Weekly Meeting Notices February 23-27, 201516NE 1 THURSDAY, FEDRUARY19, 2015 NE MiamiHerald.com , MIAMI HERALD
2.00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.
1 0:00 a.
1 1:00 a.
1 :00 p.m.
A:30 p.m.
6:00 p. m.
February 23 - 27, 2015
MONDAY, February 23
Indusry R ' w For CMB Inieligent MBCC. Moll C. Meeting
Room 0233/234
Tronsporioiion & Forking Monogemru
TUESDAY, February 24
Comm'iwe For+nudiy Education
m. Pre-Proposal Conference RFO
No, 20t54734FG Pions Reriaw,
Imspectiens and Permit Clerk
m. Maya's Blue Ribbon Panel on Flooding
and Sea Rise
Planning Bowel"
Budget Advisory Committee
Middle Beach Trolly Public Workshop
Ciy Manager's large Conf.
Room. 4° Floor, City Hall
Ciy Manager's Small Conf.
Room, 4+ Floor, Ciy Hall
Ciy Manager's large Conf.
Room, 4* Floor, City Holt
Commission Chambers
Third Finer, Ciy Hdl
Ciy Manager large Conf.
Room, d" Floor. Cy Hall
Miami Beach Golf Club
2301 Alton Rood
WEDNESDAY, February 25
5:00 p.m. Ciy Commss:nn / Cam mission Chambers
Awo nos' l,ird Floor, City Hdl
THURSDAY, February 26
Evok,ation Comminee RF P 2014,
346-VG Professional Architedurel &
Engineering Services in Specialized
Categories: "A #Needs3Besis"
8:30 a.m. Mayor's Blue Ribbon Panel on North
Beach in Conjunction with GMBHA
North Beach Hotel Opportunities
9:000.M- 5peciol Master Hoping
10:00 o -m. MB Vsitor Convention AuIhcriy
10:30 a.m. Committee For Cudiry Ed.
Health Cue Tosk Form
5:30 p.m. Swtainobliy Committee
6:00 p.m. ABpdd,le Housing Advisory
8:00 a.m.
9.00 a.m.
9:30 0. m.
2:00 p. m.
2:00 p.m.
FRIDAY, February 27
Personnel Board
Mayans Blue Ribbon Panel far
Washington Avenue
Noighbothoods/Communly AAmirs
Pre - Prooppoossaal Conference RFP No.
2015-103 -ME Dr. mr. of Convention
lieadquaner Hotel Adjoceni to MBCC
5:00 p.m. Atrecnrg EGST 81/sinoaaes GIRT
., r. 1P1 s tnnr_ement Sub•Com,, 'PP
Ciy Manager's Large Conf.
Room, 4* Floc, Ciy Hnll
O Cinema - Miami Sec c s
(The Byron Carlyle Theater]
500 71' Streel
Commission Chambers
Third Flap, Ciy Hdl
MBVCA Olfices, 1701
Meridiem Avenue 4403
MB Chamber of Commerce
t 920 Meridian Avenue
City Manager's Largo Conf.
Room, 4° Floor, Cy Ho11
oBim of Housing &
Community Services Conf.
Room, 555 174 Silent
Commission Chambers,
Third Floor, Ciy Hdl
Wolfson on -F1U, Auditpium,
1001 Washington Avenue
Commission CEombers,
Third Floor, Ciy Hall
MBCC, 1901 Carve=,..,
Center Drive, Hall A,
Room Al10 /111
Gathering Hotel, labor.
409 :'ncoln Woad
For any and /or all of the above meetings, one or more
members of the Miami Beach City Commission may be
In attendance and participate in discussions.
Aired live on MBTV: AT &T Uwerse (?' r r cidbond 77
pigilol 90 & 107.3
* * Commission Committee meeting aired live on MBTV
* *' Commission Committee meeting with delayed broadcasting on MBTV
No. 0001412774 -01
ors are commuted to providing excellent public seMCe anal sorely to off who km, work
and pray in our vibrant, rropicor, hrsmncal cornmun
Ciy Hall is Iotated at 1700 Convention Canter Drivo: end the Miami Beooh Convention
Center- is located ore 1901 Canrenlion Center Drive. Any meeting may be opened
and continued, and under such circumstances. additional legal notice will not be
provided. To request this malarial in alterste former, sign longvogo interpreter IAN,
day notice rroegquer root, information on access Far persons wi sabili1ies, and /or
any aawmmodo�fion In review any document or participate in any cilyspansored
proceedings call 305.604.2489 and select 1 For English or 2 For Sponish, then apron
6; TTY usrs 471 via 711 [Florida ploy 5rripej. A meeting net noticed in the
Weekly Meeting Notice ad and determined 10 be an emergency meeting will be posted
on the bulletin boards throe hour City Hol end wilt be available on the COy swebsite a,:
Jutshweb. nriaeni800c�tACgovJdyderk /default.a sax MI =1774
Pwwonl to Beckon 296.0105, Fla. Star., the City hereby advises the public chat if
person decides to appeal any decision made by the board, agency, or commission
with rasped to any matter considered at such meeting u hearing, he or she wl need o
record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, heel, she may need to •nswe ohnt
a vrbarim record aF the proceedings is made, which record includes the leshimony and
evidence upon which the oppeal is to be based.