98-3131 ORD ORDINANCE NO. 98-3131 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING A NEW CHAPTER ENTITLED "AGENCIES, BOARDS, AND COMMITTEES" BY AMENDING SECTION 2.13.5 THEREOF BY AMENDING THE COMPOSITION OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE HOMELESS AND AMENDING SECTION 2.10.4 BY AMENDING THE COMPOSITION OF THE HEAL TH ADVISORY COMMITTEE, PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach wish to amend the composition ofthe Committee on the Homeless and the Health Advisory Committee to conform to current names for Miami-Dade County entities which have changed, and to restructure representation on the Committee on the Homeless to better serve the interests thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That Part II of the Miami Beach City Code chapter entitled "Agencies, Board, and Committees", be amended as follows: CHAPTER: AGENCIES, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES Table of Contents I. GENERAL PROVISIONS * * * II. AGENCIES, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES Sec. No. 2.1 Barrier-Free Environment Committee 2.1.1 Beach Preservation Committee 2.2 Beautification Committee 2.3 Budget Advisory Committee 2.4 Miami Beach Commission On The Status Of Women 2.5 Community Development Advisory Committee 2.6 Community Relations Board 2.7 Convention Center Advisory Board 2.8 Fashion, Film, Television and Recording Committee 2.9 Golf Advisory Committee 2.10 Health Advisory Committee 2.11 Health Facilities Authority 2.12 Hispanic Affairs Committee 2.13 Committee On The Homeless 2.14 Loan Review Committee 2.15 Marine Authority 2.16 Nuisance Abatement Board 2.17 Parks and Recreational Facilities Board 2.18 Personnel Board 2.19 Police/Citizen Relations Committee 2.20 Safety Committee 2.21 City of Miami Beach, Florida Sister Cities Program 2.22 Tourist and Convention Center Expansion Authority 2.23 Transportation and Parking Committee 2.24 Youth Center Advisory Board * * * I. GENERAL PROVISIONS * * * II. AGENCIES, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES The following portion of this Chapter sets forth the City of Miami Beach's agencies, boards and committees, including their respective purposes, powers and duties, composition, City affiliation requirements, attendance and terms. * * * Sec. 2.10 HEAL TH ADVISORY COMMITTEE * * * Sec. 2.10.4 COMPOSITION: The Committee shall consist of eleven (11) voting members, appointed by the City Commission..flt.J.arge, upon recommendations of the City Manager: * Three (3) members shall be the Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) or their designated administrators from each of the following local hospitals: Mount Sinai Medical Center, South Shore Hospital, and Miami Heart Institute. One (1) member shall be the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) from Stanley C. Myers Community Health Center or his/her designated administrator. * 2 One (1) member shall be an administrator from an Adult Congregate Living Facility (ACLF). One (I) member shall be a representative from the nursing profession. One (1) member shall be a health benefits provider. Two (2) members shall be physicians. Two (2) members shall be consumers consisting of one (1) individual from the corporate level and one (1) private individual. There shall be one (1) non-voting ex-officio representative from each of the following: the State of Florida Depflrtmcnt 5fIIcalth tmd Rehttbilitati'.c Services Miami-Dade County Health Department and the Fire Rescue Department. The Director of the Office of Children's Affairs shall be added as a non-voting ex-officio member of the board. * * * * * * * * COMMITTEE ON THE HOMELESS * * * Sec. 2.13.4 COMPOSITION: The Committee shall consist of nine (9) members, three (3) to be appointed by the Mayor, and each Commissioner to appoint one (1). The Chairperson of the Committee on the Homeless or his/her designee shall serve as a non-voting ex-officio member of the Community Relations Board. Sec. 2.13.5 KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE: Each member of the committee shall be selected from membership in an organization such as, but not limited to, the following: Service Providers: Douglas Gardens Community Mental Health Salvation Army Jev,:ish V oe!ttional Ser?iecs Better Way Miami Beaeh Housing Authority Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust RAIN Motherg Malor Mimni Beaeh Development Corp Community Ageneieg Invoh'ca 'Nith IIomeless I3sues City of Miflftii Beaeh Stflff Civic Representation: North Beach (North Beach Development C01l'oration) 41 st Street (Middle Beach Partnership) Lincoln Road (Marketing Council) Washington Avenue (Miami Beach Development Corporation and/or Washington Avenue Task Force) Ocean Drive (Ocean Drive Improvement Association) Collins Avenue (Hotel Association) South Pointe (South Pointe Advisory Board to the Redevelopment Agency) Member of the general public in'?ol'ved with personal experience with homeless issues 3 If ~ (e. I Ii (t'( 7!Z-j,j 113 CDBG Project Coordinator (ESG Emergency Shelter Grant Provider) City Officials: Representatives from the Police Department and the City Attorney's Office as ex- officio members SECTION 2. CODIFICATION. It is the intention of the Mayor and City Commission ofthe City of Miami Beach, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida. The sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section", "article," or other appropriate word. SECTION 3. SEVERABILITY. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no way affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. SECTION 4. REPEALER. All resolutions, ordinances, or other City legislation in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect on the 25th day of July ,1998. PASSED and ADOPTED this 15th day of July ,1998. ATTEST: kl,(Jvl<f r t1A-( ~ CITY CLERK ~!q M YOR 1st reading 7/1/98 2nd reading 7/15/98 APPROVED AS TO FORM & lANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION F:IA TTOITURNIORDINANCIHOMELESS.AMD ~Ou~ I Attorney bf~/~ 4 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY ~~ tf~ lIt'Ot'A F L o R o A MURRt\ Y H. Dl.JBBIN City Attorney Telephone: Telecopy: (305) 673-7470 (305) 673-7002 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. ~C{ g TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission ~urraYH.Dubbin^^1 ~// CIty Attorney . I\!\ DATE: July 15, 1998 FROM: , SUBJECT: ORDINANCE AMENDING COMPOSITION OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE HOMELESS AND THE HEALTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE. The following is an Ordinance which restructures the membership of the Committee on the Homeless pursuant to prior City Commission direction and which also provides a minor amendment to the Health Advisory Committee. Specifically, the Ordinance amends the composition of the Committee on the Homeless and the Health Advisory Committee to conform to current names for Miami-Dade County entities which have changed, and restructures the representation on the Committee on the Homeless to better serve the interests thereof. This Ordinance is submitted for adoption on final reading. DJT Ibfg cc: Sergio Rodriguez, City Manager Agenda Item f2-.. 5 C g (- \ s-g Date 1700 Convention Center Drive -- Fourth Floor -- Miami Beach, Florida 33139