Ad 867 Notice of Amendment to the LDRLOCAL & STATE 6B |WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2014MiamiHerald.com|MIAMI HERALD H1 BROWARD COUNTY COLD CASEEDUCATION Sawgrass worker's murder is solved Broward College, BY WAYNE K. ROUSTAN rape kit at that time.ºbut now it's way more ad-tions,º Koenig said. ªOb-It took investigators Sun Sentinel Chandler, 65, was con-vanced,º Cucchi said. ªYouviously they're grateful forthree years to solve the FIU to Ivelisse Berrios-Begue-victed in the rape, strangu-can actually take a smallerhaving some kind of clo-case. risse has been dead longerlation and killing of Joansample and through thesure and knowing moreLocal officials posted team up than she had been alive. HerRogers, 36, and her daugh-new technology they canabout what happened, butbillboards in the Tampa Bay murder finally was solvedters Michelle, 17, anddevelop potential profilesat the same time just toarea showing Chandler's 23 years after she left workChriste, 14, in St. Petersburgand suspect DNA, where inhave to revisit it again 23distinctive handwriting, at Sawgrass Mills and neverin 1989. Twenty-two yearsthe past they could not.ºyears later was obviouslyfound scribbled on a tourist BY SCOTT TRAVIS Sun Sentinel came home, Coral Springslater, he was executed by le-In August, Koenig andrough on them.ºbrochure in Rogers' car. Police announced Monday.thal injection.Cucchi were assigned theªThe news caught themThat led to Chandler©s ar-Broward College and The 20-year-old DavieBerrios-Beguerisse hadcold case and began metic-by surprise, too,º Cucchirest in 1992.Florida International Uni- woman's naked body wasbeen working at Swim andulously reviewing the evi-added. ªThey asked forAt trial, prosecutors saidversity are teaming up to found Nov. 27, 1990, in theSport in Sawgrass Mills fordence. They asked the Bro-more information on Mr.Chandler had lured the trioopen a new campus, the lat- 200 block of Northwestless than a month when sheward Sheriff's Office CrimeChandler, which we provid-to his boat, raped them andest in a westward expansion 122nd Avenue in Coraldisappeared after her shiftLab to have the DNA testeded them, in particulardumped them into the bayof higher education in Bro- Springs' quiet West Glenon Nov. 26, 1990. Chandleragain, Koenig said.[about] the triple killings upwith concrete blocks tiedward County. neighborhood. The Bro-lived in Sunrise, about aªThey said, `Go for it.in St. Petersburg. Theyaround their necks. Chan-The 89,000-square-foot ward Medical Examiner de-mile from the mall, policeSend it to us again. We'llwere not aware of this guydler testified that he hadsite on Southwest 145th Ave- termined she had died ofsaid.run it again,'º he said.at the time so they wantedgiven Rogers directions,nue in Miramar is slated to asphyxia.She left the mall throughªThanks to their effortsto learn everything theybut said he was out fishingopen in August. The $21mil- Oba Chandler, executedthe White Seahorse exitthey were able to pull itcould about him.ºalone the night of thelion four-story facility will in 2011for a triple murder,just after 10 p.m. with sever-out.ºIn the 1989 case, Rogerskillings.include classrooms, science was the killer, according toal co-workers who split upOn Feb. 5, detectives re-and her daughters were re-ACanadian tourist testi-labs and meeting spaces for cold-case detectives Brianas they went to their cars.ceived word that Chandlerturning home to Ohio afterfied that she had been rapedboth schools and a shared Koenig and Dan Cucchi.That was the last time shewas a match.atrip to Disney Worldby Chandler, an aluminumcommon area and dining In 1990, investigators hadwas seen alive.ªSometimes [the DNAwhen they crossed pathscontractor, under similarfacility. gathered and processedHer husband of ninesample] can be too degrad-with Chandler.circumstances a few weeksBroward College already DNA samples withoutmonths, Bernardo Begue-ed and there are other fac-They met him in Tampa,before the murders.has eight other campuses much success because therisse, went to the mall andtors that come into play,ºwhere they had stopped toKoenig and Cucchi indi-and academic centers, in- technology was less sophis-found her 1985 Ford TempoKoenig said. ªIn this partic-ask directions while search-cated they are examiningcluding locations in Davie, ticated and there was no da-with two slashed tires onular case we got lucky anding for their motel. Chan-other cold cases, includingCoconut Creek, Fort Lau- tabase of criminals' DNAthe passenger side. Hethey were able to obtain adler gave them directions tothat of Terry Ann Gilchrist,derdale, Hollywood and a with which to compare it,called police.full profile.