Correspondence re Contract Indian Creek Village F L :O R I ® A 3 3 :1 3 9 "VACA TIONLAND U. S. A." CITY HALL ELAINE MATTHEWS 1130 WASHINGTON AVENUE CITY CLERK TELEPHONE: 673-7411 June 20, 1974 Mr. Thomas C. Britton Tenth Floor First National Bank Building Miami, Florida Subject: Contract between City of Miami Beach and Indian Creek Village, water service Dear Mr. Britton: Receipt of your letter of June 19, 1974, is acknowledged. This matter will be discussed with the City Attorney prior to any action being taken by me to have the agree- ment executed, as I do not have information as to the date of commencement of the agreement, nor do I have his approval to proceed. As soon as disposition can be made, we will advise you. Yours very truly, J Elaine Matthews City Clerk cc. Mr. Joseph A. Wanick Mr. John Bergacker Mr. Frank Spence SHUTTS & BOWEN ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW TENTH FLOOR FIRST NATIONAL BANK-BUILDING FRANK B.SHUTTS (1870-1947) MIAMI,FLORIDA 33131 CRATE D.B O W E N (1871-1959) TELEPHONE(305) 358-6300 CABLE ADDRESS"SHUTTSBO" June 19, 1974 Mr. George Heinold Assistant City Clerk City of Miami Beach City Hall 1130 Washington Avenue Miami Beach, Florida Re: Contract between the City of Miami Beach and Indian Creek Village for the rendition of water service by said City to said Village Dear Mr. Heinold: In October 1972 your predecessor forwarded to the Village Manager, Indian Creek Village, the subject contract. I attach a copy of the letter of transmittal. The contract had been authorized by the Miami Beach City Council on September 20, 1972. The then Village Manager has left the Village and in a review of pending matters we have learned that evidently no response was made to your letter. The Village Council of Indian Creek Village at its meeting of June 11, 1974 authorized the Mayor to execute and deliver the subject contract. I enclose the executed contract with our sincere apologies for the extraordinary delay. I hope that the City of Miami Beach can complete the execution of the contract and place it in your file s. v' t i Sg3UTTS 8e BOWEN Mr. George Heinold Assistant City Clerk Page Two June 19, 1974 An engineering study conducted by Indian Creek Village some months ago made it appear that construction of the necessary connection by Indian Creek Village probably could not be justified economically at this time. However, it appears possible that it may be necessary and feasible for us to avail ourselves of direct service from the City within the next year or two and we wish to keep this option open to us by signifying our acceptance of the contract authorized by the City Council. We greatly appreciate the courtesy and assistance given us by Mr. Be rgacke r and the City Council. Sincerely, Thomas C. Britton TCB:mc Enclosures cc: Honorable Fred R. Fehlhaber Mayor, Indian Creek Village Mrs. Helen C. Stahl Village Clerk v° r.- J October 10, 1971- Mr. Stephen Derry , Village Manager � Indian Cree€, Village R' 54 Indian C reek i s l aind Miami Beach, Florida subject: Contract between the City of Miami Beach and Indian Creek Tillage for the rendition of grater service by sald City to said Village Dear M rr Derry: FollvwIng up our conv rsat€on this Date to are enclosing two copies of the captioned agreement w--h i ch was app roved by the Miami Beach City Council on September 20, 1972. After your off I c i a l s have executed the ag rewen is please forward them to th i of�:i b F� 7%d we �4 i 1 1 haEf_; thc�4 �}:eccuted by the klayJor and the City Clem.. if them are any questions e-s to content please contact _ Mr. John Dergacker, Public 'dorms D1 re`tor. On September 25,, 19721 the City CounclI approved an limr°ease In water rates as ref I ected In Ordinance lio, 1936 att1 he-d, Yours very t 1 u l y: Lurana pohzehl , i Assistant Cit y Clerk cc. Mr. T4-omns Britton �'.. _ SRUT S` O ` EN Mr, John Bergacker CITY OF MIAMI LEACH i TO: Ms. Elaine Mathew. �� DATE: July 1, 1974 L FROM: John Bergacker�\ SUBJECT: Contract between, City,_of--M:t Beach and Indian Creek Village, water service I have your letter dated June 20, 1974 to Mr. Thomas C. Britton regarding the subject, and, after reviewing the proposed -contract I find that the water rate of 25�- per 1,000 gallons to be charged to Indian Creek Village is no longer an appropriate rate as the City- Council has changed the rate since the time of drafting the Agreement. JB/r Attachment cc : Mr. Joseph A. Wanick CITY OF MIAMI BEACH TO: Ms. Elaizie Matthews . DATE: July, li 1974 FROM: Jahn :Be�cga.cker SUBJECT: Contract.'between. City, of Miami Beach ;and ; Indian Creek Village, water service I have your letter dated June 20, 1974 to Mr.. Tho s C. Britton regatding'-the :sub eta end; sfter : evie .xag the propQSad contract I.: find...-that the 1 crater rate of 2UP .per I-000- gallons, �to, be �h�rged to Indi 3n Creek village is no longer an appropriate ,-rate as the City .Council -has changed :the rate -.since the- time -of-,drafting the Agreement.,' Attachment cc: Mr., Joseph A. Waniok F L O R I D A 3 3 1 3 9 "YACA TIONLAND U. S. A." .H �,li ..SFr' ..