Ad 866 Notice of Public Hearing April 23, 2014|THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 2014MiamiHerald.com|MIAMI HERALD 2NE NE NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS REACH US · EDITORIAL and Beyondº at 7 p.m. Aprilbuy fresh produce at twop.m. April 23. Representa-beachfl.go v. SURFSIDE 22. They will provide tips ondowntown stations. tives from more than 20 col- Suburban Editor · MIAMI-DADE TOWN HOSTING identifying birds, which bi-Farmers markets are openleges and schools will be at Joan Chrissos STREET PARTY 305-376-2635 noculars and field guides toat the Civic Center and Gov-City Hall, 1700 Convention EARLY HEAD START jchrissos@MiamiHerald.com Surfside will celebrateuse, and what bird feeders,ernment Center MetrorailCenter Dr. TAKING APPLICATIONS Editor `Third Thursday' tonight. birdseed and trees and shrubsstations. For more information, Mark Worth The monthly festival ofto plant to attract birds toThe farmers markets willcall Kate Gonzalez at 305-The Miami-Dade Com- 305-376-3591 music, dancing and food fea-your backyard.sell prepared foods in addi-673-7000, ext. 6354, or emailmunity Action and Human mworth@MiamiHerald.com tures a pop music perform-Miami Springs and Virgin-tion to fresh fruit and vege-KatherineGonzalez@Services Department Reporters Miami Beach: Christina Veiga, ance by POP Band, bellyia Gardens are bird sanctuar-tables. A percentage of themiamibeachfl.gov.(CAHSD) Head Start and 305-376-2029, cveiga@Miami dancers and food trucks inies that provide nesting sitesproceeds from the sales willEarly Head Start Program · Herald.com; North Miami: Nadege MIAMI BEACH downtown Surfside.for many bird species andgo to United Way Miami. have begun enrollment for Charles, 305-376-4566, ncharles@MiamiHerald.com; The free event is held fromgreenbelts where migratoryThe markets are openthe 2014-15 year. Applica- TOSS HAZARDOUS Aventura/Sunny Isles Beach: 7to 10 p.m. along 95th Streetbirds can rest during theirfrom 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mon-tions are being accepted un- PRODUCTS AT EVENT Howard Cohen, 305-376-3619, between Collins and Hardinglong journeys to their nestingdays at the Civic Center sta-til May 7 for pregnant wo- hcohen@MiamiHerald.com; Avenues. For information,and/or wintering grounds.tion and on Thursdays at theThe city of Miami Beachmen and children ages 2 Religion: Bea Hines 305-376-2022 ext. 7192, bhines@Miami call 305-861-4863or go toAdmission to the one-Government Center stationwill accept household haz-months to 5 years old. Herald.com www.visitsurfsidefl.com.hour presentation is free,through July 3. To learnardous-waste products at aHead Start is a federally Youth Sports Editor but donations are welcome.about becoming a vendor,free event from 8 a.m. to 3funded child-development · James Varsallone MIAMI SPRINGS The Curtiss Mansion is atcall the Market Co. at 305-p.m. Sunday. program serving low-income jvarsallone@MiamiHerald.com 500 Deer Run in Miami531-0038 or email claire@theResidents can drop offfamilies, providing such ser- LECTURE ON BIRDS School News Springs. For information,marketcompany.org.products like paints, motorvices as education, health and AT CURTISS MANSION arichardson@MiamiHerald.com call 305-869-5180.oil and batteries at the park-nutrition to help kids get a · OTHER CONTACTS MIAMI BEACH The Curtiss Mansion con- ing lot at 40th Street andgood start at school. Applica- · MIAMI Advertising tinues its After-Dinner Lec-Chase Avenue, next to thetions are available at all Head COLLEGE FAIR COMING Liana Guilarte, 305-376-4645 ture Series with a presenta-canal. Start and Early Head Start TO CITY CENTER FARMERS MARKETS AT Calendar desk/listings tion by Dr. Jose FranciscoFor more information,centers and CAHSD Service METRORAIL STATIONS newscalendar@MiamiHerald.com ªJoeº Barros and Paul BithornMiami Beach will host acall 305-673-7080or emailCenters. For more informa- on ªBirds in Your BackyardTransit riders can nowcollege fair from 10 a.m. to 2margaritawells@miamition, call 786-469-4622. fe_lrp l` mpapsZ QN:SF =PW= W C<VINU PSW@NFQ 9NII VS PSIT V7 =PS hW7E@ WFT rN=7 r NF =PS rEHHN??NEF rPWHVS@?- +@T oIEE@- rN=7 mWII- (#DD rEF:SF=NE\STFS?TW7- tC@NI >+- >D(%- W= ((b+" WvHv =E UEF?NTS@b tF e@TNFWFUS tHSFTNFQ _PS rETS eR _PS rN=7 eR hNWHN sSWUP- s7 tH oWUNIN=NS? tFT ]SPNUIS?-Ð s7 tHSFTNFQ t@=NUIS ll- pF=N=IST ÷aS?= pF=N=IST ÷aS?=@NU=ST t@SW?-Ð s7 tHSFTNFQ `<V?SU=NEF r _PS@SER aS tHSFTNFQ _PS sE<FTW@NS? _PS@SER tFT tHSFTNFQ t@SW r eF _PS tCCSF rETN UW=NEF- tFT tF pRRSU=N:S qW=Sv lFA<N@NS? HW7 VS TN@SU=ST =E =PS rN=7 t==E@FS71? eR US W= +D"5& lf_pap`_pq dta_lp` W@S NF:N=ST =E WCCSW@ W= =PN? HSS=NFQ- E@ VS ?= WTT@S??ST =E =PS rN=7 rEHHN??NEF- UXE =PS rN=7 rIS@K- (#DD rEF:S oIEE@- rN=7 mWII- hNWHN sSWUP- oIE@NTW ++(+*v t UEC7 ER =PN? N=SH N? 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