ºaDays Inn, then offered to35, of Pompano Beach,large online program. The Cucchi said.Nearly three hours later,If Chandler were alive to-take them on a sunsetfound strangled in a field offofferings at the new site will ªMr. Chandler, when hearound 1a.m., her body wasday, he would be chargedcruise on his boat that eve-Coral Ridge Drive north offocus on business, supply- was convicted in 1994, that'sfound with ligature markswith the strangulationning on Tampa Bay, accord-Wiles Road on May 20,chain management and when his DNA profileon both wrists and anklesdeath of Ivelisse Berrios-ing to trial records.1990.global trade and logistics. would have been enteredand brown packing tapeBeguerisse, police said.They were never seenªI can't really get intoFIU will vacate its current into the national database,stuck in her hair, CucchiHer husband now lives inalive again. Their bodies Ðwhat we've done and whatspace at the Pines Center so it was in there in thatsaid.Mexico. Her sister Rebeccabound, gagged and nakedwe haven't done becauseAcademic Village on Sheri- time period,º Cucchi said.ªBack in 1990, rape kitsBerrios, 36, and parents livebelow the waist Ð werethat case is still open, butdan Street. ªIt's just that we didn't haveand the DNA collectionin Puerto Rico.found floating in Tampathe cases are similar,º Koe-The new site will contin- aprofile from our victim'sprocess were not the sameªThey've got mixed emo-Bay three days later.nig said.ue to offer undergraduate programs in liberal arts, business and construction FORT LAUDERDALE management and graduate programs in business, engi- Prosecutors: Cruise rape victim `painted in blood' neering, education and pub- lic administration. New pro- grams will likely be added BY PAULA McMAHON authorities said. She even-murder and aggravated sex-ately fired from his job as asaid he seethed over theover time, FIU President Sun Sentinel tually managed to escapeual abuse, stared down atroom service attendant forcomment for close to 17Mark Rosenberg said. Acruise ship passengerwhen fellow passengersthe table in front of him forHolland America Lines,hours before letting himselfBoth colleges will be mar- who was raped by a crewbanged on her door in an-most of the hourlong hear-told FBI agents that he triedinto the woman's state-keting to older working member Ð before he triedswer to her screams foring in federal court in Fortto kill the woman. He alsoroom, hiding on her balco-adults who want a college to throw her overboard Ðhelp.Lauderdale. Shackled andsaid that he raped her to ex-ny and attacking her as shedegree close to home. was beaten so viciously thatThe ship doctor, a 40-in beige jail scrubs, heact revenge for insulting hisfell asleep.ªBroward College has she looked like she wasyear veteran emergencyspoke once, confirming tomother in a comment heFBI Agent David Nunezseen consistent growth in ªpainted in blood fromroom physician, told FBIthe judge that he under-claimed he heard her uttertestified that Pujayasa gavethe Miramar area, and this head to toe,º prosecutorsagents that the woman wasstood what was happeningfrom behind her stateroomawritten statement con-new innovative mixed-used said in court Tuesday.so severely injured hein court. U.S. Magistratedoor, agents said.fessing his crimes to shipfacility will address the need The 31-year-old womanthought she might die. ªInJudge Barry Seltzer orderedPujayasa said he went tosecurity. The assault tookto provide affordable and was sexually assaulted,his 40 years, he had nothe will remain detaineddeliver breakfast to theplace in international wa-advanced training to the punched and choked withseen such a violent attack,ºwithout bond. He ruled thatwoman's stateroom aroundters off the coast of Hondu-community that we serve,º electrical cords during aAssistant U.S. AttorneyPujayasa is a flight risk and7a.m. on Feb. 13 and, on hisras, officials said. College President David Valentine's Day attack on aFrancis Viamontes said. adanger to society.third knock, believed thatIf convicted, PujayasaArmstrong said. The college weeklong cruise that leftKetut Pujayasa, 28, whoPujayasa, an Indonesianhe heard her say: ªWait afaces up to life in federalplans to keep open two Port Everglades on Feb. 9,is charged with attemptedcitizen who was immedi-minute, son of a bitch!