Ad 882 Health Facilities Authority Meeting May 15, 2014 4W i la�l era MEDIA COMPANY PUBLISHED DAILY MIAMI-DADE-FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared: SEBASTIAN LEON who on oath says that he/she is CUSTODIAN OF RECORDS of The Miami Herald,a daily newspaper published at Miami in Miami-Dade County,Florida;that the attached copy of advertisement that was published was published in said newspaper in the issue(s)of: May S,2014(Miami Herald) Affiant further says that the said The Miami Herald o is a newspaper published at Miami,in the said Miami-Dade 4 r County,Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade _' -< County,Florida each day and has been entered as -n second class mail matter at the post office in Miami, ;yz X" in said Miami-Dade County,Florida, for a period of one tf% "fl 3 year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement;and affiant further -n •• says that he has neither paid nor promised any J person, firm or corporation any discount,rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspapers(s). 1 i t 1 1 Sworn to and subscribed before me this 13th day of May,2014 My Commission Expires: a ValpAhC Notary V MY COMMISSION E FF 014464 a EXPIRES:May 5,2017 �,,$FAQ:•' Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters |THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014MiamiHerald.com| MIAMI HERALD 18NE NE NEIGHBORS CALENDAR ·15th annual presentation of newly Romeo & Juliet: Eternal Love Spec- CALENDAR, FROM 16NE commissioned performance work by tacular Musical: some of Miami's most engaging8p.m. May 15. Bank United Center Downtown Miami's Arts & Entertain-emerging artists.At UM, 1245 Dauer Dr., Coral Gables. ment District. The intimate 58 seat8p.m. May 8. The Light Box at305-284-8244. indoor dining room features an openGoldman Warehouse, 404 NW 26th kitchen and serves an array of class.St., Wynwood-Edgewater. VIP Full fe_lrp N? PS@SV7 QN:SF =PW= =PS rN=7 ER hNWHN sSWUP mSWI=P oWUN OPERA 10 p.m. May 10. Touche RooftopPrice - $50, General Admission Full Lounge & Restaurant, 15 NE 11th St.,Price - $10. 305-576-4350. Thais presented by Florida Grand t<=PE@N=7 .=PS ÷t<=PE@N=7Ð4 9NII HSS= NF C<VINU ?S??NEF NF =PS r Downtown Miami. 305-358-9848.Florida Grand Opera closes Opera: the opera season with Massenet's Mujeres con Cajones: Eva Ayllon =P iW@QS rEFRS@SFUS aEEH- % oIEE@- rN=7 mWII- (#DD rEF:SF=NEF rSF=S@ q@N:S- MUSIC exotic French opera, Tha›s. Olga Cerpa & Albita: 8p.m. May 10. Miami-Dade County8p.m. May 10. The Adrienne Arsht Brickell Spring Network Crawl: hNWHN sSWUP- oIE@NTW ++(+* W= ((bDD WvHv EF _P<@?TW7- hW7 ("- >D Auditorium, 2901W. Flagler St., WestSocialize. Connect. Network. Build.Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd., Down- Flagler. 305-547-5414.About Brickell Network CRAWLtown Miami. Tickets start at just $11. _PS C<@CE?S ER =PN? HSS=NFQ N? =Eb Take part in the Brickell Spring800-741-1010. The Best Of The '90s Salsa Concert: Features Tito Nieves Jerry RiveraNetwork Crawl and help raise money Eddie Santiago & La Indiafor a worthy cause, Make-A-Wish. OTHER (v pISU= W rPWN@HWF WFT ]NUS rPWN@HWF ER =PS t<=PE@N=7~ 8p.m. May 10. American Airlines6:30 p.m. May 15. Batch Gastro- Arena, 601Biscayne Blvd., Downtownpub, 30 SW 12th St., Downtown Startup Grind Miami Hosts Nancy Miami. 