Ad 866 Notice of Public Hearing "Restricted Wake Zone" certified 'o lams cralb MEDIA COMPANY PUBLISHED DAILY MIAMI-DADE-FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared: JEANNETTE MARTINEZ who on oath says that he/she is CUSTODIAN OF RECORDS of The Miami Herald, a daily newspaper published at Miami in Miami-Dade County,Florida;that the attached copy of advertisement that was published was published in said newspaper in the issue(s)of: April 10,2014(NEIGHBORS NE)#949158 Affiant further says that the said The Miami Herald is a newspaper published at Miami, in the said Miami-Dade County,Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County,Florida each day and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami, in said Miami-Dade County,Florida,for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement;and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person,firm or corporation any discount,rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspapers(s). 0 Aworn to and subscribed before me this 10tL day of April,2014 My Commission Expires: August 1,2014 Silvia Sendra No O�'pv P��G•: SILVIA SENDRA °' MY COMMISSION#DD 977782 *= EXPIRES:August 1,2014 •'o Sc Bonded l'hru Notary Public underwriters °��� . 998#PV i400e8!wellN 10 Al!0 �AOIO A4!0`opeueJO'3 laelea L LL le 901/u9S Aelaa ep!Jo13 941 Ileo osle few saasn ul ao(9310A)L LtL-£L9-50£le aouenpe u!SAep aA!1 sn 1oeluoo eseold 16u!paeooad paaosuods-Apo Aue ui aledlo!1Jed ao luawnoop Aue Ma!A9A 01 uo!lepoww000e Aue joLpue sall!l!ges!p 41!M suosaad aol sseooe uo uo!lewaolu! `s.ialeAdaalui eben6uel ubis jewiol olglsseooe ui leualew s!yl lsonbei of -Mel Aq pamolle asiAueLllo 1ou sleadde ao sa6ualle4o az!aoylne 1!saop aou`aouap!Aa luenalaaa1 ao apss!wpeu!asimia1410 10 uo!sslwpe ao uo!lonpoalu!941 aol Al!0 941 Aq luesuoo 91n1!lsuoo 1ou saop aollou s!41-peseq eq of si leadde ay114ol14M uodn aouap!Ae pue Auow!lsol 941 sepnloui pJooai gol14M`apew si sbulpaeooad ay1 10 pjooei w!legaan a 1e41 aansue lsnw uosaad Bons'6ulaea14 sp ao bu!laaw sl!1e paaap!suoo aallew Aue of loadsei L11M uolsslwwo0 x(1!0 941 Aq apew uols!oap,Aue lead&of sappap uosaad a 1!1e41 o!lgnd 941 sas!Ape Agajay A1!0 a141"jelS'el3 90 LO.99Z uo!1oeS of luensind •pap!no.id aq 1ou peou eo!1ou pbal Ieuo!1lppe `saouelswnoalo yons aapun pue 'penu!luoo aq Aew wel!s!y1 ao bu1199w s!yl'6£L££ePPOIJ '40e98 PON `IIeH 40 `aool3,5L 'an!aQ aalua0 u01lu9nuo0 OOL L `ao!110 s,�aal0 A1!O 941 ui sano14 sseu!snq lewaou buunp uo!loedsui o!lgnd aol olgel!ene s1 wal!s!141 10�(doo y '6£LEE eP!aoi3'4oea8 PON`IIeH 40"001=1,,L`aA!aa aalu90 uo1luanuo0 OOL L`)Ja910 fxl!0 941010'uolss!wwo0 40 914101 passaappe 6u!1uM u! sMoiA Jl9141 ssaadxe of Jo 1ua6e ue Aq paluesaadaa aq ao `bu!leew s!141 le aeadde of pe1!nu! 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NEIGHBORS CALENDAR CALENDAR,FROM 14NE `" CHARITY&VOLUNTEER from the US Department of Agricul- 2 p.m.April U.Unity on the Bay,411 "Helping Turn Lives Around"Lunch- ture.Through this project,local NE 21st St.,Wynwood-Edgewater. Hurricanes Baseball: eon:Children's Home Society of youth plan and start long-term $50. 