Ad Meetings November 10 - 15, 2014MIAMI HERALD| THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2014|
tactics will delight and astound you.Shark Valley Tram Tours:Guidedfeatures The Ramble, South Florida's
Enjoy a 10-minute presentationtwo-hour narrated tram tours aremost beloved event. Experience all
about these rambunctious andoffered along a fifteen-mile loop intothat fall in South Florida has to offer
BoConcept armchair. 7 p.m.-9 p.m.entertaining primates. A question-the ªRiver of Grass.º Tours departwith seasonal cooking classes, home
BoConcept 800 Brickell Ave., Miami.and-answer session by one of thefrom the benches behind the visitorgardening demonstrations, a fall
Ladies and Gentlemen, The Beatles!Primate experts will follow. Throughcenter, providing a great opportunitybeer garden and seasonal vignettes,
This traveling exhibition curated byNov. 13 1:10 p.m. Included in admis-to see wildlife and learn about theall mixed with Ramble traditions like:
The Grammy Museum and Fab Foursion Jungle Island 1111Parrot JungleFreshwater ecosystem. Reservationsart, antiques, rare books, garden
Exhibits examines the musical andTrail, Miami.are strongly recommended duringvendors, a furniture design show, the
cultural impact of The Beatles' arrival Penguin Exhibit:Guests are invitedthe dry season (winter) whenlargest plant sale in South Florida,
on the U.S. and American watch as Jungle Island's SouthEverglades National Park is at itsand much more. Through Nov. 9 9:30
The exhibition covers the periodAfrican penguins swim and waddlebusiest. Prices and hours subject toa.m. Included in admission Fairchild
from early 1964 through mid-1966 -around their penguin pool. Nov. 6-7change. Please call 305-221-8455 forTropical Garden 10901Old Cutler Rd.,
the years Beatlemania ran rampant10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Nov. 8-9 10 a.m.-6current information. Through Nov. 13Coral Gables.
in America. During this time, thep.m.; Nov. 10-13 10 a.m.-5 p.m. In-Everglades National Park 40001State
band affected nearly every aspect ofcluded in admission Jungle Island 1111Rd. 9336, Homestead.
pop culture, including fashion, art,Parrot Jungle Trail, Miami.Na!!%ZZ++XXX;aa!7(Z&J"aa]7N%ZOH0""
advertising, media, and, of course,Petting Barn:Families are invited to Antique & Flea Market:Get a bang
music. On display are more than 400pet and feed the goats, donkeys andfor your buck at this bargain shop-
items from private collectors andcows. But watch out for Otis the 7th Emerald Gala and Silent Auc-per's event. Items on display and
The Grammy Museum, includingLlama, a crowd favorite, as he'll use tion:7 p.m.-11p.m. $100 Jungle Islandavailable for purchase include unique
memorabilia, records, rare pho-his long neck to try to steal your1111Parrot Jungle Trail, Miami.collectibles and antiques, jewelry,
tographs, tour artifacts, videofood from the feed machines. Nov.Annual Comcast Business Waterford coins, glassware, new and used
footage, as well as correspondence,6-7 11a.m.-4 p.m.; Nov. 8-9 11 5K: Mega Glow Edition:The Annualitems, plants, clothing, silverware,
and instruments. Also included area.m.-5:30 p.m.; Nov. 10-13 11a.m.-4Comcast Business Waterford 5Kand more. Bring in your jewelry,
interactive displays, and an oralp.m. Included in admission Junglerun/walk will once again take to thegold, broken gold, silver, coins and
history booth in which visitors canIsland 1111Parrot Jungle Trail, Miami.streets of Blue Lagoon Office Parkantiques for cash. Buyer on prem-
leave their own impressions of The Posing Area:Visitors will have thefor a family-friendly evening of funises. 8 a.m.-3 p.m. First United
Beatles. Nov. 6-8 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Nov.opportunity to have their picturesand competition to benefit theChurch of Christ 200 N. 46th Ave.,
912 p.m.-5 p.m.; Nov. 10-13 10 a.m.-5taken with the beautiful and colorfulchildren and families of the MiamiHollywood.
