CMB Historic Preservation Board Ad for 7/8/14 Meeting MIAMI HERALD (' THURSDAY,JUNE-5 2014 1,WE
/ Al M.-g.
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ThQ t each Historro.: i�oservation Board`will hold a regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday,July 8,2014 at 9:OO� the City 1✓ommission Cha�ibers,
% a n 7 Conventiq enter Drive,Third Floor, Miami Beath;Florida-.33139. At thisYmeeting,the Board will hold public hearings to review the followin '
projects-riot necessarj -1he same order as they appear in this`notice 9
1. HPB File No.5911-i�311-313 Mer'dian`•Avenue.The applicant;M 311 Meridian Owner'I_L(I is,requestin0 modifications to a p eviously issued Certificate of
Appropriateness for the total demolition of an existing 2-sto structure and the:total demdl ign of. n existin single sto .structure.S ecficall ,the a Applicant
.- 9 9 rY_:_ P Y Pp
is requesting to higdify-conditions C:1.b.through.e.of the rder. .fi
2. HPB File No. 7408,. 2 450'Ocean Drive-Heathcote Apartments Park Central Hotel.:an-Imperial Hotel. The applicant, Park Central Partners,,LLC,
} is requesting modifications to a previously issued Certificate of Appropriateness for the•partial demolition,'renovation.and restoration of the-existing 3-story-
Heath 6ote Apartrrfents;the existing.7-story Park Central Hotel and the existing 3-story Impperial Hotel,'inc1udingg the reconfiguration•of, as part of a
neW.h evelo,rrient Sp clfically,the applicant;is requesting a waiver in with Section 1.18-564( (6 of. C'�y-Code;,the r' uirement that a full
F d.�_. P f r ) f eci
& ,tn buildin rtrfoiyt,_ ne�tonstruction be Issued prior to:the,issuance.of a demolition, ermif for a=non contnbuting strut ure on the site.
r. 3 Bs12 Ocean Drive,The'apphcant -Sea-`Spra Development,LL ,is requesting rrtodifications to a previous issued After-the-Fact
ppnateriess for the complete`demolition of the-former,3-story:apartment building Specifically,the:;applicant is requesting to mod'
= COnd of the Order. < - .j 2 if
._ . HPB' - 2527,6901 CQ1lins Avenue.;The applicant,;$outh:Florida•Condominiurr>Managent lnc;:is uestin modification�ta,.,_previous) issued
pY:Certif Appropriateness forthe:partial demolition;restoration and..renovaton of an existing- hree 3 sto._= Hotel and the=construction'of y
17 sto g O �. , a new seventeen
( ) ry glti-amity building.Specifically,the applicant is requesting additional demolition,site plan mod9cations and design modifications. _
1. Previously-continued ap lications from April 8,2'014 - {
a. HPB File No.7427,1060Ocean.Dnve-Walgreens.The applicant,Nakash Strand`;LLC.,IS requesttng a Certificate dFAppropnatenessfor hni d ftcations`
tat a ground floor public tntenor Spaces f ,r
2. New App cations ,t g _.
a. 11P6.-Pile Na.-7A39,643-65
7 Un'WnRoad.-The applicant,`LtncolrrCenturion R tail LLC.,is requesting a Certificate of Appropriatenas5`formodifications'
to the Lincoln'Road fa ad..e
b. HPB File No. 7440, 7t9- `34,Sbief,F=311-321 Meridian"Avenue. The a licant .M 311'Meridian O n+rier,LLC :is-reque., .a..Certificate'of
Appropriateness for the total demolition of an existing non=contributing structure and�the construction of ane*4'sto: .multi-family building, >r:=
C. HPB File No. 7434,.801 Lincoln Road. The applicant;Miarni.Beach Lincoln1LlC., is reques ing'a-`06'rtificate of AppropriatQness forahe partial
demolition and renovation of the:existing:!--story.,commercial building includiiigthe construction df A ndW 3-story ground level^addition. -k
d. HPB i Q iVo.743 ;6423 Collina.Avenue.The_opplicant,Mar Del Plata Condonlin'ium=Association Inc, is,requestin a:Certificate of Appropnateriess
for ai�leijr)olitiog�,and-renovation of the existing.16-story, non-contributing multi-family�butlding.,Specifically;the applicant i .proposing he.
