Ad 903 Notice of Public Hearing July 23, 2014 |THURSDAY, JULY 10, 2014MiamiHerald.com|MIAMI HERALD 10NE NE NEIGHBORS CALENDAR #B1,9F<B(<B&!(#C HOW TO POST IN OUR CALENDAR OF EVENTS: Global Foundation for Democracy ;91B#!9F8/&=B#C!(4B;E and Development and Forbes If you want your event published on our websites and to be automatically considered for our free listings in the Dominican Republic team host '%X+cZ&0Z0:+.bc,;+0,%c'3<Y/"%. ;91B#!B2C!4!&, Neighbors section, please go to MiamiHerald.com/events and click on ª+ add to our Listingsº on the upper-right.annual tournament with more than Be sure to choose ªCommunityº as the first category. Then, from the drop-down window, pick a second category 100 players and attendance of Leonel H+0]%c'W%""/+&+",/PZ&+C0Pb]0c,O%ZPOb!!%\\%bc that best fits your type of event.Fernandez Reyna, former president b)Z&+O%ZPb)C%0!%S+0.&7J"b]%,07%cZ&+Ob!!%\\%bc Do not choose Business & Technology because those events are published exclusively in the Herald's Business of the Dominican Republic and O&0!/+]\7=],J"bb]7O%ZPH0""74BaaObcX+cZ%bcO+cZ+] Monday Agenda. In addition, choose Club only if you are posting a hobyist, support group or other type social president of GFDD.. L]%X+7C%0!%S+0.&7J"b]%,07bc club. Nightclub lineups, happy hours and the like run in our Weekend entertainment section and should be marked 11a.m. July 14. Biltmore Hotel, 1200 -$'>$6'*.%@3A.+0%+57"% Music and Lounge. If you are posting sequential classes, workshops and other events that are not of a pay-per-Anastasia Ave., Coral Gables. $1,000. Zb.bc\%,+]Z&+)b""bW%c'R event, drop-in nature, click on the time and date of only your initial event and be sure to note price or state "free''800-915-1926. on the money line. You can put your schedule or variety of classes in the description if you wish, but we will not www.gfddgolf.org/2014. 77D5)*:?: publish more than one listing per month at the same venue in the erest of fairness to other, time-limited com-Animal Services & Humane Society KY."%,;%'&Z?)60P<]b$+.Z munity happenings Reduced Pet Adoption Fees:The Post your item at least two weeks in advance of your event so it can be considered for our Calendar section in county agency and Humane Society V;+\b"YZ%bcJb""bW%c':+.bc,Vc,J%c0";+0,%c'7Vc,V)Z+] Neighbors. Do not key in "Miamiº unless your event is taking place within the city of Miami. If it's in unincorporat-of Greater Miami celebrate nation's VLY"PAbZ%.+,<Y/"%.H+0]%c'7V``]bX%c'Vc,VYZ&b]%M%c'9&+ ed Miami-Dade, please state it as Southeast Miami-Dade, Southwest Miami-Dade, Northeast Miami-Dade or North-independence with "Paws for July- C0Pb]Vc,O%ZPO"+]#9bKT+.YZ+VL+X+"b`!+cZV']++!+cZ west Miami-Dade.Red, White and Woof Celebration" S+ZW++c9&+O%ZPVc,E0!+.#L+X+"b`!+cZ7Fc.@GE0!+.#?] An event name should be no more than three or four words long. Limit the description of your event to 150 through July with adoption deals. characters. Do not repeat the event name in the description or repeat any data that has been properly placed in Stars will be placed on pets' in- L+X+"b`+]2Jb]9&+L+\%'c7L+X+"b`!+cZ7Vc,Obc\Z]Y.Z%bc?) the fields provided. It is not necessary to state "open to the public" because we do not publish private events, and formation cards: Red (half off adop- O+]Z0%c:Z]++Z\.0`+F!`]bX+!+cZFc9&+O%ZP1\;%'&Z?)60P7 please refrain from using all capital letters, exclamation marks, trademark and other symbols, and do not indent tion fees), white (waived adoption VZ9&+<b]Z%bc?)KY."