786-777-1000.Miami. Dahlberg (Miami Herald: The Start- >v mEIT W C<VINU PSW@NFQ C<@?<WF= =E `SU=NEF (%#.R4 ER =PS lF=S Nancy Dahlberg, Miami Fairy Tales: Songs of the Dandelioning Gate): A multimedia contempo-Herald: The Starting Gate Woman: LIBRARIES rETS ER (*y&- W? WHSFTST- NF UEFFSU=NEF 9N=P =PS C@ECE?ST N??<WF rary music-theater journey thatNancy Dahlberg, author of The hurtles through a kaleidoscopicallyStarting Gate is a Miami Herald Miramar Library Presents Festival =PS t<=PE@N=7 ER FE= =E S8USST 0>DD-DDD-DDD WQQ@SQW=S C@NFUNCWI Miramar Library Pre-shifting mental landscape. Haunting-business writer and editor. d'Haiti 2014: sents: Festival d'Haitily provocative music leaves the6p.m. May 13. Lab Miami, 400 NW ER rN=7 ER hNWHN sSWUP mSWI=P oWUNIN=NS? t<=PE@N=7 mE?CN=WI aS:S On Saturday, May 10, 2014 at 12audience to discern.26th St., Wynwood-Edgewater. p.m., the Miramar Library will pre-8p.m. May 8. Little Stage Theater, aSR<FTNFQ sEFT? .hE<F= `NFWN hSTNUWI rSF=S@ ER oIE@NTW4 .=PS ÷sE sent the premier pre-Haitian Flag2100 Washington Ave., Miami Beach. PERFORMING ARTS Day celebration in South Broward.Preview $20/$10; Opening night & 12 p.m. May 10. Miramar Library,champagne reception $50/$25;AP Mays Conservatory of "Evolved": +v rEF?NTS@ WFT- NR WCC@E:ST- WTEC= W @S?EI<=NEF ER =PS t<=PE@N 2050 Civic Center Place, Miramar.$25/$15 all others. 305-674-9220. the Arts' third annual student show- FREE. 954-357-8090. Part of Miamicase by talented middle and high Kotaro Fukuma, piano: =PS N??<WFUS V7 =PS t<=PE@N=7 ER =PS sEFT?~ International Piano Festival, programschool students in dance, theater North Dade Black Male Youth Miami-Dadeis works by Rameau, Bizet, Debussy,and music. A visual arts exhibit is on Mental Health Forum: Economic Advocacy Trust (MDEAT)Ravel, Schultz-Evler and Liszt..display prior to performance from %v rEF?NTS@ W @SA<S?= V7 hE<F= `NFWN hSTNUWI rSF=S@ ER oIE@NTW RE@ presents the North Dade Black Male7:45 p.m. May 15. Colony Theater,6-7 p.m. in the lobby with perform- Youth Mental Health Forum. The goal1040 Lincoln Rd., Miami Beach. $15,ance at 7 p.m.. =PS t<=PE@N=71? RSS?~ WFT of the events are to provide mental$30, $50 ($125 for 5-concert series).6p.m. May 15. South Miami-Dade health professionals, com.305-434-7091. Cultural Arts Center, 10950 SW 211th "v rEF?NTS@ ?<UP E=PS@ V<?NFS?? W? HW7 C@ECS@I7 UEHS VSRE@S =PS 6p.m. May 13. North Dade Region-St., Cutler Bay. $5 in advance, $10 Mikey Rawk - Rawking The Club: al Library Auditorium, 2550 NW10 p.m. May 10. News Lounge, after May 9th. 305-233-2300. W= ?WNT HSS=NFQv 183rd St., Miami Gardens.5580 NE Fourth Ct., Upper Eastside. Midnight Red Meet & Greet - Miami 305-625-6424.305-758-9932. "Midnight Red Meet & May 9, 2014: From David Crane andGreet South-Dade Black Male YouthRapunzel: d<@?<WF= =E `SU=NEF >y&vD(D"- oIWv `=W=v- =PS t<=PE@N=7 PS@SV7 W Miami-DadeMarta Kaufman, the creators of theMeet and take photo with Mid- Mental Health Forum: Economic Advocacy Trust (MDEAT)hit T.V. show "Friends", comes anight Red C<VINU =PW=b NR W CS@?EF TSUNTS? =E WCCSWI WF7 TSUN?NEF HWTS V7 will present the South DadeBlackwickedly funny, musical interpreta-Meet & Greet will guarantee Male Youth Mental Health Forum ontion of this classic Grimm's Fairy Tale. priority access to the venue. 