Memo 014-2014 Miami Beach Bowl-® ..................... ................ , ............ . __ ............... , ............... . __________________ ......, __ _ 1915. 2015 /\/\I/\/\;'\ l OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER TO: DATE: December 5, 2014 SUBJECT: MIAMI BEACH BOWL c IT y c ; c.:. r; ii, '.J F IC f. MEMORANDUM {J/l/-;;J.O/(j As you know, the City Commission approved a contribution to the inaugural Miami Beach Bowl. In exchange, the City will be recognized as an Associate Sponsor of the game. This recognition, among other things, includes the following events: DATE TIME EVENT LOCATION 12/11 4-530PM PRESS MARLINS CONFERENCE BALLPARK 12/20 8-11 PM SOUTH BEACH THE SKYDECK SOIREE VIP (605 LINCOLN PARTY ROAD) 12/21 7PM AMERICAN SMITH & CONFERENCE WOLLENSKY COMMISSIONER'S VIP DINNER 12/22 2:00PM -MIAMI BEACH MARLINS 6:30PM BOWL GAME BALLPARK The City's participation in the Miami Beach Bowl is also part of the Centennial Celebration. Therefore, ACT Productions is assisting with the coordination of these activities. Please RSVP to Bruna Borges Malnik at Brunam@actproductions.com so we can provide accurate event attendance. Please also note that attendance at some of the events is limited, so please be sure to respond as soon as possible. Please let me know if you have any questions. JLM/KGB/MAS F:\INFO\$ALL\Max\TCD\L TC\Complimentary Ticket Policy 2.docx