Notice of Public Hearing Ad 899 MSMCWORLD |FRIDAY, MAY 23, 2014MiamiHerald.com|MIAMI HERALD 10A H1 WORLD BRIEFS UKRAINE Pro-Russia rebels kill · SOMALIA Extremist threatens 13 soldiers at checkpoint U.S., Kenya with attacks MOGADISHU Ð Making a rare threat against the BY IVAN SEKRETAREV AND PETER LEONARD United States, a senior member of Somalia's Islamic Associated Press insurgent group that has carried out terrorist attacks abroad said Thursday that holy war will come to AmericaBLAHODATNE, Ukraine and that Islam's flag will one day fly over Washington. ÐJust days before Ukraine The al-Shabab fighter, who has a $5 million U.S. bountyholds a presidential election, on his head, said in a speech broadcast on the rebels'pro-Russia insurgents at- radio station that al-Shabab fighters would carry outtacked a military checkpoint jihad, or holy war, in Kenya and Uganda ªand afterward,in the east Thursday, killing 13 with God's will, to America.º troops in the deadliest raid ªAmerica is waging a war in the Horn of Africa be-yet in weeks of fighting, cause they are responding to the Quran verses saying thatUkraine's leader said. the Islamic flag will fly in every corner of the world,ºArebel commander who Fuad Mohamed Khalaf, also known as Fuad Shongole,claimed responsibility for the said, referring to Islam's holy book. attack said one of his men al- U.S. officials have long feared that any of the severalso was killed. dozen Somali-Americans who have left the U.S. to joinActing Prime Minister Ar- the extremist fighters could travel back to the U.S. toseniy Yatsenyuk accused carry out terror attacks. Russia of escalating the con- flict in Ukraine's eastern re- · MEDICINE gions and trying to disrupt IVAN SEKRETAREV/AP MINI DIALYSIS MACHINE MADE FOR BABIES AFTER THE ATTACK: Sunday's election. In a Face- A Ukrainian soldier reacts at the site of the gunfight near the LONDON Ð Doctors in Italy designed a miniaturebook posting, he called for an village of Blahodatne. dialysis machine for babies, used for the first time lasturgent session of the U.N. Se- year to save a newborn girl, according to a new report. curity Council and saideastern city of Donetsk. Election officials and vot-near the vehicles. The new mini-dialysis machine was conceived by Dr.Ukraine would present evi-Witnesses, including aers have faced intimidationResidents said the attack- Claudio Ronco of the San Bortolo Hospital in Vicenza,dence of Russia's involve-medical worker, said moreand sometimes death threatsers used an armored bank Italy ,and colleagues. Just weeks after the machine wasment. than 30 other Ukrainianfrom the rebels in those areastruck, which the unsuspect- licensed last summer, they got their first patient: aThe rebels attacked atroops were wounded in theand some residents haveing Ukrainian soldiers waved 3-day-old baby girl with multiple organ failure. checkpoint near the town ofattack and some of themcalled for a boycott of thethrough, and then mowed ªHer parents had already reserved the funeral,º RoncoVolnovakha, firing automaticwere in grave condition.presidential vote. them down at point-blank said. Instead, the baby was treated for nearly a month.weapons and rocket-pro-The carnage cast a shadowKiev authorities now ad-range. Their account