Meeting Notices May 5-9, 2014|THURSDAY, MAY 1, 2014MiamiHerald.com| MIAMI HERALD 14NE NE NEIGHBORS CALENDAR hpp_lfn fe_lrp` hW7 " 5 *- >D(% ·305-673-7300.will include works and arrangementsFillmore's backstage rehearsal hall.. CALENDAR, FROM 11NE hefqtZ- hW7 "for two pianos by Whipple & Moral-8:30 p.m. May 3. Jackie Gleason es, Manuel Ponce, Arturo MarquezTheater-Fillmore, 1700 Washington (bDD CvHvdIWFFNFQ sEW@T $rEHHN??NEF rPWHVS@? AUTO RACING 3663 S. Miami Ave., Northeastand Nikolai Kapustin. The fourAve., Miami Beach. $10; general _PN@T oIEE@- rN=7 mWII Coconut Grove. Free. 305-801-4431. pianists will join forces at t.seating only. 305-673-7300. Performance Driving Group @ >b+D CvHv_@WF?CE@=W=NEF } dW@KNFQ oN@?= oIEE@- iEVV7 1day7p.m. May 3. Miami ConservatoryForrest Shaw and Tracy Wilson-Mourning's Hats OffHomestead Miami Speedway:Live Comedy: rEHHN==SS _@EIIS7 _E<@(#"" hS@NTNWF t:S The Honey Shine Mentor-HPDE event.of Music, 2911Grand Ave., Northeastfriends every first and third Tuesday. Luncheon: ing Program's 12th annual signatureGet five 25 minute sessions plusCoconut Grove. $15 for Adults, $10 for8p.m. May 6. Elwoods Gastro Pub, +b+D CvHv_@WF?CE@=W=NEF } dW@KNFQ dW@KNFQ qSC=v p8SUv rEFRv fundraising event. Each year, Wilsonan open 40 minute session at daysstudents & seniors. children 5-17 are188 NE Third Ave., Downtown Miami. FT rEHHN==SS(#"" hS@NTNWF t:S- > oIv Mourning, program founder, and itsend.free with paid adult (limit 2 perFree. 305-358-5222. Lady Bug members and friends,Catered lunch included.adult). 305-442-2283. _^p`qtZ- hW7 & sport their favorite hats at thisFree instructor for BeginnersThis year's Gala for two Pianos: FAIRS & FESTIVALS yb+D WvHvqS?NQF aS:NS9 sEW@T$rEHHN??NEF rPWHVS@? luncheon and raise funds to continueFree event T-shirtconcert series wil feature the Whip- _PN@T oIEE@- rN=7 mWII empowering young girls enrolled in8a.m. May 3. Homestead-Miamiple-Morales Duo performing with 8th Annual All Kids included Family the program. Emcee is Louis Aguirre,Speedway, One Speedway Blvd.,world-class local artists WayneThe 8th Annual All Kids Festival: *b+D WvHv\W=S@R@EF= d@E=SU=NEF d<VINU \E@K? rEFRS@SFUS rEHHN==SSaEEH- %=P oIEE@- rN=7 mWII WSVN-Fox 7's co-anchor of "DecoHomestead. Varies. Bumpers and Virginia Covarrubias.Included Family Festival provides a Drive.".With Music by Whipple & Mora.full day of activities and cultural (DbDD WvHvd@S5d@ECE?WI rEFRS@SFUSXrN=7 hWFWQS@1? iW@QS rEFRv aEEH- 10:30 a.m. May 6. Jungle Island4p.m. May 4. Miami Conservatoryexperiences for children with and BASEBALL aod >D(%5(%+5ia %=P oIEE@- rN=7 mWII Treetop Ballroom, 1111Parrot Jungleof Music, 2911Grand Ave., Northeastwithout disabilities. \SV sW?ST _@WNFNFQ `7?