�1��� �/•' E;1 CITY MALL ELAINE MATTHEWS `` ,/ 1130 WASHINGTON AVENUE CITY CLERK i ��g/ TELEPHONE' 673-7411 June 20, 1974 By Mr. Thomas C. Britton Tenth Floor First National Bank Building Miami, Florida Subject: Contract between City of Miami Beach and Indian Creek Village, water service Dear Mr. Britton: Receipt of your letter of June 19, 1974, is acknowledged. This matter will be discussed with the City Attorney prior to any action being taken by me to have the agree- ment executed, as I do not have information as to the date of commencement of the agreement, nor do I have his approval to proceed. As soon as disposition can be made, we will advise you. Yours very truly, r Elaine Matthews City Clerk cc. Mr. Joseph A. Wanick Mr. John Bergacker Mr. Frank Spence o • • F L ® R I ® A 3 3 1 3 9 *tlHCOae otUlfl* ., h "VACATIONI_AND U. S. A. - �9P H 26° CITY HALL ELAINE MATTHEWS 1130 WASHINGTON AVENUE CITY CLERK TELEPHONE: 673-7511 I October 10, 1975 Mr. Fred R. Fehlhaber, Mayor Indian Creek Village 50 Indian Creek. Drive Indian Creek Village Florida 33154 Dear Mr. Fehlhaber: We are enclosing a certified copy of Ordinance No. 75-2046, establishing rates to be charged to municipal purchasers of water supply from the City of Miami Beach, as well as rates to be charged non-municipal customers of Miami Beach. This ordinance. was enacted by the Miami Beach City Council on October 1, 1975, as an emergency measure and provides that the new rate shall be effective as of November 1, 1975. Yours very truly, 44U4:Ao $WZ44000 Elaine Matthews City Clerk cc. City Manager City Attorney Public Works Director Finance Director i CITY OF MIAMI CH Elaine Matthews TO: John Williams DATE: 8-29-74 John Bergacker FROM: SUBJECT: PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO WATER RATE REQUIRING CONTRACTS FROM OUTSIDE MUNICIPALITIES. FOR YOUR INFORMATION. THIS ITEM WILL BE PLACED ON THE SEPTEMBER 4TH. 1974 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA. Dodd A. Southern Enclosure r CITY OF MIAMI BEACH � 2 9 PH 1 15 TO: Mayor, City Council, and DATE: August 29, 1974 City Manager FROM: Joseph A. Wanick, City Attorney SUBJECT: Proposed Amendment to Water Rate Requiring Contracts From Outside Municipalities As the City Council knows, this City has been engaged in pro- tracted litigation with North Bay Village, Bal Harbour,, -- and- Bay Harbor Islands, about the City's water rate ordinance which fixed a rate of 41¢ a 1,000 gallons to City residents and 33¢ to the said municipalities. The case was tried before then Circuit Judge Raymond Nathan. Judge Nathan refused to be impressed by the absurdity of a lawsuit brought by outside municipalities who were being charged 8¢ a 1,000 -gallons less- than .the residents of this City. However, the City was very fortunate to have as its expert witness Mr.. -Thomas J. Merlo, a Certified Public Accountant and Public Utility expert, whose testimony on behalf of the City was absolutely superb. He testified not only that the 33¢ rate was reasonable, but that the City- would have been justified in charging even a higher rate. At the conclusion of several days ' trial, Judge Nathan held: 1. That these other municipalities are so-called "third party beneficiaries" of this City's contract with the City of Miami for water supply, and therefore, - this City must sell water to the municipalities. In my opinion, this ruling by the Judge is wrong and contrary -to all precedent. 2e That the ordinance fixing a 33¢ rate to the outside municipal- ities was unreasonable for the sole reason that it was adopted by the City as a revenue .measure. However, Judge Nathan said that the City could call a public hearing for the purpose of determining a reasonable rate and it could well -be, so Judge Nathan expressly stated, that following such public hearing the City could establish a rate much higher than the 33¢ rate. In my opinion, it is the established law that a municipally owned water system, owned and operated for the benefit of its residents, is entitled to make a substantial profit on the sale of water, whether to its own residents or to outside municipalities. .It is therefore, -again. in my opinion that Judge Nathan is in error. r- CITY OF MIAMI BEACH TO: Mayor, City Council, and DATE: August 29, 1974 City Manager FROM: Joseph A. Wanick, City Attorney SUBJECT: Proposed. Amendment to Water Rate, Requiring Contracts From Outside Municipalities. Page Two. However, Judge Nathan did dismiss the additional claim of these municipalities that they are entitled to recover an alleged overcharge by the City totaling approximately $70,000. 00, because by an alleged finding made many years ago by a previous water system supervisor of this City, that a proper rate to charge outside municipalities would be 250 a 1,000 gallons. An appeal is being taken of these rulings by Judge Nathan and I am confident that his orders will be reversed. However, since this appeal may be time-consuming, I am recommending :.to the City Council the adoption of a proposed ordinance attached hereto which will, after a date to be fixed by the City Council, prohibit the sale of water by this City to outside municipalities except pursuant to a contract fixing rates recommended by the City- Manager and approved by the City Council. This will enable this City to receive from outside municipalities the reasonable return which the City is lawfully entitled. and which will prevent outside municipalities from profiting on the capital investments and operating expenses made by this City in the construction, operation, and maintenance of its water system. The adoption of this proposed ordinance will be strictly in accordance with the law, and will not be violative of any of the orders entered- in this litigation. JAW:pc Attachment 2 _