couldn't She and her parents recently paid Ronco a visit.pelled grenades, acting Presi-over Ukraine's upcomingmit it will be impossible tobe independently confirmed. dent Oleksandr Turchynovpresidential election, whichstage the vote in some east-In the town of Horlivka, a · EGYPT said. The Ukrainian Defenseauthorities in Kiev had hopedern areas. leading rebel commander MILITANT LEADER REPORTEDLY KILLED Ministry said the attackers hitwould defuse tensions andThree charred Ukrainianclaimed responsibility for the EL-ARISH Ð The top leader of an al-Qaida-inspiredan ammunition section instabilize the country. Separa-armored infantry vehicles,raid. He showed off an array group in Egypt's restive Sinai and three of his associatesone of the vehicles, which ex-tists in the eastern Donetsktheir turrets blown away, andof seized Ukrainian weapons were killed in a drive-by shooting in the peninsula onploded in a fireball. and Luhansk regions, howev-several burned trucks stoodand provided specific coordi- Thursday, senior Egyptian security officials said. TheAP journalists saw 11deader, have declared independ-at the site of Thursday's at-nates about the location of development deals a heavy blow to the group, which hasUkrainian soldiers scatteredence from the government intack. Scorched bodies, appar-the attack. There was no way claimed scores of deadly attacks across Egypt since thein a field outside Volnovakha,Kiev and have pledged to de-ently burned by the explo-to independently confirm his ouster of Islamist President Mohammed Morsi last July.20 miles south of the majorrail the vote. sion and fire, were scatteredclaim, however. According to three senior security officials, Shadi el- Manaei, who headed Ansar Beit al-Maqdis Ð or the LIBYA Champions of Jerusalem as the group is also known Ð and the three other militants were killed by 15 men to avenge the killings of tribesmen by his terror group. Rogue Libya general vows to fight on · NEPAL MAN SURVIVES FALL IN MOUNTAIN CREVASSE KATMANDU Ð An American climber said he fell into BY MAGGIE MICHAEL The Associated Press that hemilitias and joining hisliament, already weakened Associated Press acrevasse on a Himalayan mountain but managed todoesn't seek power for him-forces. The eastern city wasby constant street protests crawl to his tent despite broken ribs and an arm beforeCAIRO Ð A renegadeself but a new, democraticallythe birthplace of the 2011by Libyans demanding its being rescued the next morning. John All, in an interviewgeneral leading a week-longelected leadership for Libya,uprising that toppled dicta-disbandment. in a Katmandu hotel where he is recovering, said hemilitary campaign in Libyaand a strong military that willtor Moammar Gadhafi. Earlier Thursday, Islamist- thought he was going to die after falling some 70 feet. Itagainst Islamists dominat-act as a ªsafety valveº againstThe 70-year-old Hifterled militias streamed into Tri- took him six hours to crawl out of the hole by using hising the country's politicalcorrupt leaders.spoke to the AP over Skypepoli, called in by the parlia- ice axe and another three hours to reach his tent.scene urged Thursday for aªWe are in a mission offrom near Benghazi, fromment, to defend the city ªI landed on an ice ledge, probably 3-feet