=SH Trail, Downtown Miami. $150.Coconut Grove. Advance tickets: $1510 a.m. May 3. South Miami-Dade Alabama State Hornets vs. Miami (DbDD WvHvhs pHCIE7SS?1 aS=N@SHSF= dSF?NEF eR US rEFRv aEEH 305-854-2444. general, $10 students & seniors, $10Cultural Arts Center, 10950 SW 211th Hurricanes Baseball: dIWF sEW@T ER _@<?=SS?(#DD rEF:SF=NEF rSF=S@ q@v 7p.m. May 2. University of Miamigroups of 10 or more by advanceSt., Cutler Bay. FREE. 786-573-5300. Mark Light Field, 6201San Amaro Dr.,reservation. The door opens 30www.smdcac.org. ((bDD WvHvhW7E@1? sI<S aNVVEF dWFSI rN=7 hWFWQS@1? iW@QS rEFRv aEEH- ACOUSTIC Coral Gables. 800-462-2637.minutes before the concert.Street Brickell Cinco de Mayo Fiesta: EF oIEETNFQ WFT `SW aN?S%=P oIEE@- rN=7 mWII 305-442-2283. festival takes place across the street Acoustica-21: Eclectic Music Miami:Los Angeles Dodgers at Miami (> FEEFrEF:SF=NEF rSF=S@ tT:N?E@7 hsrr p8SU<=N:S sEW@T aHv Collection of solo and chamberfrom the restaurant, La Mexicana Marlins:Greater Miami Youth Symphony sEW@T(*D( rEF:SF=NEF rSF=S@ q@v music pieces of eclectic styles from7:10 p.m. May 2. Marlins Park, 501Two shows close out seasonCantina, and includes music, margar- Finale: the masters of the 20th century andMarlins Way, Little Havana.with first featuring Concert/Jazzitas, mariachis, mini wrestlers, three Miami-based living composers305-480-1300.Band and Concert Orchestra withmechanical bull and Mexican food.. \pqfp`qtZ- hW7 # (including three world premieres)Valentina Salazar, concerto competi-2p.m. May 4. La Mexicana Canti- Miami Marlins vs. Atlanta Braves: +bDD CvHviWFT ^?S } qS:SIECHSF= rEHHN??NEF rPWHVS@? performed..7:10 p.m. May 1. Marlins Park, 501tion winner, performing music byna, 1451S. Miami Ave., Downtown rEHHN==SS $$_PN@T oIEE@- rN=7 mWII 2p.m. May 3. Bakehouse ArtMarlins Way, Little Havana.Kabalevsky. Later show featuresMiami. $20-$40. 305-371-8859. ?= "b+D CvHvdW@K? } aSU@SW=NEFWI >( `=@SS= aSU@SW=NEF rSF=S@ Complex, 561NW 32nd St., Wyn-305-480-1300.String Orchestra and Symphony Cinco De Mayo at Taco Beach Shack: oWUNIN=NS? tT:N?E@7 sEW@T>(DD \W?PNFQ=EF t:SF<S wood-Edgewater. $10 donation.Orchestra with Edward Luengo,Taco Beach Shack in Hollywood Miami Marlins vs. New York Mets: 434-284-2985. 7:10 p.m. May 5. Marlins Park, 501concerto competition winner, per-celebrates Cinco de Mayo with a MonthlyMarlins Way, Little Havana.forming Dvoâߑk..2-day celebration on May 4th and Bluegrass Show & Jam: _m^a`qtZ- hW7 y Show & Jam at Greynolds Park in305-480-1300.3p.m. May 4. South Miami-Dade5th from Noon-2am! ybDD WvHvhW7E@1? sI<S aNVVEF dWFSI fE@HWFT7 `PE@S nEIR rI<V North Miami Beach on the firstCultural Arts Center, 10950 SW 211th-$5 for 3 Mini Tacos (Chicken or EF fE@=P sSWUP>%D( sNW@@N=6 q@N:S Sunday monthly from 12:30 to 5pm.St., Cutler Bay. $13-$23 at door;Beef) BASKETBALL The show is free, but the park$10-$20 in advance. 