p.m. Included in admission History-parrots that call Jungle Island home.Children's Hospital Foundation. With Arts & Auctions For Animals:Enjoy
Miami 101W. Flagler St., Miami.Nov. 6-7 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Nov. 8-9 10aspecial competition that awardsart, silent and live auctions, gourmet
Manatees:At the Manatee Exhibit,a.m.-6 p.m.; Nov. 10-13 10 a.m.-5 p.m.the top three male and femalefood, live music, entertainment and
guests come face-to-face withIncluded in admission Jungle Islandrunners, the 5K (3.1mile) walk/run ismore. All proceeds benefit Aban-
Florida's state marine mammal1111Parrot Jungle Trail, to individuals, families, compa-doned Pet Rescue, Broward County's
through poolside and underwater Samburu Giraffe Feeding Station:Atnies and businesses. Following theLargest No-Kill Shelter. 6:30 p.m.-10
viewing areas. The Manatee Present-The Samburu Giraffe Feeding Sta-race, participants will be treated to ap.m. $75; $125 per couple Joe Lalli
ation provides an opportunity totion, visitors will have the opportuni-post-race MEGA glow-themed afterStudio 1147 NE 9th Ave., Fort
learn about this fascinating andty to walk up a custom built rampparty featuring Tony The HitmanLauderdale.
federally endangered animal and,that leads to an elevated platformwith la Hora Loca, an interactive kids Authentic Indian Cooking Class:This
more importantly, explains ways thatoverlooking the African Plainszone, South Florida's favorite foodclass is presented by Ayesha D'Mello.
guests can help save these gentleexhibit. Visitors will be able to view atrucks, giveaways and more. 6:45The menu includes vegetarian,
creatures of the sea. The manateesgiraffe's 14-inch long tongue as itp.m. $35-$40 Waterford at Bluenon-vegetarian, seafood, breads and
featured are part of the rescue andextends out to gently take food outLagoon 701N.W. 62nd Ave. #400,desserts. Nov. 8 11a.m.; Nov. 9 12 p.m.
rehabilitation program at Miamiof their hands while getting a closeMiami.$75 Ayesha's Kitchen 9105 SW 115th
Seaquarium. Through Nov. 13 9:30look at what many consider the Asia and Africa Safari Tram Tours:Ter., Kendall.
a.m.-6 p.m. Included in admissionmost beautiful eyelashes in nature.You are invited to take a narrated PanamaFest:This dance party
Miami Seaquarium 4400 Ricken-For a nominal fee, guests can feedtour of Asia and Africa along thefeatures performances by Ballet
backer Causeway, Key Biscayne.the zoo's giraffes delicious veggiepublic walkway. You'll also experi-Folklýrico Aires PanameÙos, Los
Manu Encounter:Fashioned after thetreats like romaine or iceberg let-ence entertaining and fascinatingGaitanes, DJ Markito and more. 8
clay cliffs in Manu, Peru, this is antuce, kale or collard greens. Throughinformation on the Zoo's animalp.m. $20 advance; $30 day of show
interactive experience with SquirrelNov. 13 11a.m.-4 p.m. $3 per feed; $10collection. The tours depart everyLa Covacha 10730 N.W. 25th St.,
Monkeys, free-flying macaws andper basket of feed Zoo Miami 12400hour from the Main Station. Nov. 7-9Miami.
parrots as well as other exoticS.W. 152nd St., Miami.10:30 a.m., 12 p.m., 1:30 p.m., 3 p.m.
animals. A 10-minute presentation on Seal and Sea Lion Feeder Pool:$5.95 plus general admission Zoo
the habits and habitats of theseThroughout the day, guests areMiami 12400 S.W. 152nd St., Miami.
