO THAT THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CAN EXERCISE ITS OPTION TO DEED TO I 'f MIAMI-DADE WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY THAT PORTION OF TRANSMISSION MAIN WEST OF THE MASTER k METERS ON THE WEST END OF NORMANDY ISLE. WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach has an existing agreement with Metropolitan Dade County and the City of North Bay Village which provides for the f ' furnishing of water through the Miami Beach system; and WHEREAS, the agreement has a provision wherein Metropolitan Dade County has a deadline of June 24, 1987, in which to construct metering facilities on Normandy Isle so that water can be furnished directly to the City of North Bay x_�t• Village; and so that the City of Miami Beach can exercise its option to deed to .4. Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Authority that portion of its transmission main west of the master meters on the west end of Normandy Isle; and WHEREAS, the City of North Bay Village has requested an extension of that deadline to December 31, 1987 due to time needed to construct metering facilities on Normandy Isle. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE CITY r COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the City, an Amendment to an agreement with the City of North Bay Village and Metropolitan Dade County to provide for an extension of time from June 24, 1987 to December 31, 1987, to Metropolitan Dade County in which to construct metering facilities. PASSED and ADOPTED this 17th day of 1987. i.Yl. i +4," 1G66 A M or ' ATTEST: _A� al-., City Clerk FORM APPROVED: Legal Department a l i -• EXul�l A MArGN L-10[5 t s D A: Lwl py:��9 Su Tz d -t o -T ACQUISITION OF WATER TRANSMISSION MAIN FROM THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH BILL OF SALE SHEEE"f 1 OF 3 rta GN ��NE � V H 3 Ln 7° � r A � d b y� AYE. r1ATG�1 LINE z a ACQU14T8O1y pE Vt/A.TEIZT �I S � I MAIN BILL OF SALE SHEEET 2 OF 3 oP r i J ,�1 1 iJ FKOIblT A IA i 1 ^� m OT O _m z �D 3� ion -•s M Q'�G�I LINE I ,ACQUISITION OF WATER TRANSIMISSION MAIN FROM THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH BILL OF SALE SHEEET 3 OF 3 P �ys - -Z .Pd - v .r- Fead FLORIDA 33139 � _J� "VACA.TIONLANU U. .5 A. " OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER ROB W.PARKINS CITY HALL CITY MANAGER 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE TELEPHONE: 673-7010 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 3 Ice DATE: June 17, 1987 TO: Mayor Alex Dao Members of City COL FROM: Rob W. ParkCity Manager SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE CONTRACT BETWEEN MIAMI BEACH, CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE ND METROPOLITAN OF DADE COUNTY PROVIDING FOR FURNISHING OF WATER SERVICE BY THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH TO METROPOLITAN DARE,COUNTY FOR RESALE TO THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE The City of Miami Beach is presently reselling water to the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer. Authority who, ,in turn, sells it to North Bay Village under an Agreement which expires on June 24; 1987, at which time the City wishes to exercise its option to deed to Miami-Dade Water Authority a portion of its transmission main and WASA will sell water directly to North Bay Village. In order to complete the Agreement, WASA needs to install master meters on the west end of Normandy Isle. The Resolution extends the Agreement to December 31, 1987, to allow for meter installation. A Bill of Sale is included so the City of Miami Beach can exercise its option to deed to WASA that portion of its transmission main west of the master meters on the west end of Normandy Isle. This will then relieve the City of Miami Beach of the responsibility of serving North Bay Village. The City Attorney's Office has reviewed the Resolution and finds it to be in order. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: The Administration recommends that the Commission authorize the extension of the attached documents. RWP/RLR/JA/mlw Attachments MIAMI BEA,0" • 1 AGENDA (� ITEM ` - o� DATE