Alpesh Patel Application PackageAKP LPESH ANTILAL ATEL CV URRICULUM ITAE Telephone: 1-786-531-8433 • Email: alpesh.patel@fiu.edu P A CADEMIC OSITIONS MBUS,FIU, Miami Beach Aug 2011-present IAMI EACH RBAN TUDIOS Assistant Professor,Contemporary Art and Theory Jul 2012-presentDirector, Master in Fine Art in Visual Arts NYU Sep 2010-May 2011,New York City EW ORK NIVERSITY Visiting Scholar, Center for Study of Gender and Sexuality E DUCATION UM Apr 2009,England NIVERSITY OF ANCHESTER PhD,Art History and Visual Studies MPhil,Drama/Screen studies (upgraded to PhD in 2006) YU Sep 1997, New Haven, Connecticut ALE NIVERSITY BA in History of Art with distinction in major AAE RTS DMINISTRATION XPERIENCE NMCA Jan 2002-Jul 2005 , New York City EW USEUM OF ONTEMPORARY RT Executive Assistantto Lisa Phillips, director E/ME C,New York City Sep 2000-Dec 2001 LINICA STETICOAGNET NTERTAINMENT Production Assistantto Ed Saxon, producer WMAA Dec 1998-Aug 2000 ,New York City HITNEY USEUMOF MERICAN RT Project-based Curatorial and Research Assistant Curator RLG Sep 1998-Mar 1999 , New York City OSEEEOLDBERG Part-time Research Assistant SR.GM Summer 1998, New York City OLOMON UGGENHEIMUSEUM Curatorial Intern H,G,OA ONORSRANTSANDTHER WARDS National Endowment of Humanities (NEH) 2012 College Art Association (CAA), 2008Professional Development Fellowshipfinalist Fulbright Foundation, 2005Fulbright Fellowshipfinalist, for graduate study in UK DA OCTORAL WARDS University of Manchester , England 2006-8School of Arts, Histories and Cultures 2006-8Art History and Visual Studies 2006-8Art Gallery and Museum Studies 2006-7Drama and Screen Studies 2006-7Studentship UA NDERGRADUATE WARDS Yale University , New Haven, Connecticut 1995-7Werner F. Gossels Scholarship 1996RichterSummer Fellowship 1995Mellon Undergraduate Research Grant !«¯¤²§ + ­³¨« « 0 ³¤« Page 1of 2 IL NVITED ECTURES School of Art Institute of Chicago 2014, Illinois. Reed College 2013, Portland, Oregon. New York University 2013, New York City, New York. Florida International University 2011,Miami, Florida. University of South Florida 2011, Tampa, Florida. New York University 2010, New York City, New York. University of Cambridge 2010, England. University of Oxford 2009, England. Yale University 2009, New Haven, Connecticut. University of Manchester 2008, England. University College London 2008, England. Urbis: Museum of the City 2007, Manchester, England. Middlebury College 2005, Middlebury, Vermont. P/B UBLICATIONSOOKS Manchester “P:WSA”(under contract with RODUCTIVE FAILURERITING TRANSNATIONALOUTH SIAN ART HISTORIES University Press , Rethinking Art’s Histories Series, eds Marsha Meskimmon and Amelia Jones) “A:TLGBTQ-”(in progress) RT HISTORY AS ACTIVIST PRACTICERANSREGIONAL APPROACHES TO THEMED ARTWORKS B(E+C) OOKS DITOR ONTRIBUTOR TTSP:NWSP.MiamiBeach: Miami Beach Urban Studios HIS OOHALL ASSEW ORK BY ARAVANAN ARASURAMAN Gallery, 2014 T. Miami Beach: Miami Beach Urban Studios Gallery, 2011 RANSFORMATION !«¯¤²§ + ­³¨« « 0 ³¤« Page 2of 2