Notice of Land Use Board Vacancy - DRB|THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2013MiamiHerald.com| 14NE MIAMI HERALD NE HIALEAH Naming buildings now under scrutiny ªThis is an ordinance thatpractice of naming cityafter the former statewere among the councilbeen crucial to obtaining The practice of n has been in the works forproperties to promote livingsenator.members who voted in fa-about $800,000 from the naming buildings after months and has nothing topoliticians.Mart™nez said the ordi-vor of the new name.state to pay for the park in living people can cause do with the elections,º Her-The ordinance namednance could not be appliedThe controversy overwest Hialeah. Once the problems if the honoree n‘ndez told El Nuevo Her-ªHistoric Preservationº pre-retroactively. However, henaming public properties af-work was finished, then- later gets into trouble. ald. ªPeople have been crit-sented by Hern‘ndez wassaid Hern‘ndez and theter controversial figures ismayor Mart™nez decided in icizing that in Hialeah, pub-scheduled for first readingcouncil have the right to ap-not recent. In June 2012, Her-2003 to name the park to BY ENRIQUE FLOR eflor@elnuevoherald.com lic buildings and parks areon Tuesday, according toprove a resolution that di-n‘ndez's critics questionedhonor Casas. Less than a week after be-named after living electedthe council's agenda.rectly leads to removing thehis administration for nam-ªThese kinds of proposals ing reelected mayor of Hia-officials.ºIn Hialeah, at least twonames on those properties.ing a street in east Hialeahare laughable,º Casas said. ªI leah, Carlos Hern‘ndez an-Hern‘ndez said on Sun-city properties are namedªLaws are not applied ret-after Banah Sugar, whosereally think it would be a big nounced that he will submitday that the measure is a re-after living former electedroactively,º Mart™nez said.owner and several of its ex-mistake for the mayor and to the council an ordinancesponse to criticism fromofficials: City Hall, namedªBut if they want to elimi-ecutives were convicted ofthe council to approve that to prohibit naming any cityHialeah residents that addsRal Mart™nez in honor ofnate our names it's their de-drug trafficking.ordinance. I wish the mayor property after a livingto questioning from otherthe former mayor, and thecision. Hern‘ndez or theCasas considers Hern‘n-success in his job, but he is person.communities of the abusivewrong to plant more Roberto Casas Park, namedcouncil cannot erase the his-dez's initiative an act of re- tory of my 28 years ofvenge against people whoreprisals.º service.ºhave criticized hisHern‘ndez said he wasn't The City Hall building atadministration.motivated by politics. 501Palm Ave. was inaugurat-ªI think this is an abjec-ªThere is no political re- ed in the late 1960s andtion on the part of mayorvenge here. If that's how named for Ral Mart™nez inHern‘ndez,º Casas said.they want to interpret it, 2006 under then-mayor Ju-ªThis is political retaliationfine,º Hern‘ndez said. ªIf lio Robaina's administra-against those who disagreetheir egos are going to be af- tion. Hern‘ndez and currentwith him.ºfected, that's their problem.'' Commissioner Jos• CaragolCasas said his work had fe_lrp eo itfq ^`p setaq ]trtfrZ qp`lnf ap]lp\ setaq _PS rN=7 ER hNWHN sSWUP N? U<@@SF=I7 ?SSKNFQ WCCINUW=NEF? =E  I UEHCE?ST ER ?S:SF HSHVS@?v _PS U<@@SF= :WUWFU7 N? RE@ =PS REIIE9 eFS W@UPN=SU= @SQN?=S@ST NF =PS `=W=S ER oIE@NTW E@ W HSHVS@ ER TS?NQF NF =PS ?=W=S- 9N=P C@WU=NUWI E@ WUWTSHNU S8CS@=N?S NF =PS W@UPN=SU=<@S~ E@ W C@ERS??NEFWI C@WU=NUNFQ NF =PS  SIT? ER W@UP _PS qS?NQF aS:NS9 sEW@T PW? =PS REIIE9NFQ CE9S@? WFT T<=NS?b _PS qS?NQF aS:NS9 sEW@T N? W A<W?N5M<TNUNWI VEW@T- 9PE?S HSHVS@? =PS rN=7 rEHHN??NEFv _PS HSHVS@? ER =PS qS?NQF aS:NS9 sEW@T W@S 9SII W? `SU=NEF >5>( =P@E<QP >5># WFT `SU=NEF? ((y5#( =P@E<QP (( lF=S@S?=ST CS@?EF? 9N=P WCCINUWVIS VWUKQ@E<FT? HW7 ?<VHN= =PSN@ W= P==CbXX?SU<@SvHNWHNVSWUPŠ vQE:XVUWCCXVWU<CIEWTvW?C8 E@ NF CS@ hNWHN sSWUP- oi ++(+*v tII sEW@T E@ rEHHN==SS HSHVS@? ?S@:S 9N=PE<= UEHCSF?W=NEFv tII s aWRWSI pv n@WFWTE- rN=7 rIS@K rN=7 ER hNWHN sSWUP Page: NabesNE_7,Pub. date:Thursday,November14Last user:cci Edition: 1stSection, zone:,DadeNELast change at:20:16:39November11