wide, whichªwar against terrorism,ºfighting a war against terror-where he has been leadingagainst Hifter's campaign. saved me from falling further into the crevasse,º All said. vowing to keep up his offen-ism, against terrorists andan armed revolt since lastThe Islamist-dominated leg- He texted for help on his satellite messenger, but asive until he purges his na-al-Qaida groups,º he said.Friday in what has perhapsislature has described Hif- helicopter rescue was delayed because of bad weather.tion of militants. ªThe world must take partbeen the biggest challengeter's campaign as a coup, MIAMI HERALD WIRE SERVICESGen. Khalifa Hifter toldin itº and back us.yet to Libya's weak centralwhile the government ap- Hifter also claimed hegovernment and fledglingpears split on the issue. had more than 75 percent ofsecurity forces. The militias, known as Li- Benghazi, Libya's second-Hifter has dubbed his of-bya Central Shield, are com- largest city, under his con-fensive ªOperation Dignity,ºposed of groups from the trol and that he is allegedlysaying it is aimed at break-western city of Misrata. They rl_Z eo hlthl sptrm also getting help from mod-ing both Islamic militias andare under the command of erate Islamists who weretheir supporting politicalthe country's chief of staff, fe_lrp eo d^silr mptalfn` breaking away from theirfactions dominating the par-who answers to parliament. QN:SF =PW= W C<VINU PSW@NFQ 9NII VS PSIT V7 =PS hW7E@ WFT fe_lrp l` mpapsZ NIGERIA rN=7 rEHHN??NEF ER =PS rN=7 ER hNWHN sSWUP- oIE@NTW- NF =PS rEHH Protesters upset over president's proxy =E UEF?NTS@ =PS REIIE9NFQb \STFS?TW7- hW7 >y- >D(% W= "b%" dh t aS?EI<=NEF eR _PS hW7E@ tFT rN=7 rEHHN??NEF eR _PS rN=7 eR hNW BY ANDREW DRAKE oIE@NTW ._PS ÷rN=7Ð4 tCC@E:NFQ tFT t<=PE@N6NFQ _PS hWFWQS@ _E _W Associated Press tU=NEF?- `<VMSU= _E tFT rEFTN=NEFST ^CEF _PS `<UUS??R<I fSQE=NW= ABUJA, Nigeria Ð Scores of protesters chanting ªBring _PS rN=7 tFT hE<F= `NFWN hSTNUWI rSF=S@ eR oIE@NTW- lFUv .÷hE<F=n@WF= back our girlsº marched tQ@SSHSF= tFT iSW?S tQ@SSHSF= .sE=P t? mS@SNFWR=S@ qS FST4b (4 Thursday to Nigeria's presi- t n@WF= rEF=@NV<=NEF _E hE<F= `NFWN- lF tF tHE<F= sS=9SSF 0("-DD dential villa to demand more 0(y-#"D-DDD ._PS ÷n@WF= rEF=@NV<=NEFÐ4- dW7WVIS e:S@ t _S@H eR ( action to free nearly 300 schoolgirls abducted by Is- _PS `EIS d<@CE?S eR aSNHV<@?NFQ hE<F= `NFWN oE@ rE?=? t??EUNW=ST lamic militants, but President `NFWN1? pHS@QSFU7 aEEH p8CWF?NEF d@EMSU= ._PS ÷d@EMSU=Ð4~ >4 rE: Goodluck Jonathan did not tFF<WII7 s<TQS= tFT tCC@EC@NW=S o<FT? o@EH iSQWII7 t:WNIWVIS fEF meet with them, leaving a aS:SF<S? _E dW7 `<UP n@WF= rEF=@NV<=NEF~ +4 qSISQW=NFQ t<=PE@N=7 proxy to deliver a lecture that further angered the demon- hWFWQS@ _E fSQE=NW=S _PS oNFWI _S@H? eR _PS n@WF= rEF=@NV<=NEF t strators. hE<F= `NFWN .÷n@WF= tQ@SSHSF=Ð4~- %4 tI?E qSISQW=NFQ t<=PE@N=7 _ ªAnother small window _E fSQE=NW=S t iSW?S tQ@SSHSF= \N=P hE<F= `NFWN oE@ _PS rN=71? p for Jonathan and he refuses to hWFWQSHSF= eR US- \N=P `<UP iSW?ST d@SHN?S? mW:NFQ ^C _E >-DDD use it!º one protester yelled. ªWhat a stupid move!º _E sS iEUW=ST lF _PS fS9 pHS@QSFU7 aEEH oWUNIN=7- oE@ t _S@H eR The protesters com- 0( dS@ ZSW@ aSF= .