Ad 898 Notice of Public Hearing June 11, 2014 yoea8!we!W;o 40 mialO 40 opeueJO•3 lae;ea 868 L LL;e ao!n�aS�(elaa epu013 a4I Ileo osle�(ew siasn KU Jo(colon)L LbL-EL9'90E le aouenpe u!s�(ep an!;sn;oe;uoo aseeld`6ulpaaoad pajosuods-�!O�(ue u!a;edoped jo;uawnoop (ue na!na�o;uo!;epoww000e(ue�o/pue sa!;!1!ges!p y;!m suosjad joj ssaooe uo uo!;ewio;u!`s,a;aidja;u!a6n6uel u6ls`;ewjo; alq!ssaooe ui leua;ew s!y;;sanbai of NOW a13 1432 P21A f •noel Aq pamolle . as!muay;o;ou sleadde jo sabualleyo azuoy;ne;!saop jou`aouap!na;uenala��!�o alq!ss!wpeu!as!nruay;o�o uo!ss!wpe�o uo!;onpoa;u!ay;ao� !O ay;�(q;uasuoo a;n;!;suoo;ou saop ao!;ou slyl paseq aq o;s!leadde ay;yo!ynn uodn eouep!na pue�(uow!;sa;ay;sapnlou!piooai yo!ynn`apew s! / • sbu!paeowd ay;;o piooaa wl;eqJan e;ey;ainsua;snw uosiad yons 16uueay s;!jo 6u!;aaw s;!;e paaap!suoo ja;;ew Au o;;oadsaj y;!nn uolss!wwo0 40 ay;�(q spew uo!s!oap�(ue leadde o;sep!oep uos.ied a;!;ey;o!lgnd ay;ses!npe Agaaay A;!O ay; ;e3S'el3 `90 L0'98Z uo!;oaS o;;uensind •pap!nojd aq;ou paau ao!;ou le6al leuo!;!ppe`saoue;swnoj!o yons aapun pue'panu!;uoo aq Aew`u!ajay;wa;!Aue ao'6u!;caw s!yl'6£LE£ epuo13`40e98!we!W'IIeH�3!O'0013 iel'an14 as;u90 u0!;u9nuo0 OOL L'eago s,MjE)IO A3!O ay;u!smog ssauwsnq lewaou 6uunp uo!;oadsw o!lgnd jo;algel!ene s!wa;!s!y;;o sa!do0'6£LEE eP!jo13`4oea8!we!VN`11eH A4!O'10013 u L'anua as;ua0 uo!;uanuo0 OOL L'M�al0 A4!O ay;0/0'uo!ss!wwo0 40 ay;o;passaappe 6ul;unn u!snna!n J!ay;ssajdxe o;jo';ue'6e ue�(q pa;uasaidej a jo'6w caw si g ,; ,y;;e�eadde o;pa;!nw aye sa!�ed pa;saga;ul Wit CC eP1J01d`yoeag IwelW X0013��`anup ialua0 uolluanuo0 OOL l `OLbL-:;L9-90E ° a° ° ° ° aONO s,Aawolly 4,0 eyl le 6uulnbu►Aq paurelgo aq few pue uolloadsul aoj algellene sl luawaaa6y luawdolanap pasod0ed ayl jo Adoo y suossal 'LLSL-l;L9-90S le luawljedaQ luawdolana(7 olwouoo3 y amlln0'wsunol ayl 01 paloagp aq Aew saulnbul • b LOZ'£Z AInp u0 u!ePa0 awll y J03;uawaaky;uawdolanaa 94110 6ulpeaa leu!3 puy puooaS ayl 6u!;;aS JayPn3 puy'spun3 (yQa as;ua0 !O/a6ell!n uo!;uanuo0 ouo;s!l l)�(oua6y;uawdolanapaa yoea8!we!l�l W' oi3 pa;eudaddy'LZg'ggj7$l0 wnS 1e3o1 a41 ul'A3!O a41 ol;soO;a6pn8 le;ol y 6u!ne oafoa • ° • - p!eS 41EVV Ueu;sapad PE08 uloou!i 1O uolsua;x3 uV 10:PEd sy oll;ejl jelno!yaA of anuany p!lon3 10 uo!Pod y 30 ainso10 Putt'6u!;4-1 jawls 'adeospue-1 'adeospJeH nnaN 10 uo!;elle;sul 'adeospmq puy;lnen;oauuoos!t]a41 10 lenowaa 'uo!;e;!w!l;noy;!AA'6u!pnloul '(;oafad�PM l0 ;y6!a p!lon3)y;noS aue-1 uloou!�puy peoa uloou!-i ueamlee anuany p!lon3 10 uol�od ayl;y'�E!M 10;y6!a s, !O ayl ul;uawanadwl adeos;aaj;S ° ° ' • u!elia0;0 uol;ona;suo0 puy';uawdolanad'u6!saa ayl jo3(jadolme(]'�loewer)•oul';uawdolanad moewer puy(A4!O)yoea8!weivy jo A4!0 ayl uaann}a8;uawaaa6y;uawdolanaa y 10'6uueaH o!lgnd/6u!pe88;sj!3 6u!nnollo3'lenoiddy jap!suo0 of uol;nlosaa y:;oafad�L'M 3 O 346ia p!lon3 ° •w•e 904L "SaIIJOARJ, o • 13 sdoll :6u!nn0110;ay; aap!suoo o;'t qOZ'L L eunp'AepsaupaM uo'ep!aol3'yoea8!WEIV l'anV4 Ja;ua0 uo!;uanuo0 OOL L'IIeH 40'Jo01d Pi£'sjegwe40 uo!sslwwo0 ay;u! `epuo13'yoea8!we!W;o 40 ay;;o uolss!wwo0 Al!o pue ao�(eW ay;�(q play aq II!M 6uueaH o!Ignd/6u!pe9H;sJ!3 e;ey;u9n!6 A83a3H SI 3011ON HOV38 IWVIW =10 A1I3 HDV]91WdIW -bulwwims Pul 0 i e °• u�lea - -- o _ - - (an)sclix,ca,goc s IRS .A0 Al 30J CI�TT wa Q saa a�n�t�sul q W o o avow pun'saouowjo}iad - speloid uo-spuog sauo}s aA14:)oja4ui g6nojg4 spouad 4 awg puo sain4(nD Apoe aouauadxa jewwns sigl • 01901iowo aj-jaylo+g ajola8°wd OO:S-WD 00:6°OPKuB 41S-(C))l-ajd 'llil PU Z Z jsn r3nV ® 46 au n r °5®®Z 04ga I S5W599 JO 9L69.589 (50£) le spio:)ai 1sanbal 01 a:)uenpe uI He:) aseald � ljawwns s!44 aq oa a:)old jauaq ou s!ajagl '6911113 'IU.Ii iW 'anuand 4,L 'ANN 06175 I awun �awwnn i - '117 n'liiill C i i.i'1i Bill rr 14NE I THURSDAY, MAY 29,2014 NE M '_— uC UiuLdiitCU