%,VX+cY+S+ZW++cD%c.b"c;b0,Vc, or skip spaces. Don't forget to state Free or the fee on the money line and keep in mind we favor events by non-fees for cats 4 months+) and blue profits. If you are a for-profit entity, please call Liana Guilarte at 305-376-4645.(waived adoption fees for dogs 35 D%c.b"cD0c+:bYZ&GKY."%,;%'&Z?)60P<]b$+.Z?]9&+<]b$+.Z2 Some important tips: You must be a registered user of MiamiHerald.com. Do not put time, date, venue, admis-pounds or more or over age 5. Fc."Y,%c'76%Z&bYZD%!%Z0Z%bc7;+!bX0"?)9&+L%\.bcc+.Z80Y"Z sion or free, contact information, or website in the description field. Please put those elements in the fie Adoptions include spaying/neuter- Vc,D0c,\.0`+7Fc\Z0""0Z%bc?)A+WH0],\.0`+7D0c,\.0`+7 provided. If you have questions, you can email Sue Mullin at smullin@MiamiHerald.com. Please put "Calendar ing, deworming, age-appropriate question" in the subject line. Or call Sue at 305-376-3430.vaccinations and microchip. More :Z]++ZD%'&Z%c'7Vc,O"b\Y]+?)V<b]Z%bc?)KY."%,VX+cY+9b info: dial 311.. 8+&%.Y"0]9]0)d.V\<0]Z?)VcKTZ+c\%bc?)9&+D%c.b"c;b0, COMMUNITY 10 a.m. July 10. Miami-Dade <+,+\Z]%0cC0""-:0%,<]b$+.ZH0X%c'V9bZ0"SY,'+Z+,Ob\Z9b craft activities and games..America.Animal Services, 7401NW 74th Ave., Art of Pele Closing Reception: 1p.m. July 12. HistoryMiami, 101W.9:30 a.m. July 12. Creativo DanceMedley. 305-884-1101.9&+O%ZP7Fc9&+9bZ0":Y!?)^([>7[N476%Z&VcPV,,%Z%bc0" Famous soccer/futbol player Pele's Flagler St., Downtown Miami. Free.Studio, 2329 Coral Way, Coral Way.Listeners/Oyentes Program:M- JYc,\Jb]9&+<]b$+.Z9bS+ObX+]+,SP9&+L+X+"b`+]- original artworks and prints on 305-375-1492.305-649-3018.DCPS-sponsored program seeks display and sale to benefit Coral 6%Z&:Y.&O%ZPJYc,\9bS+V``]b`]%0Z+,J]b!C%0!%S+0.& Loko Moloko-Let's Hear Some www.creativodancestudios.com/.nonjudgmental English- or Spanish- Gables Museum. ;+,+X+"b`!+cZV'+c.PGH%\Zb]%.ObcX+cZ%bc8%""0'+3O%ZPO+cZ+] Yokes:Created by Chelsea Diaz andpeaking adults to act as sounding 6:30 p.m. July 11. Coral Gables Rhett Thompson in 2012, this free ;LV2JYc,\@ IFA9J?J(=G240(+J?(/<(+<E<!(7E9?J=G)'9H<9?(1 CHARITY & VOLUNTEER Museum, 285 Aragon Ave., Coral · monthly show delivers South Flor- TURN TO CALENDAR,11NE "/EFEGJ/%(8(HECG(F<%(C2?<G(F<2<6;.B3:6B:.::B Gables. Free. 305-603-8067. ida's best up-and-coming"IV Golf Tournament GFDD 2014": coralgablesmuseum.org/. comedians.. Bastille Day Celebration-Nikki ,/EC4E&<!(C?ECE=(+%(8(HECG(F<,#?((G(F<J=282JH20H( 8:30 p.m. July 10. Moloko, 3201N. Beach:Celebrate the French Inde- Miami Ave., Wynwood-Edgewater. &E?JF=C(/<JEF2F+G240(E0<2JF(+04JFA9J?JF#2<<!('J<4 pendence Day with sexy cancan Free. 305-572-9336. ,<<E?F(4-=@&L/(6;.B3:6B:$:;)>:;;'EF8(F<JEF'(F<(?%?J8() dancers, musicians and food with a Mango Festival:Sample mouth- French twist at Sunday brunch. <! $KHEE?)DJ2GJ*(2/!)KHE?J+266>65B watering mango dishes, join in the Beverage deals offered are mimosas, world's only mango auction and tour house champagne and bloody marys FcZ+]+\Z+,`0]Z%+\0]+%cX%Z+,Zb0``+0]0ZZ&%\!++Z%c'7b]/+ garden's 83 acres of tropical beauty. for $7 with purchase of brunch. 9:30 a.m. July 12. Fairchild Trop- ]+`]+\+cZ+,/P0c0'+cZ7b]Zb+T`]+\\Z&+%]X%+W\%cW]%Z%c' Reservations recommended by ical Botanic Garden, 10901Old Cutler 0,,]+\\+,ZbZ&+O%ZPOb!!