305-667-4069.-$3 Modelo Drafts. *bDD WvHv`CSUNWI hW?=S@ mSW@NFQ?rEHHN??NEF rPWHVS@? charges $6 per car to enter. There is.www.gmys.org.12 p.m. May 4. Taco Beach Shack, Drillz and Skillz Basketball Acade- _PN@T oIEE@- rN=7 mWII 12:30 p.m. May 4. Greynolds ParkBasketball skill instruction.Experience the334 Arizona St., Hollywood. Free. my:Triple Russians: Love-In, 18501NE 22nd Ave., North6:30 p.m. May 2. Wayside Baptist tropical sounds of South Florida954-920-6523. *b+D WvHvoNFS t@=? sEW@T_PN@T oIEE@ _@WNFNFQ aEEH Miami Beach. free, but park chargesChurch, 7701SW 98th St.,. $75 permixed with your Viennese favoritesFeatures Fairchild Farmer's Market: (#"" hS@NTNWF t:SF<S $6 for cars to enter. 305-358-1800. month. 786-251-9149. in a second installment of Worldlocal vendors with fresh produce, (> FEEFd<VINU qN?U<??NEF EF fEN?SrN=7 hWFWQS@1? iW@QS rEFRv aEEH Premieres presented by MISO'shoney, artisan products, handmade =P % oIEE@- rN=7 mWII Composers-in-Residence program.soaps, herb and vegetable plants, ALTERNATIVECHORAL / VOCALIST Eduardo Marturet conducts..baked goods. Held in Lowlands PlanChurch8p.m. May 4. Knight Concert Hallparking lot.. Plan B! Alternative Showcase:Old Cutler's Spring Concert: oalqtZ- hW7 * B! Alternative Night. Dedicated tochoir, orchestra, band, children'sat Adrienne Arsht Center, 13009a.m. May 3. Fairchild Tropical *bDD WvHvdS@?EFFSI sEW@TrEHHN??NEF rPWHVS@? those bands that don't come outchoir and special guests performBiscayne Blvd., Downtown Miami.Botanic Garden, 10901Old Cutler Rd., _PN@T oIEE@- rN=7 mWII often enough to TheTalentFarm.patriotic favorites, original works and$30. 305-275-5666.Coral Gables. Free. 305-667-1651. There's a whole world of awe-classic American tunes..www.themiso.org.Bring out Food Trucks at Arts Park: oE@ WF7 WFTXE@ WII ER =PS WVE:S HSS=NFQ?- EFS E@ HE@S HSHVS@? ER some bands out there, and hundreds7:30 p.m. May 3. Old Cutlerthe family on Mondays, enjoy the hNWHN sSWUP rN=7 rEHHN??NEF HW7 VS NF W==SFTWFUS WFT CW@=NUNCW=S of them.Presbyterian Church, 14401Old Cutlerpark and have a picnic. Food avail- COMEDY TN?U<??NEF?v 6:30 p.m. May 3. The Talent Farm,Rd., Palmetto Bay. Free. 305-238-8121.able for purchase from the Food 20911Johnson St., Pembroke Pines.www.ocpc.org.Trucks. Go to website for lineup. Have-Nots presents Freddy Steb- $ tN@ST EF hs_]b t=IWF=NU s@EWTVWFT ## } t_}_ ^5:S@?S ** $10 at the door. 954-438-3488. Supporting act(s): The Have-Well behaved pets on leashes bins: Nots for 18+ only. Doors open at 8welcome. The Head and The Heart: $$ rEHHN??NEF rEHHN==SS hSS=NFQ? CLASSICAL 8:30 p.m. May 6. The Fillmore,p.m. at entrance on 17th Street5:30 p.m. May 5. Hollywood Arts 1700 Washington Ave., Miami Beach.The concertadjacent to the box office. Show is inPark, N Young Cir, Hollywood. Free Gala for Two Pianos: admission. Celebrate Love In Party In The Park: the music of the '60s through '80s at \S W@S UEHHN==ST =E C@E:NTNFQ S8USIISF= C<VINU ?S@:NUS WFT ?WRS= IN:S- 9E@K WFT CIW7 NF E<@ :NV@WF=- =@ECNUWI- PN?