Ad 984 Notice of Land Use Board Vacancy Design Review Board|FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 2015MiamiHerald.com|MIAMI HERALD 6B H1* MIAMI-DADE COUNTY Better mass transit: Ideas, but not funds BY PATRICIA MAZZEI with sessions on how to pro-of downtown were longpublic-private partnerships, pmazzei@MiamiHerald.com mote development nearpromised service. Thein which private concessio- In gridlocked Miami,transit hubs and how to de-county is studying severalnaires design, build, operate mass transit has becomesign more livable neighbor-corridors in those commu-and finance all or part of a more necessary as money tohoods where people donities for bus rapid transit, inproject, in exchange for a pay for it has become tight-more walking and cycling.which buses are given ded-share of revenues. In a bus er. Presenter after presentericated lanes to act more likerapid transit system, de la So while there finally ap-showed statistics from pub-arail system Ð without asPeÙa said several compa- pears to be enough interestlic-opinion services andhefty a price tag.nies could partner with the from community leaders toquality-of-life studies thatBenjamin de la PeÙa, di-government Ð one to col- take a serious look at im-show people in Miami, espe-rector of community andlect fares, another to operate proving public transporta-cially young millenials innational strategy for thethe station. tion, the underlyingthe urban core, want toKnight Foundation and anAnew rail line in Mary- problem will be how to findspend less time and moneyurban planner who hasland is being financed by lo- money for future upgrades.in traffic and want to feelstudied successful bus-tran-cal, state and federal agen- ªWhat we really need aresafe taking public transit.sit systems, said a well-de-cies Ð along with a private additional ideas about howBut the inescapablesigned system also requirescontractor that is building we're going to fund thesetheme was how to financequick fare collection Ð bythe extension and will run it projects,º Miami-Dadebig-ticket projects to ex-charging customers beforeonce it's completed, said Jef- County Mayor Carlos Gi-pand public transportationthey board, rather thanfrey Ensor, director of pro- menezsaid Thursday.so that fewer people have towhen they step in Ð andject delivery and finance for ªWithout that, our visiondrive cars on already con-connections between busesthe Maryland Transit Ad- / will never become reality.ºgested roads. The federaland other modes of trans-ministration and one of MIAMI HERALD FILE METROMOVER: Gimenez spoke at a day-government, which tradi-A summit drew big ideas on portation. Also key is choos-Thursday's presenters. The long transportation summittionally paid for construc-improving public transit, but funding is a big issue.ing popular routes and mak-government bought and organized by the Citizens©tion, has seen its funds drying travel convenient. It'sowns the land and will keep Independent Transporta-up and is no longer a reliableWashington in October.That means emphasizingbetter to have a no-frills buscertain responsibilities, in- tion Trust, which runs Met-source, said Gimenez, whoªWe're going to, frankly,projects that are less expen-without any stops runningcluding determining rorail, Metromoverandmet with U.S. Departmenthave to figure out how to dosive than extending Metro-along a congested thorough-changes to service. Another Metrobus. The event, how-of Transportation adminis-it ourselves,º he saidrail, even though neighbor-fare than a fancy bus withrail line, bringing Washing- ever, took a broader view,trators when he traveled toThursday.hoods north, west and southmany stops along a sideton Metro service to Dulles street.Airport, is being financed by ªIf you water it down, youpublic agencies and tolls get empty buses,º he said.paid by drivers who use an That approach, though,airport highway. requires dedicating primeOut-of-town transporta- real estate to buses at the ex-tion administrators urged pense of space for cars toMiami-Dade to plan early drive and park. YselaLlort,for projects and be persist- director of the county's tran-ent, even if past efforts have sit department and a formerfailed. traffic engineer, said Miami-ªWe had nothing under Dade knows how to createconstruction or under con- bus rapid transit, and hastract five years ago,º said looked at doing so alongPhil Washington, chief exec- Northwest 27th Avenue, forutive of the Denver Region- example. State Road 836,al Transportation District better known as the Dolphinand chairman of the Amer- Expressway, is also underican Public Transportation consideration.Association. He showed off ªWhat's limiting the im-amap of a web of rail and plementation of those pro-bus lines that have been jects are really two sets ofbuilt in Denver since. ªIf you decisions,º she said. ªOne isinvest in infrastructure, the where the money is going topayoff is there,º he said. come from. And, secondly,Miami-Dade Commis- where they're going to besioner Esteban ªSteveº Bo- put in. You're going to havevo, incoming chairman of to make some trade-off deci-the commission's transpor- sions on how you use thetation committee, said he in- road.