%\\%bc7.3bZ&+O%ZPO"+]#74Baa phone. . Rd., Coral Gables. $25; $18 for seniors 11a.m. July 13. Nikki Beach, One ObcX+cZ%bcO+cZ+]L]%X+74\Z J"bb]7O%ZPH0""7C%0!%S+0.&7J"b]%,0 65+; $12 for kids 6-17; Free for mem- Ocean Dr., Miami Beach. $49.95 bers and kids 5 and under. ==4=*@Ob`%+\b)Z&%\%Z+!0]+0X0%"0/"+)b]`Y/"%.%c\`+.Z%bc (beverages not included);. 305-667-1651. ,Y]%c'cb]!0"/Y\%c+\\&bY]\%cZ&+O%ZPO"+]#1\?)d.+74Baa 305-538-1111. www.wantickets.com. Miami's Birthday Bash:HistoryMia- Behind the Neon: Historic South ObcX+cZ%bcO+cZ+]L]%X+74\Z J"bb]7O%ZPH0""7C%0!%S+0.&7 mi, the City of Miami and Down- Beach Walk:Take a walk with a J"b]%,0==4=*@9&%\!++Z%c'7b]Z&%\%Z+!7!0P/+.bcZ%cY+,70c, townMiami.com host annual cele- HistoryMiami guide through one of bration marking the birth of The City Yc,+]\Y.&.%].Y!\Z0c.+\70,,%Z%bc0""+'0"cbZ%.+c++,cbZ/+ our city's most exciting and attrac- of Miami in 1896. Features art collec- `]bX%,+,@ tive neighborhoods, historic South tion and guests can make birthday Beach! Learn how the architectural hats and eat orange blossom- revolution of the. <Y]\Y0cZZb:+.Z%bcN[U@a4a>7J"0@:Z0Z@7Z&+O%ZP&+]+/P0,X%\+\ inspired cupcakes by L.A. Sweets.. 11a.m. July 13. The Clevelander, 1p.m. July 12. HistoryMiami, 101W. Z&+`Y/"%.Z&0Z%)0`+]\bc,+.%,+\Zb0``+0"0cP,+.%\%bc!0,+ 1020 Ocean Dr., Miami Beach. Flagler St., Downtown Miami. Free. /PZ&+O%ZPOb!!%\\%bcW%Z&]+\`+.ZZb0cP!0ZZ+].bc\%,+]+, $20-$30. 305-375-1621. 305-375-1492. www.historymiami.org. Bingo & Burgers:Have fun playing 0Z%Z\!++Z%c'b]%Z\&+0]%c'7\Y.&`+]\bc!Y\Z+c\Y]+Z&0Z0 The "downtown Full Moon party" and eating in a smoke-free envi- X+]/0Z%!]+.b],b)Z&+`]b.++,%c'\%\!0,+7W&%.&]+.b], season Closer:The downtown Full ronment. Event is for those 18 and Moon party and Art Army Miami %c."Y,+\Z&+Z+\Z%!bcP0c,+X%,+c.+Y`bcW&%.&Z&+0``+0"%\ older.305-205-6594 present CIWAALA (Come In White Zb/+/0\+,@9&%\cbZ%.+,b+\cbZ.bc\Z%ZYZ+.bc\+cZ/PZ&+O%ZP 7p.m. July 10. American Legion, And Leave As Art). Wear non- 16401SW 90 Ave., Palmetto Bay. )b]Z&+%cZ]b,Y.Z%bcb]0,!%\\%bcb)bZ&+]W%\+%c0,!%\\%/"+b] expensive white attire since it will be $10.50 minimum. 305-205-6594. turned into a masterpiece for you to %]]+"+X0cZ+X%,+c.+7cb],b+\%Z0YZ&b]%M+.&0""+c'+\b]0``+0"\ Fabulous First Friday:Evening of take home. You will be the canvas.. cbZbZ&+]W%\+0""bW+,/P"0W@ laser lights, stars, Planetarium Star 9p.m. July 11. TSL Lounge, 167 NW Show and rooftop observatory 23rd St., Wynwood. $5 - $15; free viewing. Later in the evening, check 9b]+_Y+\ZZ&%\!0Z+]%0"%c0..+\\%/"+)b]!0Z7\%'c"0c'Y0'+ admission before 11p.m. for drum- out laser shows in the Planetarium.. mers and performers. 786-970-9296. %cZ+]`]+Z+]\7%c)b]!0Z%bcbc0..+\\)b]`+]\bc\W%Z&,%\0/%"%Z%+\ 7p.m. July 11. Miami Science 0c,3b]0cP0..b!!b,0Z%bcZb]+X%+W0cP,b.Y!+cZb] Museum, 3280 S. Miami Ave., Coco- BALLET nut Grove. $8; $4 kids.`0]Z%.%`0Z+%c0cPO%ZPQ\`bc\b]+,`]b.++,%c'7`"+0\+.bcZ0.Z 305-646-4200. www.miamisci.org. Y\dX+,0P\%c0,X0c.+0Z=a>@UB=@B(44GXb%.+2b]995 Intermediate Ballet:Former In- Family Fun Day Second Saturdays- ternational Ballet and first soloist Y\+]\!0P0"\b.0""Z&+J"b]%,0;+"0P:+]X%.+0ZB44@ Happy Birthday Miami:Celebrates Dancer Gilberto Almaguer, has 118th birthday of the city. Learn about joined Creativo Studio in Coral ;0)0+"K@I]0c0,b7O%ZPO"+]# our city's transformation through Gables as a new instructor. He *a=O%ZPb)C%0!%S+0.& modern history and enjoy music, danced in Central and South