ituiii IV-17171 ) UiiiLC dt. - ounmmK %PAnr 15490 N.W. 7th Avenue, Miami, FL 33169. There is no better place to be this summer! Please call in advance to request records at a y (305) 6856976 or 6850381 ext. 2003. June 9t" ® August 22"d '.. • ;.f Pre-K)3)-5th grade•9:00 am-3:00 pm•Before&after care availablel aa low � 'a This summer experience early cultures and time periods through interactive stories,hands-on projects, 3 performances,and more. USts be 0 Institute Mem ei ers for 0-hllr] _ 10%OFF &Family Q �� Health dance, • MIAMI BEACH CITY OF MIAMI BEACH camps, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Expres�s'ions NOTICE IS HEREBY given that a First Reading/Public Hearing will be held by the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach,Florida, in the Commission Chambers,3rd floor;City Hall,1700 Convention Center Drive,Miami Beach,Florida,on Wednesday,June 11,2014,to consider the following: o • favorites. 11:05 a.m. Madness.zvah Euclid Right Of Way Project:A Resolution To Consider Approval,Following First Reading/Public Hearing,Of A Development Agreement Between The City Of Miami Beach(City)And Jameck Development,Inc.(Jameck,Developer)For The Design,Development,And Construction Of Certain �includin.q Streetscape Improvement In The City's Right Of Way,At The Portion Of Euclid Avenue Between Lincoln Road And Lincoln Lane South(Euclid Right Of Way Project), Including,Without Limitation, Removal Of The Disconnect Vault And Landscape, Installation Of New Hardscape, Landscape, ter Carnival, Street Lighting,And Closure Of A Portion Of Euclid Avenue To Vehicular Traffic As Part Of An Extension Of Lincoln Road Pedestrian Mall;Said • days. Project Having A Total Budget C6st To The City,In The Total Sum Of$485,821,Appropriated From Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency(Historic Convention Village/City Center RDA) Funds;And Further Setting The Second And Final Reading Of The Development Agreement For A Time Certain On July 23,2014. Inquiries may be directed to the Tourism,Culture&Economic Development Department at 305-673-7577. • A copy of the proposed Development Agreement is available for inspection and may be obtained by inquiring at the City Attorney's Office 305-673-7470, 1700 Convention Center Drive,41h Floor,Miami Beach,Florida 33139. v Interested parties are invited to appear at this meeting,or be represented by an agent,or to express their views in writing addressed to the City Commission,c/o the City Clerk,1700 Convention Center Drive,1 I Floor,City Hall,Miami Beach,Florida 33139.Copies of this item is available for J'f public inspection during normal business hours in the City Clerk's Office,1700 Convention Center Drive,111 Floor,City Hall,Miami Beach,Florida 33139.This meeting,or any item therein,may be continued,and under such circumstances,additional legal notice need not be provided. rl Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Fla.Stat.,the City hereby advises the public that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at its meeting or its hearing,such person must ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made,which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.This notice does not constitute consent by the City for the introduction or admission of otherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence,nor does it authorize challenges or appeals not otherwise Beach allowed by law. Miami C C To request this material in accessible format,sign language interpreters,information on access for persons with disabilities and/or any accommodation to review any document or participate in any City-sponsored proceeding,please contact us five days in advance at 305.673.7411(voice)or TTY users may also call the Florida Relay Service at 711.