ºtends to do more than ask One way to finance busfor studies in his two-year rapid transit and other pro-term leading the panel. jects, including rail exten-ªI do not want to get to sions or a potential link be-2016 without seeing at least tween downtown Miamione project moving for- and Miami Beach, is throughward,º he said. EAST LAKE F>2.8B<>K<>JCKF@ Toddler killed after :82>FC8BK<C:D<C:2282@CB1214C =K:D13C<K5?B=1<+8B2@C finding father's gun F>2.8B<>K<>JCKF@F8<54C@C:3>0C5=K: BY KATIE METTLER Misty Woods, the family's K:D-8:>:A<K5F@K:AC3 AND ZACK PETERSON neighborhood, Sheriff Bob Tampa Bay Times Gualtieri said detectives EAST LAKEÐ A toddlerwere able to confirm that :82>FC282@C51J=>F died Wednesday afternoonKaleb fired the gun and that after he found his father'she was not shot by someone gun in the family car andelse. ;7QCDM@>8DMID9FI:IQ4GD6I@X$.XX$)B#.!#Q).,$;".``#`%Q_.[*U#""$_"*.21C3DK./ shot himself, the PinellasªHe probably barely got B')OL*OGE&/EQ,7*M,IQQP9!9#`X$)M#XNM_!!#ZZ#_`M$.!-)[Z58$#[*H"__[5M#XNF.""52A^^M_`V)`X#_`M) County Sheriff's Officethe trigger pulled,º Gualtie- J[#V)5B#.!#Q).,$5H"_[#*.?JW[#`%X$#Z!))X#`%X$);".``#`%Q_.[*U#""$_ said.ri said, adding that it was a Kevin Ahles had left hislightweight weapon usually B#"':R9EE6;9,,QQ,7 M$3MO''MHB=1<K!'S(!'SM?8$).]]"#,.`X5X$)M#XN_'B#.!#Q).,$5#Z[)\W)ZX#`% 2-year-old son, Kaleb, in thecarried in a pocket or on a .`.!)`*!)`XX_X$)HWXW[)C.`*7Z)B.]_'X$)M_!][)$)`Z#V);".`_'X$)M#XN_ front seat of the car and re-hip. X_9),X#_`22YO2SS_'X$)M_*)_'X$)M#XN>'B#.!#Q).,$5H"_[#*.59),X#_`2S turned to carrying boxes inThere was no wrongdo- 2S<?<2YA5H".?9X.X?5-N,$.`%#`%X$)HWXW[)C.`*7Z)J)Z#%`.X#_`'_[.].[,X$9X[))X5 preparation for a familying, Gualtieri said, and the .`*U$#,$#Z,_!][#Z)*_'")ZZX$.`2^.,[)Z5'[_!X$),[[)`XbC_UJ)`Z#XNBW move to Hernando County.parents are not facing crimi- E:BO205aX_X$)HWXW[)C.`*7Z)M.X)%_[N_'bC_UD`X)`Z#XNM_!!)[,#."M.X)% Kaleb somehow crawlednal charges. Nobody could across the seat and openedpunish the parents more the glove compartment,than they'll punish them- B#"':R9EE6N9,,QQ,7 M$3MO''MH-RS#S%<*PF$*S%'?8$).]]"#,.`X5X$)M#XN_'B#.!#Q).,$5#Z[)\W)ZX#`%.` where his father kept aselves, he said. .!)`*!)`XX_X$)>'c,#."3_`#`%J#ZX[#,XB.]5[)')[)`,)*#`9),X#_`2&LOAL .380-caliber handgun, depu-ªIt appears to be another Q).,$5H"_[#*.5]W[ZW.`XX_9),X#_`22YO2SL5b;)X#X#_`Z'_[M$.`%)Z.`*T! ties said.tragic situation,º Gualtieri X$ #`%J#ZX[#,XM".ZZ#c,.X#_`'_[.].[,)"_'".`*"_,.X)*.X22^^2=9X[))X5.`*U$#,$#Z,_!][#Z)*_'")ZZX$.` Kaleb then lifted the gun,said. ªIt's just one of those 2^.,[)Z5'[_!X$),[[)`X:BO25b:)Z#*)`X#."BW"X#'.!#"NC_UD`X)`Z#XNJ# turned it so that it faced histhings that happens where D`X)`Z#XNJ#ZX[#,X?a chest and squeezed theeverything happens the trigger.wrong way.º Ahles, 23, heard a loudThe toddler's grandfath- pop and sprinted back to theer, a retired Tampa police dark-colored Nissan. Ka-detective also named Kevin leb's mother, Christina Ni-Ahles, said he received a call gro, 23, performed CPR.about what happened to Ka- Deputies responded to theleb and immediately drove home at 1094 Misty Hollowto East Lake. Standing out- Lane at 4:47 p.m. and an am-side the police tape, he bulance took Kaleb to Med-summed up the tragedy. ical Center of Trinity, whereªA great little kid was he was pronounced dead.killed today,º he said. At a news conference inªThat's all there is to say.º T""#`X)[)ZX)*].[X#)Z.[)#`V#X)*X_.]]).[.XX$#Z!))X#`%_[-)[)][)Z)`X)*-N.`.%)`X5_[X_)R][)ZZX$)#[V#)UZ#`U[#X#`%.**[)ZZ)*X_X$) ;".``#`%Q_.[*,1_X$);".``#`%J)].[X!)`X52A^^M_`V)`X#_`M)`X)[J[#V)5M#XNF.""5B#.!#Q).,$5H"_[#*.<<2<(?M_]#)Z_'X$)][_]_Z)* .!)`*!)`XZ.[).V.#".-")#`X$);".``#`%J)].[X!)`X?;W[ZW.`XX_9),X#_`LYS?^2^=5H".?9X.X?5X$)M#XN$)[)-N.*V#Z)ZX$)]W-"#,X$.X#'.])[Z_` *),#*)ZX_.]]).".`N*),#Z#_`!.*)-NX$);".``#`%Q_.[*U#X$[)Z]),XX_.`N!.XX)[,_`Z#*)[)*.X#XZ!))X#`%_[#XZ$).[#`%5ZW,$])[Z_`!WZX )`ZW[)X$.X.V)[-.X#![),_[*_'X$)][_,))*#`%Z#Z!.*)5U$#,$[),_[*!WZX#`,"W*)X$)X)ZX#!_`N.`*)V#*)`,)W]_`U$#,$X$).]])."#ZX_-) -.Z)*?8$#Z`_X#,)*_)Z`_X,_`ZX#XWX),_`Z)`X-NX$)M#XN'_[X$)#`X[_*W,X#_`_[.*!#ZZ#_`_'_X$)[U#Z)#`.*!#ZZ#-")_[[[)")V.`X)V#*)`,)5`_[ *_)Z#X.WX$_[#K),$."")`%)Z_[.]])."Z`_X_X$)[U#Z).""_U)*-N".U? 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