Commission Memorandums CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT Al Ap f v . August 5, 1988 ,,6 r�;c �. �rz- Ms. Sally MacDonaldG� Village Clerk �y,N City of North Bay Village 7903 East Drive P c North Bay Village, Florida 33141 RE: CONTRACT PROVIDING FOR FURNISHING OF WATER SERVICE BY THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH TO METRO-DADE COUNTY FOR RESALE TO CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE Dear Ms. MacDonald: Attached please find three (3) copies of the above-referenced Contract which has been fully executed by the City of Miami Beach, along with the authorizing Resolution #88-19313. After you have fully executed your portion of the Contract, please forward the three (3) copies to Metropolitan Dade County for same. Dade County in return will also execute their portion and forward all copies to us for finalization. Very truly yours, } v-Ronald L. Rmb � Attachments I!� cc: _ Elaine M. Baker, City Clerk-` - MIAMI-DADE WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY DEPARTMENT - P. O. BOX 330316 Main Office two 3575 S. LeJeune Road MIAMI. FLORIDA 33233-0316 Telephone 665.7471 June 27, 1988 - 7D Mr. Ronald L. Rumbaugh .v Public Services Director LO City of Miami Beach - 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Re: North Bay Village Water Service Contract Addendum And North Bay Causeway Water Main Bill of Sale Dear Mr. Rumbaugh: We are enclosing four copies of Addendum Number One to our water contract with North Bay Village. Please have all copies executed and forwarded to Mr. DiPietro at North Bay Village. By copy of this letter, we are requesting Mr. DiPietro to then have _ - the. four-copies executed . by-_.North Bay Village and forwarded to -= us. When executed on behaI f of Dade County, we will return a fully executed copy to each party. We are also enclosing three copies of a Bill of Sale and Assignment for the North Bay Causeway water transmission main. When the Normandy Isle meter installation is complete, we will notify you. At that time, please have all copies executed and returned to us. We will return a fully executed copy to you. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to call us. Very truly yours, R. B. Lichtenstein Contracts Officer RBL/slm Enclosure cc: Mr. James DiPietro, City Manager City of North Bay Village 29 �� aE F L ® R I D A 3 3 1 3 9 �P�cti "VACATIONLAND U. S. A." OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER CITY HALL ROB W.PARKINS 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE CITY MANAGER TELEPHONE: 673-7010 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 0 �U DATE: July 27, 1988 TO: Mayor Alex Daoud a D Members of the Commis ' n FROM: Rob W. Parkins City Manager SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE AND METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY PROVIDING FOR FURNISHING OF WATER SERVICE BY THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH TO METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY FOR RESALE TO THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE The City of Miami Beach is presently reselling water to the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Authority who, in turn, sells it to North Bay Village under an Agreement which expired on June 24, 1987, at which time the City wished to exercise its option to deed to Miami-Dade Water Authority a portion of its transmission main and WASA will sell water directly to North Bay Village. In order to complete the Agreement, WASA needs to install master meters on the west end of Normandy Isle. The Resolution extends the Agreement to October 31, 1988, to allow for meter installation. A Bill of Sale is included so the City of Miami Beach can exercise its option to deed to WASA that portion of its transmission main west of the master meters on the west end of Normandy Isle. This will then relieve the City of Miami Beach of the responsibility, of serving North Bay Village. WASA was unable to install meters during the previous agreed time span; therefore, this time extension is necessary in order for them to complete the work. The City Attorney's Office has reviewed the Resolution and finds it to be in order. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: The Administration recommends that the Commission authorize the extension of the attached documents. RW P/RLR/JA/mlw Attachments 14 " AGENDA ITEM C-44 DATE Fe4d F L 0 R I D A 33139 * [NCO A ° * "VAC'A TIONLAND U. S. A. " �9'RC 26A OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER CITY HALL ROB W.PARKINS 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE CITY MANAGER TELEPHONE: 673-7010 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. DATE: June 17, 1987 TO: Mayor Alex Dao Members of City Com i FROM: Rob W. Parki City Manager SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE AND METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY PROVIDING FOR FURNISHING OF WATER SERVICE BY THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH TO METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY FOR RESALE TO THE CITY OF NORTH BAY VILLAGE The City of Miami Beach is presently reselling water to the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Authority who, in turn, sells it to North Bay Village under an Agreement which expires on June 24; 1987, at which time the City wishes to exercise its option to deed to Miami-Dade Water Authority a portion of its transmission main and WASA will sell water directly to North Bay Village. In order to complete the Agreement, WASA needs to install master meters on the west end of Normandy Isle. The Resolution extends the Agreement to December 31, 1987, to allow for meter installation. A Bill of Sale is included so the City of Miami Beach can exercise its option to deed to WASA that portion of its transmission main west of the master meters on the west end of Normandy Isle. This will then relieve the City of Miami Beach of the responsibility of serving North Bay Village. The City Attorney's Office has reviewed the Resolution and finds it to be in order. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: The Administration recommends that the Commission authorize the extension of the attached documents. RWP/RLR/JA/mlw Attachments _ t AGENDA ITEM- DATE i 1'.`:, . E.F. 4.!'N `;hi O F,I i C E r F-r P E N'T May 23 , 1989 Mr . Richard A. Gatti Public Service Director Citv of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 F.e : Fill of Sale for 79th Street Causeway Water Transmi--sion Main Dear Mr. Gatti: Enclosed is a copy of the referenced bill of sale with the original signature of our Director, Mr. Garrett Sloan, accepting the bill of sale on behalf of the County. Very truly yours , R. B. Lichtenstein Contracts Officer RBL:cd Enclosure 052389 . 1rbl 'T N" Dk.DE. /-,UTH0PiITY D P, May 23 , 1989 Mr. Richard A. Gatti Public Service Director City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach , Florida 33139 ]P,.e : Bill- of Sale for 79th Street Causeway Water Transmission Main Dear Mr. Gatti: Enclosed is a copy of the referenced bill of sale with the original signature of our Director, Mr. Garrett Sloan, accepting the bill of sale on behalf of the County. Very truly yours , R. B. Lichtenstein Contracts Officer RBL:cd Enclosure 052389 . 1rbl