Ad 866 Notice of Public Hearing No Wake Zone for the April 23, 2014 Commission Meeting Miaminerat MEDIA COMPANY PUBLISHED DAILY MIAMI-DARE-FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared: JEANNETTE MARTINEZ who on oath says that he/she is CUSTODIAN OF RECORDS of The Miami Herald,a daily newspaper published at Miami in Miami-Dade County,Florida;that the attached co of advertisement that was published was published in said PY P P newspaper in the issue(s)of. April 10,2014(NEIGHBORS NE)#949158 Affiant further says that the said The Miami Herald is a newspaper published at Miami, in the said Miami-Dade County,Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County,Florida each day and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami, in said Miami-Dade County,Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person,firm or corporation any discount,rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspapers(s). 0 CLA worn to and subscribed before me this 1O'h day of April,2014 My Commission Expires: August 1,2014 Silvia Sendra. Not SILVIA SENDRA X. MY COMMISSION ODD 977782 EXPIRES:August i 2014 Bonded I hru Notary Public Underwriters� I MEDIA COMPANY PUBLISHED DAILY MIAMI-DADS-FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DARE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared: JEANNETTE MARTINEZ who on oath says that he/she is CUSTODIAN OF RECORDS of The Miami Herald, a daily newspaper published at Miami in Miami-Dade County,Florida,that the attached . copy of advertisement that was published was published in said newspaper in the issue(s)of: April 10,2014(Neighbors NE) April 17,2014(Neighbors NE) Affiant further says that the said The Miami Herald is a newspaper published at Miami, in the said Miami-Dade County,Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County,Florida each day and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami, in said Miami-Dade County,Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount,rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspapers(s). Swom to and subscribed before me t '-'b day of April,2014 My Commission Expires: ,ray 5,20 alph Ar n, Notary RAFAEL ARANA MY COMMISSION#FF 014464 ;. of EXPIRES:May 5,2017 •,qf��°Q� Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters |THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 2014MiamiHerald.com|MIAMI HERALD 2NE NE NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS REACH US EDITORIAL· and Beyondº at 7 p.m. Aprilbuy fresh produce at twop.m. April 23. Representa-beachfl.go v. SURFSIDE 22. They will provide tips ondowntown stations. tives from more than 20 col- Suburban Editor · MIAMI-DADE TOWN HOSTING identifying birds, which bi-Farmers markets are openleges and schools will be at Joan Chrissos STREET PARTY 305-376-2635 noculars and field guides toat the Civic Center and Gov-City Hall, 1700 Convention EARLY HEAD START jchrissos@MiamiHerald.com Surfside will celebrateuse, and what bird feeders,ernment Center MetrorailCenter Dr. TAKING APPLICATIONS Editor `Third Thursday' tonight. birdseed and trees and shrubsstations. For more information, Mark Worth The monthly festival ofto plant to attract birds toThe farmers markets willcall Kate Gonzalez at 305-The Miami-Dade Com- 305-376-3591 mworth@MiamiHerald.com music, dancing and food fea-your backyard.sell prepared foods in addi-673-7000, ext. 6354, or emailmunity Action and Human tures a pop music perform-Miami Springs and Virgin-tion to fresh fruit and vege-KatherineGonzalez@Services Department Reporters Miami Beach: Christina Veiga, ance by POP Band, bellyia Gardens are bird sanctuar-tables. A percentage of themiamibeachfl.gov.