Ad 891 Notice of Public Hearings, May 21, 2014|THURSDAY, MAY 15, 2014MiamiHerald.com|MIAMI HERALD 2NE NE NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS REACH US EDITORIAL · and interpreted by board-facility, 4602 NW 183rd St.,500 NE 87th St., at 8 a.m.Theft Auto and Other Mis- MIAMI-DADE Suburban Editor certified radiologists.at 11a.m. Saturday. Saturday. demeanors: Mischief, Mis- Joan Chrissos BAPTIST HEALTH The mammograms areThe event will featureThere is no registration haps and Mayhem in Mia- 305-376-2635 OFFERS LOW-COST jchrissos@MiamiHerald.com available at Baptist Healthhealthcare vendors givingfee. There will be bagels,mi Springs and Hialeah,at MAMMOGRAMS outpatient diagnosticinformation, giveawaysjuice and coffee, and free1p.m. May 21at Miami Editor Mark Worth Baptist Health Southcenters. and raffles, and games forT-shirts for the first 50 toSprings Country Club, 650 305-376-3591 Florida is reducing theFor location and sched-children. sign up. Curtiss Pkwy. mworth@MiamiHerald.com cost of digital mammo-uling information, callIt is free and open to theFor information, callThe book is a time cap- Reporters grams for uninsured pa-786-573-6000in Miami-public. 305-795-7880.sule of what local neigh- Miami Beach: Christina Veiga, tients this month to en-Dade or 954-837-1000inFor more information,borhood kids did decades 305-376-2029, cveiga@Miami · MIAMI SPRINGS Herald.com; North Miami: Nadege courage them to get mam-Broward.visit jtchc.org.ago, like playing hooky, Charles, 305-376-4566, BOOK DISCUSSION mograms. testing mint julep masks ncharles@MiamiHerald.com;·· MIAMI GARDENSEL PORTAL RECOUNTS GROWING Screening mammo-and pulling frogs out of Aventura/Sunny Isles Beach: HEALTH CENTER'STAKE 2-MILE WALK ONUP IN DADE COUNTY Howard Cohen, 305-376-3619, grams cost $50 and diag-canals. hcohen@MiamiHerald.com;GRAND OPENINGARMED FORCES DAY nostic mammograms costJennifer Evans KochalkaThe event open to the Religion: Bea Hines 305-376-2022 $100 through May 31. The Jessie Trice Com-El Portal will host itsof Laguna Beach, Cali-public and sponsored by ext. 7192, bhines@Miami Herald.com A doctor's prescriptionmunity Health Center willsixth annual Armedfornia, will speak andthe local Rotary Club. is required. All mammo-celebrate the grand open-Forces Day 2-mile walkanswer questions aboutFor information, call Youth Sports Editor James Varsallone grams will be revieweding of its Miami Gardensstarting at Village Hall,her new book, Grand 305-588-7227. jvarsallone@MiamiHerald.com School News arichardson@MiamiHerald.com OTHER CONTACTS Advertising Liana Guilarte, 305-376-4645 Calendar desk/listings newscalendar@MiamiHerald.com rl_Z eo hlthl sptrm fe_lrp eo d^silr mptalfn fe_lrp l` mpapsZ QN:SF =PW= W C<VINU PSW@NFQ 9NII VS PSIT V7 =PS hW7E@ WFT rN=7 r @T + Š EE@- rN=7 mWII- (#DD rEF:SF=NEF rSF=S@ q@N:S- hNWHN sSWUP- oI\STFS?TW7- hW7 >y- >D(%-=E UEF?NTS@ =PS REIIE9NFQb "b+D CvHv tF e@TNFWFUS tHSFTNFQ rPWC=S@ (D eR _PS hNWHN sSWUP rN=7 rETS- p tFT eF sSWUPS?Ð s7 d@E:NTNFQ tF p8USC=NEF _PS@S=E oE@ sSWUPS? \N s7 tHSFTNFQ _PS p8USC=NEF? _E _PS a<FFNFQ t= iW@QS d@EPNVN=NEF? =PFT yD tFT y> `=@SS=? o@EH +bDD dvhv _E #bDD dvhv eF o@NTW7- `W=<@TW7- tFT `< s7 _PS rN=7 hWFWQS@ tFT q<@NFQ `<UP qW7? tFT mE<@? t? hW7 sS `CS tFT tF pRRSU=N:S qW=Sv lFA<N@NS? HW7 VS TN@SU=ST =E =PS dW@K? WFT aSU@SW=NEF qSCW@=HSF= lF=S@S?=ST CW@=NS? W@S NF:N=ST =E WCCSW@ W= =PN? HSS=NFQ- E@ VS ?= UXE =PS rN=7 rIS@K- (#DD rEF:SF=NEF rSF=S@ q@N:S- ( oIEE@- rN=7 mWII- hNWHN sSWUP- oIE@NTW ++(+*v rECNS? ER =PN? N= ?= FE@HWI V<?NFS?? PE<@? NF =PS rN=7 rIS@K1? eR US- (#DD rEF:SF=NE oIEE@- rN=7 mWII- hNWHN sSWUP- oIE@NTW ++(+*v _PN? HSS=NFQ- E@ HW7 VS UEF=NF<ST- WFT <FTS@ ?<UP UN@U<H?=WFUS?- WTTN=NEFWI ISQWI d<@?<WF= =E `SU=NEF >y&vD(D"- oIWv `=W=v- =PS rN=7 PS@SV7 WT:N?S 9N=P @S?CSU= =E WF7 HW==S@ UEF?NTS@ST W= N=? HSS=NFQ E@ N=? PSW@ NFUI<TS? =PS =S?=NHEF7 WFT S:NTSFUS <CEF 9PNUP =PS WCCSWI N? =E ER E=PS@9N?S NFWTHN??NVIS E@ N@@SIS:WF= S:NTSFUS- FE@ TES? N= W< _E @SA<S?= =PN? HW=S@NWI NF WUUS??NVIS RE@HW=- ?NQF IWFQ<WQS NF= @S:NS9 WF7 TEU<HSF= E@ CW@=NUNCW=S NF WF7 rN=75?CEF?E@ST C@EUSST UWII =PS oIE@NTW aSIW7 `S@:NUS W= #((v aWRWSI pv n@WFWTE- rN=7 rIS@K rN=7 ER hNWHN sSWUP y*(