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Ad 889 Notice of Special Commission Meeting
LOCAL & STATE |WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 2014MiamiHerald.com|MIAMI HERALD 6B H1 LEGISLATURE 2014 BRADENTON For mother, parasailing regs long overdue Report: Cops broke in to avoid `nasty' bathroom BY JOHN WOODROW COX was killed, the other brainlifts people hundreds of feettims' families, legislative Tampa Bay Times damaged.into the air and drags themleadership, Gov. Rick Scott Alone in her Ocala garden,Months later, Hively setaround with a tow rope.and, perhaps most impor- Bradenton Herald edly provided a USB stor- Shannon Hively felt relieved.out to fix the problem sheBetween 2001and Octobertantly, members of the Two police detectivesage device containing Her teenage girls were onblamed for the tragedy: a voidof 2013, there have been 21pa-industry. in Southwest FloridaCity Hall surveillance vacation with neighbors inof regulation in an industryrasailing accidents in thisªIt was a very reasonable have been accused offootage. Pompano Beach. They hadclearly needing it.state that have resulted in 23approach,º said Larry Med- breaking into City Hall.Both Johnson and the just called, begging to go pa-That was 2007.injuries and six deaths, ac-dock, executive director of Their excuse: The toi-other detective worked rasailing. For the first time ever, acording to a Senate report.the Water Sports Industry let in their station housein the department©s nar- Hively wavered. HerFlorida governor will soonThe bill's sponsor, Sen.Association. ªWe've been in is ªnastyº and people un-cotics unit. neighbor got on the line. Ahave the opportunity to signMaria Sachs, D-Delrayfavor of it for the last three der arrest are hangingAccording to the re- storm was approaching so itinto law a bill that would im-Beach, blamed Florida law-years.º around in the hallway.port, the detective said was likely the boat operatorspose restrictions on how pa-makers' historical resistanceMuch of the statute, in fact, The detectives withthey reversed the latch wouldn't go out anyway.rasail companies do business.to any new regulations for thewas taken from rules he and the Bradenton Police De-on the door ªjust so we Hively hung up, happy thatThe new rules would, amongcontinued lack of oversight.others already had partment are under in-wouldn©t get locked out for once she didn't have to beother things, force operatorsªThere are a lot of commondeveloped. vestigation after break-so we could use the bath- the bad guy.to carry $1million of insur-sense bills that don't getMike Stockwell, owner of ing into City Hall afterroom or use it as a cut An hour later, as she plant-ance per rider, and wouldthrough,º she said.Gators Parasail in Madeira hours on Feb. 7, leavingthrough.º ed a gardenia, her phone rangprohibit parasailing in sus-She had even heard col-Beach, welcomes the new the building unlocked forJohnson added that the again. A stranger, screaming,tained winds exceeding 20leagues insist that anyonelaw. He said his boats already the weekend, accordingaction was not autho- told her the girls had, in fact,mph or gusts reaching 25willing to parasail should ac-maintain the necessary insur- to an internal affairsrized, the report states. gone parasailing, and some-mph.cept the risk. ªThat's a 1950sance and avoid inclement report.Johnson was asked thing was wrong. They canHively expected this yearsargument,º she said. ªSome-weather. One of the detectives,why he didn©t use the swim, Hively yelled. Getago. ªI was so nave backtimes we need to wake up as a Tampa Bay Times re- Ross Johnson, is no long-restroom at the Braden- them out of the water.then, she said. ªI thought thatstate.