(CAHSD) Head Start and 305-376-2029, cveiga@Miami dancers and food trucks inies that provide nesting sitesproceeds from the sales willEarly Head Start Program · Herald.com; North Miami: Nadege MIAMI BEACH downtown Surfside.for many bird species andgo to United Way Miami. have begun enrollment for Charles, 305-376-4566, ncharles@MiamiHerald.com; The free event is held fromgreenbelts where migratoryThe markets are openthe 2014-15 year. Applica- TOSS HAZARDOUS Aventura/Sunny Isles Beach: 7to 10 p.m. along 95th Streetbirds can rest during theirfrom 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mon-tions are being accepted un- PRODUCTS AT EVENT Howard Cohen, 305-376-3619, between Collins and Hardinglong journeys to their nestingdays at the Civic Center sta-til May 7 for pregnant wo- hcohen@MiamiHerald.com; Avenues. For information,and/or wintering grounds.tion and on Thursdays at theThe city of Miami Beachmen and children ages 2 Religion: Bea Hines 305-376-2022 ext. 7192, bhines@Miami call 305-861-4863or go toAdmission to the one-Government Center stationwill accept household haz-months to 5 years old. Herald.com www.visitsurfsidefl.com.hour presentation is free,through July 3. To learnardous-waste products at aHead Start is a federally Youth Sports Editor but donations are welcome.about becoming a vendor,free event from 8 a.m. to 3funded child-development · James Varsallone MIAMI SPRINGS The Curtiss Mansion is atcall the Market Co. at 305-p.m. Sunday. program serving low-income jvarsallone@MiamiHerald.com 500 Deer Run in Miami531-0038 or email claire@theResidents can drop offfamilies, providing such ser- LECTURE ON BIRDS School News Springs. For information,marketcompany.org.products like paints, motorvices as education, health and arichardson@MiamiHerald.com AT CURTISS MANSION call 305-869-5180.oil and batteries at the park-nutrition to help kids get a · OTHER CONTACTS MIAMI BEACH The Curtiss Mansion con-ing lot at 40th Street andgood start at school. Applica- · MIAMI Advertising tinues its After-Dinner Lec-Chase Avenue, next to thetions are available at all Head COLLEGE FAIR COMING Liana Guilarte, 305-376-4645 ture Series with a presenta-canal. Start and Early Head Start TO CITY CENTER FARMERS MARKETS AT Calendar desk/listings tion by Dr. Jose FranciscoFor more information,centers and CAHSD Service METRORAIL STATIONS newscalendar@MiamiHerald.com ªJoeº Barros and Paul BithornMiami Beach will host acall 305-673-7080or emailCenters. For more informa- on ªBirds in Your BackyardTransit riders can nowcollege fair from 10 a.m. to 2margaritawells@miamition, call 786-469-4622. rl_Z eo hlthl sptrm fe_lrp eo d^silr mptalfn fe_lrp l` mpapsZ QN:SF =PW= W C<VINU PSW@NFQ 9NII VS PSIT V7 =PS hW7E@ WFT rN=7 r NF =PS rEHHN??NEF rPWHVS@?- +@T oIEE@- rN=7 mWII- (#DD rEF:SF=NE\STFS?TW7- tC@NI >+- >D(%- W= ((b+" WvHv =E UEF?NTS@b tF e@TNFWFUS tHSFTNFQ _PS rETS eR _PS rN=7 eR hNWHN sSWUP- s7 tH oWUNIN=NS? tFT ]SPNUIS?-Ð s7 tHSFTNFQ t@=NUIS ll- pF=N=IST ÷aS?= pF=N=IST ÷aS?=@NU=ST t@SW?-Ð s7 tHSFTNFQ `<V?SU=NEF r _PS@SER aS tHSFTNFQ _PS sE<FTW@NS? _PS@SER tFT tHSFTNFQ t@SW r eF _PS tCCSF rETN UW=NEF- tFT tF pRRSU=N:S qW=Sv lFA<N@NS? HW7 VS TN@SU=ST =E =PS rN=7 t==E@FS71? eR US W= +D"5& lf_pap`_pq dta_lp` W@S NF:N=ST =E WCCSW@ W= =PN? HSS=NFQ- E@ VS WTT@S??ST =E =PS rN=7 rEHHN??NEF- UXE =PS rN=7 rIS@K- (#DD rEF:S?= oIEE@- rN=7 mWII- hNWHN sSWUP- oIE@NTW ++(+*v t UEC7 ER =PN? N=SH N? 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