º Heprison.nearby locations, at Mira- mar Town Center, which has 1,500 students, and the Public Notice Pines Academic Center in Pembroke Pines, which has 3,500 students. Broward College also COMBINED NOTICE OF FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT shares space with Florida AND NOTICE OF INTENT TO REQUEST RELEASE OF FUNDS Atlantic University in Fort Lauderdale and Davie. FIU, based west of Miami, February 26, 2014 doesn't have any similar joint-use facilities, although its 1,400 students on the Miami-Dade County Pines campus share space Public Housing and Community Development with Pembroke Pines Char- 701 NW 1st Court, 14th Floor ter High School. Miami, FL 33136 ªWe basically have out- (786) 469-2100 grown the facility, and the This notice shall satisfy the above-cited two separate but relat opportunity to partner di- an activity to be undertaken by the Public Housing and Community rectly with Broward College was one we had to take,º Ro- REQUEST FOR RELEASE OF FUNDS senberg said. ªWe think it's a On or about March 14, 2014, PHCD will submit a request to the U. perfect location; I-75 is a Development (HUD) for the release of Home Investment Partnership world-class asset. Tens of of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act to unde thousands of people are on it every day.º AgencyProject Title & DescriptionProject Funding Other colleges have also St. John Community St. John Village Apartments ± Rehabilitation of a $200,000 of opened or expanded in Development multi-family apartment complex comprised of 10 units for HOME CHDO 2013 Southwest Broward in re- Corporation, Inc.low-to-moderate income families. Location: 1445 NW 1st cent years, including Keiser Place, Miami, FL. Total Project Cost = University in Pembroke $508,356 Pines and Strayer Universi- ty, the University of Phoe- FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT nix, Devry University and PHCD has determined that the project will have no signi®cant imp Brown Mackie College in an Environmental Impact Statement under the National Environment Miramar. required. Additional project information is contained in the En The building is being at PHCD, located at 701 NW 1st Court, 14th Floor, Miami, FL 33 funded and developed by weekdays 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Washington, D.C.-based PUBLIC COMMENTS Municipal Acquisitions, Any individual, group, or agency disagreeing with this determina which will lease space to the may submit written comments to Public Housing and Community Deve two colleges. The schools Division Director, Resident Services, Community Planning and Out say they chose this option by March 13, 2014, will be considered by PHCD prior to authorizi because state dollars for funds. Comments should specify which public notice is being add new construction have RELEASE OF FUNDS dried up in recent years. PHCD certi®es to U.S. HUD that Carlos A. Gimenez, in his capacit Although FAU is consi- jurisdiction of the Federal Courts, if an action is brought, to dered the dominant public environmental review process and that these responsibilities hav university in Broward of the certi®cation satis®es its responsibilities under NEPA and County, FIU has a long his- Miami-Dade County to use Program funds. tory here. In the late 1980s, OBJECTIONS TO RELEASE OF FUNDS the Legislature approved U.S. HUD will consider objections to its release of funds and th funding to construct a a period of ®fteen days following the anticipated submission dat downtown Fort Lauderdale (whichever is later) only if they are on one of the following ba tower that was shared by the Certifying Of®cer or other of®cer of PHCD approved by U.S. H FAU, FIU and Broward to make a decision or ®nding required by U.S. HUD regulations at College. committed funds or other participants in the project have commit FIU also offered a limited by 24 CFR Part 58 before approval of a release of funds by U.S. number of classes in Davie pursuant to 40 CFR Part 1504 has submitted a written ®nding that in the 1990s. FIU moved its standpoint of environmental quality. Objections must be prepare Broward programs to the required procedures (24 CFR Part 58) and shall be addressed to U high-growth Pembroke Development, Miami Field Of®ce, Brickell Plaza Federal Building, Pines area in 2001, largely as Florida 33131-3028, ATTN: Ubaldo Cazzoli, Environmental Of®cer. aresult of turf battles with HUD to verify the actual last day of the objection period. FAU, Rosenberg said. ªWe agreed we would Carlos A. Gimenez, Mayor bend but we would never Certifying Of®cer break in terms of our com- mitment to Broward Coun- For legal ads online, go to http://legalads.miamidade.gov ty,º Rosenberg said.