7 p.m.April P.University of Miami Florida preents event at which you community service project. Mitzvah Miami/J-Serve:Mitzvah Mark Light Field,6201 San Amaro Dr., can learn how the Society fulfills its 3 p.m.April 10.West Homestead Miami,the Jewish Volunteer Center Coral Gables.800-462-2637. mission of"Embracing Children. Elementary,1550 SW Sixth St., (JVC)of the Greater Miami Jewish Inspiring Lives."RSVP by March 31 by Homestead.305-253-4841 ext 256. Federation's volunteer program for BALLET emailin ohn.dou lass @chsfl.or or Dream in Green-Setting the Stan- Jewish youth,invites teenagers from g j g g dard:Eighth annual fundraiser kicks across Miami-Dade County. by phone.. Miami City Ballet Program IV-Don 1130 a.m.April 10.The Coral Gables off with presentation of the 2014 10:30 a.m.April 13.Chapman Quixote:Don Quixote(Petipa- Country Club,997 N.Greenway Dr., Green Innovator Awards,recognizing Partnership,1550 N.Miami-Ave., Gorsky/Minkus)closes the Miami City Coral Gables.305-755-6520(John). local companies for undertaking Downtown Miami.Free. Ballet season. www.chsfl.org/MiamiHTLA. green initiatives and includes silent 786-866-8680. 8 p.m.April R The Adrienne Arsht Bingo Nights with the Knights in auction,green fashion show and a www.JewishMiami.org. Center,1300 Biscayne Blvd.,Down- Pembroke Pines:BINGO NIGHTS cocktail reception with hors town Miami.$20,$35,$65,$95,$175. WITH THE KNIGHTS d'oeuvres and drinks.. 877-929-7010.www.miamicity A night of Bingo and Free Re- 7 p.m.April V.The Standard Spa CHORAL/VOCALIST ballet.org/Program_IV.php. freshments.3rd Tuesday of Each Hotel,40 Island Ave.,Miami Beach. Palm Sunday Choral Cantata:The Month 6 p.m.-provided by the $100.305-576-3500. church celebrates Palm Sunday with BASKETBALL Knights of Columbus.Packets start https://www.eventbrite.com/ a choral cantata,Christus by Felix at$15,play all night. e/2014-green-innovator-awards- Mendelssohn;a Passion Cantata with Drillz and Skiliz Basketball Acade- 6 P.m.April 15.The City of Pem- and-setting-the-standard-fund chorus of mixed voices led by MY:Basketball skill instruction. broke Pines Southwest Focal Point raiser-tickets-10338144669. Warren H.Broome,music minister. 6:30 p.m.April P.Wayside Baptist Community Center,301 NW 103rd Heart of Devotion Workshop with 11 a.m.April 13.Riviera Presbyterian Church,7701 SW 98th St.,.$75 per Ave.,Pembroke Pines.$15. Krishna Das:Workshops offer Church,5275 Sunset Dr.,Coral month.786-251-9149.www.drillz 954-450-6888.www.ppines.com. down-to-earth understanding of the Gables.Free.305-666-8586. andskillzbasketball.com/general/ Brainfood:CareCloud Case Study -many challenges we face on the rivierachurch.org/palm-sunday- drillz-and-skillz-basketball-acad Keynote interview with Albert spiritual path:the buildup of fear, choral-cantata-at-rpc. e,Oy-in-kendall. Santalo anxiety,stress,judgment and nega- Miami Heat vs.Indiana Pacers: Hear Mr.Santalo speak about tive emotions.The workshops 730 p.m.April fl.American Air- disrupting the healthcare industry revolve around questions from CLASSICAL lines Arena,601 Biscayne Blvd., and bringing innovation to South participants and often include Amernet String Quartet:FIU's a Downtown Miami.786-777-1000. Florida. discussion about life and the spiritual Ensemble-in-Residence,present an Miami Heat vs.Philadelphia 76ers: 6:30 p.m.April 15.Lab Miami,400 path,stories about Krishna Das' evening program including Haydn's 8 p.m.April 16.American Airlines NW 26th St.,Wynwood-Edgewater. Guru,Mahara-i,readings from ,6 1 J g Quartet in D-major,op. /s,Shosta- Arena,601 Biscayne Blvd.,Downtown Challenge and Change Community spiritual traditions,and how to use kovich's Quartet#8 in C-minor,op. Miami.786-777-1000. Service Hour Project:This literacy practice to develop awareness of the obstacles around our innate sense of -initiative is funded through a grant well-being. •TURN TO CALENDAR,17NE MIAMIBEACH CITY OF MIAMI BEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY given that a public hearing will be held by the Mayor and City Commission of the City of nnia..,�Qom.,, in the Commission"Chamhare Q.4 m___ �:�.. ,. .,