÷iSW?S tQ@SSHSF=Ð4~ tFT "4 o<@=PS@ qN@SU=NFQ _ plained of the insensitivity of rN=7 rIS@K _E p8SU<=S _PS n@WF= tQ@SSHSF= tFT iSW?S tQ@SSHSF= ^C Jonathan, who did not even eR `<UUS??R<I fSQE=NW=NEF?v meet parents of some of the abducted children when they lFA<N@NS? HW7 VS TN@SU=ST =E =PS oNFWFUS qSCW@=HSF= W= +D"5&#+5# came specially to Nigeria's capital earlier this month. lf_pap`_pq dta_lp` W@S NF:N=ST =E WCCSW@ W= =PN? HSS=NFQ- E@ VS Many schools across the WQSF=- E@ =E S8C@S?? =PSN@ :NS9? NF 9@N=NFQ WTT@S??ST =E =PS rN= country also closed Thurs- ?= rN=7 rIS@K- (#DD rEF:SF=NEF rSF=S@ q@N:S- ( oIEE@- rN=7 mWII- hNWHN sSWUP- oIE@NTW day to protest the abductions, the government's failure to ++(+*v t UEC7 ER =PN? N=SH N? W:WNIWVIS RE@ C<VINU NF?CSU=NEF T< rescue the girls and the kill- ?= PE<@? NF =PS rN=7 rIS@K1? eR US- (#DD rEF:SF=NEF rSF=S@ q@N:S- oIEE@- rN=7 mWII- ings of scores of teachers by hNWHN sSWUP- oIE@NTW ++(+*v _PN? HSS=NFQ E@ =PN? N=SH HW7 VS UEF extremists in recent years. ?<UP UN@U<H?=WFUS?- WTTN=NEFWI ISQWI FE=NUS FSST FE= VS C@E:NTST Protesting teachers in Abuja demanded compensa- SUNDAY ALAMBA/AP aWRWSI pv n@WFWTE- rN=7 rIS@K FEELING IGNORED: tion for the families of slain In Abuja, protesters were outraged rN=7 ER hNWHN sSWUP colleagues. that President Goodluck Jonathan was a no-show. Teacher Precillia Ude- d<@?<WF= =E `SU=NEF >y&vD(D"- oIWv `=W=v- =PS rN=7 PS@SV7 WT:N?S waze implored the insur-protesters in Abuja sang ªAllthe government, they blame CS@?EF TSUNTS? =E WCCSWI WF7 TSUN?NEF HWTS V7 =PS rN=7 rEHHN??NE gents to free the girls, sayingwe are saying is bring backthe terrorists.º WF7 HW==S@ UEF?NTS@ST W= N=? HSS=NFQ E@ N=? PSW@NFQ- ?<UP CS@?EF on a video from Premiumour girls,º to the tune of JohnThey were counseled to :S@VW=NH @SUE@T ER =PS C@EUSSTNFQ? N? HWTS- 9PNUP @SUE@T NFUI<TS Times newspaper: ªWe areLennon's iconic ªencourage Nigerians to sup- Give Peace a begging them, wherever they.ply useful information to the Chance S:NTSFUS <CEF 9PNUP =PS WCCSWI N? =E VS VW?STv _PN? FE=NUS TES? have kept these girls, pleaseThey marched to the pres-security services.º V7 =PS rN=7 RE@ =PS NF=@ET<U=NEF E@ WTHN??NEF ER E=PS@9N?S NFWTH Boko Haram, Boko Haram,idential villa, where theyThat inflamed the crowd S:NTSFUS- FE@ TES? N= W<=PE@N6S UPWIISFQS? E@ WCCSWI? FE= E=PS@9 Boko Haram, please.ºwere told Jonathan was notsince that is exactly what res- In Maiduguri, the north-home. Junior minister Olaju-idents of Chibok did. _E @SA<S?= =PN? HW=S@NWI NF WUUS??NVIS RE@HW=- ?NQF IWFQ<WQS NF= east city that is the birthplacemoke Akinjide read a mes-Chibok local government EF WUUS?? RE@ CS@?EF? 9N=P TN?WVNIN=NS? WFTXE@ WF7 WUUEHHETW=NEF of Boko Haram, protestingsage from the president urg-chairman Bana Lawal said TEU<HSF= E@ CW@=NUNCW=S NF WF7 rN=75?CEF?E@ST C@EUSSTNFQ- CISW?S teachers say they ªcan noing Nigerians to unite andthat he warned the army of an longer tolerate governmentstop criticizing the govern-impending Boko Haram at- TW7? NF WT:WFUS W= .+D"4 &#+5#%((.:ENUS4 E@ __Z <?S@? HW7 WI?E U insensitivity to the plight ofment. tack two hours before the re- `S@:NUS W= #((v the girls and the educationMurmurs of disagreementbels arrived. Reinforcements sector.º rose as she said, ªThe peoplenever arrived, leaving the tT y** Aseparate march ofof Afghanistan do not blameroad open to the school.