ºsearchers Natalie Watson er with the department.ton Police Department ªMa'am, they're not in wa-people would understand.ºThis session, Sachs in-and Caryn Baird contributed The other detective wasstation. ter,º the woman said.For Hively and so manyvolved all stakeholders: vic-to this report. not named.According to the re- ªThey're blowing over theothers, it was baffling that The investigationport, Johnson responded beach.ºFlorida officials closely mon- started after City Clerkthat the restroom in the EVERGLADES RESTORATION After the rope snapped,itored trades like body pierc- and Treasurer Carl Call-detective area is ªnasty.º their yellow parasail draggeding and tattooing and tanning ahan complained to Po-Johnson described the them into the roof of a two-salons Ð none of which is Corps may jump-start plan lice Chief Michael Radzi-restroom in City Hall as story home before tangling inlikely to kill Ð but avoided lowski, according to theªout of sight, out of BY JENNY STALETOVICH atree. Her youngest daughterscrutinizing an industry thatGov. Rick Scott to environ- report. Callahan report-mind.º jstaletovich@MiamiHerald.com mental groups. A$1.9 billion plan to moveOn Tuesday, Assistant the chronically delayed Ev-Secretary of the Army Jo-El- erglades restoration forwardlen Darcytold a district will be reconsidered by theboard the Corps would re- rl_Z eo hlthl sptrm U.S. Army Corps of Engi-consider the plan May 23, neers later this month.said Caroline McLaughlin, a fe_lrp eo `dprlti rl_Z rehhl``lef hpp_lfn The Corps surprised sup-policy analyst for the Na- porters in April when itstional Parks Conservation fe_lrp l` mpapsZ QN:SF =PW= =PS rN=7 rEHHN??NEF ER =PS rN=7 ER hNWHN sSWUP- oIE@`CSUNWI rN=7 rEHHN??NEF hSS=NFQ EF _P<@?TW7- hW7 y- >D(% Civil Works Review BoardAssociation, who was at the @T W= "bDD CvHv NF =PS rEHHN??NEF rPWHVS@?- + oIEE@- rN=7 mWII- (#DD rEF:SF=NEF rSF=S@ q@N:S- hNWHN sSWUP- oIE@NTW- RE@ =PS C<@ failed to sign off on the Cen-meeting. t==E@FS75rINSF= `S??NEF d<@?<WF= =E Ì>y&vD((- oIE@NTW `=W=<=S?v tral Everglades PlanningThe Corps could not be =P =PS REIIE9NFQ CSFTNFQ IN=NQW=NEF HW==S@b rN=7 ER hNWHN sSWUP :v k<TNUNWI rN@U<N=v Project, potentially missingreached for comment. _PS C@N:W=S UIE?ST t==E@FS75rINSF= `S??NEF N? =E TN?U<?? ?S==ISHSF= FSQE=NW=NEF? WFTXE@ ?=@W=SQ7 @SIW=ST =E IN=NQW=NEF S8CSFTN=<@S? 9N=P @SQW@T =E acritical window to win au-But even with the earlier =PS WVE:S5@SRS@SFUST IN=NQW=NEF HW==S@v _PS REIIE9NFQ NFTN:NT<WI? 9NII VS NF W==SFTWFUSb hW7E@ dPNINC iS:NFS~ hSHVS@? ER =PS rN=7 rEHHN??NEFb thorization from Congress. review, supporters say there hNUK7 `=SNFVS@Q- kE7 hWIWKERR- hNUPWSI n@NSUE- pT9W@T _EVNF- qSS The Corps took issuestill may not be enough time. aW<I tQ<NIW- oN@?= t??N?=WF= rN=7 t==E@FS7 `=S:SF aE=P?=SNF- aNU with how the South FloridaªIt's going to take some d<@?<WF= =E ov`v >y&vD((*.y4- =PS rEHHN??NEF hSS=NFQ 9NII UEHHSF Water Management Districtcreative accounting, so to t==E@FS75rINSF= `S??NEF 9NII VS HWTS~ W= =PS UEFUI<?NEF ER =PS U worded a resolution agree-speak,º said Water Re- =PS UIE?ST t==E@FS75rINSF= `S??NEF 9NII VS WFFE<FUSTv ing to cover half the cost andsources Advisory Commis- said it needed until June tosion member Adam Gelber, lF=S@S?=ST CW@=NS? W@S NF:N=ST =E WCCSW@ W= =PN? HSS=NFQ- E@ VS review it. The decision waswho also attended the meet- UXE =PS rN=7 rIS@K- (#DD rEF:SF=NEF rSF=S@ q@N:S- (?