9N=P @S?CSU= =E WF7 HW==S@ UEF?NTS@ST W= N=? HSS=NFQ E@ N=? PSW@ Thursday, May 15 from 6 p.m. - 8:3011a.m. May 8. Actors' Playhouse at*Does not include show ticket/ p.m. the Miracle Theatre, 280 Miracle Mile,Must have show ticket. H<?= SF?<@S =PW= W :S@VW=NH @SUE@T ER =PS C@EUSSTNFQ? N? HWTS- 9 6p.m. May 15. South Dade Region-Coral Gables. 305-444-9293. 7p.m. May 9. Jackie Gleason al Library, 10750 SW 211th St., CutlerTheater-Fillmore, 1700 Washington Red Rabbit Presents "Summer NFUI<TS? =PS =S?=NHEF7 WFT S:NTSFUS <CEF 9PNUP =PS WCCSWI N? =E Bay. 305-233-8140.OnAve., Miami Beach. $20. Daze" at the Surfcomber Hotel: SAT, May 10th join the Red RabbitRadio Falls, Rose and the Rime: _PN? FE=NUS TES? FE= UEF?=N=<=S UEF?SF= V7 =PS t<=PE@N=7 RE@ =PS Fam at The Surfcomber, w/ the 2ndMichigan has been trapped in MISCELLANEOUS installment of "SUMMER DAZE"!perpetual winter for a generation The ParkOp-12 p.m. May 10. Surfcomber Hotel,and the constant blizzard surround- Music and Parkinson's: timists a Parkinson's Support Group1717 Collins Ave., Miami Beach. Freeing the town means there's no way W<=PE@N6S UPWIISFQS? E@ WCCSWI? FE= E=PS@9N?S WIIE9ST V7 IW9v offers Music Therapy every Wednes-with RSVP at RSVP@redrabbit-in or out. day, 11:30-12:30p at St Matthewspresents.com. 786-210-7605. 7:30 p.m. May 8. The Adrienne Episcopal Church, 7410 Sunset Dr,Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd., Secret Garden presents Paint the South Miami. The Secret Garden is proud toDowntown Miami. $45+. Night: 11a.m. May 14. St. Matthews Epis-present a new concept in collab-305-949-6722. copal Church, 7410 Sunset Dr., Southoration with Dancing Shoes Produc- SoBe Comedy Show @ Barezzito: Miami. FREE. 305-243-2609 orciones, "Paint The Night". A blackAsians always make me laugh.. If 305-951-4933.light and neon production conceptthey make you laugh also come see that invites.one of the funniest girls in comedy. 7p.m. May 10. The Social Lubri-She is a regular on MTVs GirlCode. MODERN DANCE cant, 167 NW 23rd St.,8p.m. May 9. Barezzito South Wynwood-Edgewater.Beach, 2000 Collins Ave., Miami Family Performance Series- Moving SubtitledBeach. $20. 864-240-5555. Current Dance Collective:The Barnacle Under Moonlight: "Dancing Your Direction," this inter-Enjoy an outdoorDoors open at 8 pm. Deblois Milledge:The Wanted: active performance makes contem-concert under the moonlit Miami sky.All ages welcome. Everyone regard- porary dance understandable for allLawn chairs, blankets and picnicsless of age must have a ticket to ages. After each dance and a quickwelcome. No pets, pleaseenter. chat, the audience becomes the7p.m. May 9. The Barnacle Histor-9p.m. May 9. The Fillmore, 1700 choreographer, giving direction toic State Park, 3485 Main Hwy.,Washington Ave., Miami Beach. qt_pqb hW7 y- >D(% rl_Z eo hlthl sptrm the dancers..Coconut Grove. Members: $8. FutureTicket Price: $32.50 to $47.50. 1 2p.m. May 10. Hollywood Centralmembers: $10. Children: $3 ages 6-9;305-673-7300. mpti_m otrlil_lp` t^_meal_Z Performing Arts Center, 1770 Monroeunder 6 free. 305-442-6866. St., Hollywood. Free. 954-921-3274. · TURN TO CALENDAR,20NE MUSICALS tT yy> Miami Light Here and Now: 2014: Project closes our season with our