i t d i f lass railin s.q re lace;the existin mason railin s:t ,f,,
e. F2 OdeanDrive.The applicant;Sea Spray Development,LLC;,is,requestmg a Certi flcate of Appropriateness for#he_construct on
b�, -family buildingg
Atlantic,Way.,The:ap Iicant,,,Fario Suleman is re uestin` a'Certifieateof'A "
F 4 P < - q g- ppropnatenesii for the construction.of a new
ngte-fam y residence on vacant"lot
_iV. NEW BU$IN „::
.VII. NEXT ME 1 Mimpaq f
Tuesday,"A "1x'lbt4'at'9:00 am
These applications hate been filed with the.Planningg DO artment for review by;the Historic Preservation Board,:-put 118-503,Section 118-537,Section 118-
561,Section.118 50fdrid-Section 118-1 02 of the City's Land Development R-egulations:
.All persons are invited to•attend this meeting or be represented by an aggent,onto express their views In writing addressed to th _lHlstoric Preservation Board co the Planning
Department,1700;Convention Center Drve;_2nd'Floor,Miami.Beach, Crida'331,89. The.a plicatiDns for the above projects are available for public ins ection.durin normal
.buslrress hours.atthe Planning Department,1700 Convention Center,Dnve,2nd:Floor;`Miami Beach,Florida-33139. Inquiries rJ�iay be directed to the Departmengat(305)
673-7550. ci4f ::. :
Any of the above items maybe continued and under such circumstances,additional legal notice would not be provided.'An
_y person may contact the Department at(305)
673-7550-f lliformation a to'the`status of these-items as'a result:of.the Board's meetin
These-applications haste been_4iled with the.Planningg Department for review byy the Historic Preservation Board;pursuant;to_Section:118-503,Section 118-537,Section 118-
561,Section 118-591 and•Section 118-102of the City's Land Development 11egulation6
All persons are invited to attend this rrieetihg "'orbe represented by:an-a ent,,their views In kvnting addressed to the Historic Preservation Board c/o the Planning
slpertment,1700 Convention Center Drive;2tid Floor,Miami Beach,Florida 33139.The.appllcatons.fortfie above projects are available for public inspection during normal
bb isitt�ess hours at the Planning Department, 1700 Convention C*4er' rive,2nd Floor;Miarnl Beach,Florida,-33139. Inquiries may be directed to the Department at(305)
_673 iT550. ,.
Ari f.of the-above items may be continued and,-under such circumstances,'additional legal notice would not be provided`Any person may contact the Department at(305)
673=7550 for inforrrmation as to=the status'of these Items as"a result of the Board's meeting.;.
Pursuant to Section.286 01D5;Fla:Stat:;the:City hereby advises the'public that If a person'decides`to appeal any.decision madeby this Board with respect to an:'matter
considered at its meeting 6t%headng;-such.person will,need to'ensure'that a verbatim'record of-thb proceedings is mad6;4hich record includes the testimony and evidence
upon which the.appeal isto,be'based.,This notice does-not cohstitute-consent by;the City'for•.the introduction or admission of oth6rwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence,
nor does itauthorize challenges;ortappoals not:otherwise allowed bylaw: {. �;� E a y.
E A,-
In accordanoe--with the Amedcans,with Disabilities•Act,of,1990,::• ersons needing.special accommodation to participate i6 this proceeding.should contact the Boards'
Administrator at.(305)673-7550 for assistance,no later than four(4)days prior to the proceeding. If.hearing impaired;telephone the Florida-Relay Service numbers,(800)
955-87t1 (TDD)or(800)955-87.70,(Voice) for assistance:;•.
Pe,rspngs'requiring.sign-language interpreters should contact the Board's_Administrator five(5)days in advance,when possible. For information on access for persons with
disabilities,or to request material_inaccessible format,please calt(305)673-:7550(VOICE)_heanhg impaired persons,-please call'(305)6737219(TDD).