Meeting Notices February 2-6, 2015MIAMI HERALD I Miamillerald.corn MEETING NOTICES February 2 - 6, 2015 MONDAY, February 2 3:00 p.m. Finance & Citywide Projects Commission`* 3:30 p m. Transportation, Parking & Bicycle Pedestrian Facilities Committee Commission Chambers Third Floor, City Hall Parking Dept. 2^' FL Exec. Conf. P.m. 1755 Meridian Av. TUESDAY, February 3 8:30 a.m. Design Review Board" Commission Chambers Third Floor, City Hall WEDNESDAY, February 4 5:30 p.m. Parks and Recrealion City Manager's Large Facilities Advisory Board Conf. Room, 4* Floor, City Hall THURSDAY, February 5 4:00 p.m. Miami Beach Cultural ArtsTCWl7 Conference Room, Council 5' Floor, 1755 Meridian Ave. 6:00 p.m. Mayor's Blue Ribbon Normandy Shores Golf Panel on North Beach Club, 2401 Biarritz Drive FRIDAY, February 6 9:00 a.m. Board of Adjustment" Commission Chambers Third Floor, City Hall For any and/or all of the above meetings, one or more members of the Miami Beach City Commission may be in attendance and participate in discussions. " Aired live an WV: AT &T U•verse 99 Aaotic 13rcactband 77 Digital 90 & 107.3 *" Commission Committee meeting aired live on MBTV ' ' ° Commission Committee meeting with delayed broadcasting an MBTV No. 0001437293 -01 • — — �6AJ`v'�,iBLA� H We ore cemmiuedro providing excellent pub& service and safety te all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historical community, City Hall is located el 1700 Convention Center Drive; and the Miami Bcc.., Convention Center is located al 1901 Convention Center Drive. Any mce.i.,,t may be opened and continued and under such circumstances, adduien legal notice will not be p ovided u To request this material in alternate formal, sign language interpreter (flvedoy notice requital, tnformarion on access for persons with disabilities, and /or any accommodation ra review any document or pankipale in any cityaponsored proceedinggs call 305.804.2489 and select 1 lair English or 2 for Spanish, then option 6• us users may call via 711 (Florida Relay Service). A meeting not noticed in the Weekly Meeting Notice ad and determined to be on emergency meeting will be aosic4 on the bulletin boards throughout City Hall and will be ovailabie on the City's webete err / /web.micmanachfl,get /c sferk /dera4aas Pursioni is Secricn 286.0105, Flo. Stat., the City hereby advises the public the+ if n person decides to oppeol any decision mode by the board, agency, at commission n wish respect to ony matter considered al such meeting or Nearing, roe sne wilt need record of the proceedings, ord that, few such purpose, h or she may need to ensure Ihai a verbatim record of the proceedings na made, witch record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to ❑e based. '•lt I I IURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 20}5 1 1711