=E@NUWI UEHH<FN Buying, Selling or Renting?event with live music, food, vintage cars and a throwback costume rN=7 mWII N? IEUW=ST W= (#DD rEF:SF=NEF rSF=S@ q@N:S~ WFT =PS hN contest. Eddie Money performs rEF:SF=NEF rSF=S@ N? IEUW=ST W= (*D( rEF:SF=NEF rSF=S@ q@N:Sv tF Call your Luxury Specialist, Magda S. Saltzman along with three Miami-based cover HW7 VS ECSFST WFT UEF=NF<ST WFT- <FTS@ ?<UP UN@U<H?=WFUS?- WTTN= bands, including The Mojo Scoun- FE=NUS 9NII FE= VS C@E:NTSTv _E @SA<S?= =PN? HW=S@NWI NF WUUS??N drels, Mr. Nice Guy, and Blackstar.. ¥ Direct Intracoastal & Lakes ¥ Estate Homes/Condos IWFQ<WQS NF=S@C@S=S@?- NFRE@HW=NEF EF WUUS?? RE@ CS@?EF? 9N=P TN 11a.m. May 4. Greynolds Park WFTXE@ WF7 WUUEHHETW=NEF =E @S:NS9 WF7 TEU<HSF= E@ CW@=NUNCW=S N ¥ Foreclosure & Luxury Rentals ¥ Unique Properties Love-In, 18501NE 22nd Ave., North UN=75?CEF?E@ST C@EUSSTNFQ- CISW?S UEF=WU= +D"5&#+5#%(( .:ENUS4- Miami Beach. $20-$180. #>"% .RW84 E@ #(( .__Z oi aSIW7 `S@:NUS4  :S TW7? NF WT:WFUS =E ¥ Oceanfront ¥ Deepwater South Florida Palm Society Spring @SA<S?=v t HSS=NFQ FE= FE=NUST NF =PS \SSKI7 hSS=NFQ fE=NUS WT WFT ¥ Pre-Construction ¥ Short Sale ¥ Lots On May 3-4, the TS=S@HNFST =E VS WF SHS@QSFU7 HSS=NFQ 9NII VS CE?=ST EF =PS V<II Show and Sale: Broker/Realtor VEW@T? =P@E<QPE<= rN=7 mWII WFT 9NII VS W:WNIWVIS EF =PS rN=71? South Florida Palm Society will hold 9SVvHNWHNVSWUPŠ vQE:XUN=7UIS@KX its annual Spring Show and Sale Specializing in Waterfront Properties! featuring "The World's Largest Sale oIWv `=W=<=S >y&vD(D" fE=NUS? ER HSS=NFQ? WFT PSW@NFQ? H<?= WT:N?S =PW= W @SUE@T of Rare and Exotic Palms." N? @SA<N@ST =E WCCSWIv pWUP VEW@T- UEHHN??NEF- E@ WQSFU7 ER =PN? ?=W=S E@ ER WF7 CEIN=N www.WaterfrontHomesinMiami.com ?<VTN:N?NEF =PS@SER ?PWII NFUI<TS NF =PS FE=NUS ER WF7 HSS=NFQ E 9:30 a.m. May 3. Fairchild Tropical HSS=NFQ E@ PSW@NFQ N? @SA<N@ST- ER ?<UP VEW@T- UEHHN??NEF- E@ WQ Botanic Garden, 10901Old Cutler Rd., ?<UP FE=NUS- =PS WT:NUS =PW=- NR W CS@?EF TSUNTS? =E WCCSWI WF7 WQSFU7- E@ UEHHN??NEF 9N=P @S?CSU= =E WF7 HW==S@ UEF?NTS@ST W= ?Coral Gables. Free for FTBG mem- PS E@ ?PS 9NII FSST W @SUE@T ER =PS C@EUSSTNFQ?- WFT =PW=- RE@ ? FSST =E SF?<@S =PW= W :S@VW=NH @SUE@T ER =PS C@EUSSTNFQ? N? HWTS · =PS =S?=NHEF7 WFT S:NTSFUS <CEF 9PNUP =PS WCCSWI N? =E VS VW?STv TURN TO CALENDAR,15NE Email: Magda@MagdaSaltzman.com ¥ Se habla espa–ol ¥ I live at the Beach ?SU=NEF TE FE= WCCI7 =E =PS FE=NUS C@E:NTST NF ?v >DDvD&".+4v