= oIEE@- rN=7 mWII- hNWHN sSWUP- oIE@NTW ++(+*v t UEC7 ER =PN? N= ?=roundly condemned, froming. FE@HWI V<?NFS?? PE<@? NF =PS rN=7 rIS@Kå? eR US- (#DD rEF:SF=NE oIEE@- rN=7 mWII- hNWHN sSWUP- oIE@NTW ++(+*v _PN? HSS=NFQ E@ = UEF=NF<ST- WFT <FTS@ ?<UP UN@U<H?=WFUS?- WTTN=NEFWI ISQWI FE=NUS d<@?<WF= =E `SU=NEF >y&vD(D"- oIWv `=W=v- =PS rN=7 PS@SV7 WT:N?S SAWGRASS EXPRESSWAY @S?CSU= =E WF7 HW==S@ UEF?NTS@ST W= N=? HSS=NFQ E@ N=? PSW@NFQ- NFUI<TS? =PS =S?=NHEF7 WFT S:NTSFUS <CEF 9PNUP =PS WCCSWI N? =E Woman pleads not guilty ER E=PS@9N?S NFWTHN??NVIS E@ N@@SIS:WF= S:NTSFUS- FE@ TES? N= W< _E @SA<S?= =PN? HW=S@NWI NF WUUS??NVIS RE@HW=- ?NQF IWFQ<WQS NF= in crash that killed 2 @S:NS9 WF7 TEU<HSF= E@ CW@=NUNCW=S NF WF7 rN=75?CEF?E@ST C@EUSST UWII =PS oIE@NTW aSIW7 `S@:NUS W= #((v BY ERIKA PESANTES wheelchair with metal rods aWRWSI pv n@WFWTE- rN=7 rIS@K Sun Sentinel rN=7 ER hNWHN sSWUP protruding from it. The woman accused ofFerrante and Catronio tTb yy* being drunk behind thewere 2010 graduates of Mar- wheel in a wrong-way crashjory Stoneman Douglas that killed two Coral SpringsHigh School in Parkland and best friends pleaded nothad been attending Palm guilty during her arraign-Beach State College. ment Tuesday.Investigators say a tweet Kayla Mendoza, 21, of Hal-from Mendoza's Twitter ac- landale Beach, sat in acount Ð ª2 drunk 2 careº Ð me^`lfn t^_meal_Z eo _mp rl_Z eo hlthl sptrm wheelchair with her hair in awas posted hours before the tight bun and kept a mostlyfatal crash. In an interview d^silr rehhpf_ fe_lrp downcast gaze in the court-that aired on the syndicated room of Broward Circuittelevision program ªInside Judge David Haimes.Editionº last week, Mendoza d^silr mptalfn fe_lrp Authorities say Mendozasaid the tweet was directed had a blood-alcohol level ofat her boyfriend because of _PS mE<?NFQ t<=PE@N=7 ER =PS rN=7 ER hNWHN sSWUP .mtrhs4 N? CIWU .15 Ð almost twice the legalan argument and had noth- mE<?NFQ rPENUS ]E<UPS@ .mr]4 tTHNFN?=@W=N:S dIWFv _PS dIWF 9NII limit Ð on Nov. 17 when sheing to do with her decision \STFS?TW7- hW7 #- >D(% =P@E<QP hEFTW7- k<FS >+- >D(% VS=9SSF =PS drove in the wrong directionto drive. eR US- IEUW=ST W= >DD tI=EF aEWT- oN@?= oIEE@- hNWHN sSWUP- oIE onto the Sawgrass Express-Mendoza is charged with =PWF _<S?TW7- k<FS >%- >D(% W= *bDD WvHv W= =PS REIIE9NFQ WTT@S? way and slammed head-ontwo counts of DUI man- into a 2012 Toyota Camry.slaughter while impaired, mtrhs p8SU<=N:S eR US She was 20 years old at thetwo counts of DUI man- aSRb `SU=NEF y mr] tTHNFN?=@W=N:S dIWF time.slaughter with an unlawful >DD tI=EF aEWT The Camry carried Mari-blood-alcohol level, two hNWHN sSWUP- oi ++(+* sa Catronio and Kaitlyn Fer-counts of vehicular homi- _PS@S 9NII VS W d<VINU mSW@NFQ W= =PS mtrhs RE@ =PS C<@CE?S ER T rante, both 21. Catronio wascide and two counts of driv- pronounced dead at theing without a license caus- 9NII =WKS CIWUS EF _<S?TW7- k<FS >%- >D(% VSQNFFNFQ W= (DbDD WvH scene. Ferrante later dieding death. hNWHN sSWUP- oIE@NTWv tII NF=S@S?=ST CS@?EF? W@S 9SIUEHST =E W== from her injuries.She was given a $600,000 Mendoza, who was driv-bond. Her attorney, John ing a Hyundai Sonata, suf-Trevena, said he plans to use fered a brain injury and bro-adefense of involuntary in- ken legs. On Tuesday, hertoxication, arguing that right leg appeared out-Mendoza herself was a stretched before her on avictim. Complete access to the Miami Herald Digital Newspaper Subject-speciÞc & integrated with Florida Common Core Standards Opinions and perspectives that encourage debate Informative text with thought provoking ideas