animals will be given by one of ourinvited to observe Sea Lions and Beats After Sunset:You are invited 99.9 KISS Country Stars & Guitars
Animal Care Trainers who will remainSeals as they frolic in the Southto visit the museum on the first Benefiting Joe DiMaggio Childrens
present to answer questions relatingFlorida sun. Daily feeding sessionsFriday of every month for happy Hospital:Slated to perform are
to this exhibit. Through Nov. 13 11provide the opportunity for guestshour on the terrace. Enjoy theHunter Hayes, Chris Young, Scotty
a.m.-1p.m., 3 p.m.-4 p.m. Included into feed some of these playful andcurrent exhibition, a guest DJ, andMcCreery, Cassadee Pope and Kip
admission Jungle Island 1111Parrotboisterous mammals. Feeding timecomplimentary cocktails. 8 p.m. $10;Moore. 7 p.m. $25-$85 Broward
Jungle Trail, preceded by an informative andfree for members Bass Museum ofCenter for the Performing Arts 201
Monorail:For an aerial view of Zooentertaining presentation about theArt 2121Park Ave., Miami Beach.S.W. Fifth Ave., Fort Lauderdale.
Miami's beautiful canopy and ani-playful California Sea Lions and Diavolo - Architecture in Motion:Be Kind To Animals:Meet an animal
mals, hop on the air-conditionedHarbor Seals. Test your knowledgeDiavolo reinvents dance, re-imagesthat SNC is caring for. Learn about
monorail. With four convenient stopsby identifying the three differencestheater, and redefines thrills. Per-the work being done at SNC while
throughout the zoo, the monorail isbetween Sea Lions and Seals. ¤-¤formers take movement, athleticsyou learn how these animals live in
agreat way to see and learn about9:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Included in admis-and daring to the extreme, creatingthe wild and how you can best
our animals. This is a relaxing andsion Miami Seaquarium 4400 Rick-abstract narratives through surrealinteract with them. 11a.m.-11:20 a.m.
comfortable way to get from oneenbacker Causeway, Key Biscayne.architectural landscapes. Under theDonations accepted Sawgrass Nature
area of the zoo to another. Through Shark Channel:When Miami Sea-Artistic Director Jacques Heim, theCenter and Wildlife Hospital 3000
Nov. 13 10 a.m.-5 p.m. $3 per personquarium first opened in 1955, one ofcompany creates an almost cine-Sportsplex Dr., Coral Springs.
for an all-day pass Zoo Miami 12400the main attractions was the Sharkmatic experience of powerful images Collins Park Street Market:Locally
S.W. 152nd St., Miami.Channel. Today, guests are stillthat develop conceptual accounts ofgrown (when available) organic
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Orangutan School:Experience theentranced by these fearsome crea-the human condition, utilizingfruits, vegetables and other edible
hilarious actions and reactions oftures. At the Shark Presentation,unique architectural creations, toproducts including honey and fruit
Jake and Hanna, Jungle Island'sanimal care specialists feedprovide the backdrop for an eveningsmoothies will be sold by local
amazing and smart orangutans.200-pound sharks while explainingof dramatic movement. 8 p.m. $25vendors in this market. In addition,
Saimang and gibbons swing intothe various species of shark thatand up Kravis Center for the Per-locally cooked and prepared food
action. Upside down, right side up,exist worldwide. Through Nov. 13forming Arts 701Okeechobee Blvd.,items will be available. Ethnic prod-
left, right, top and bottom, they9:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Included in admis-West Palm Beach.ucts, arts and crafts will also be
move with amazing agility andsion Miami Seaquarium 4400 Rick-Fall Garden Festival Featuring the featured. 11a.m. Bass Museum of Art
surprising speed. Their antics andenbacker Causeway, Key Biscayne.Annual Ramble:The Fall Festival2121Park Ave., Miami Beach.