Mirta Limonta Conclusion Letter AD- to,Y-, e, , MIA.MIBEACH City of Miami Beach,1700 Convention Center Drive,Miami Beach,Florida 33139,www.miamibeachfl.gov OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK,Rafael Granado,City Clerk Tel:(305)673-7411,Fax:(305)673-7254 February 12, 2015 Mirta Limonta 533 Collins Avenue—Apt. 309 Miami Beach, FL 33139 Subiect: Committee on the Homeless Dear Ms. Mirta Limonta: On behalf of the City Commission, I want to extend my appreciation for your services on the above Committee. Pursuant to City of Miami Beach Code Section 2-22 (9) if a member of an agency, board or committee fails to attend 33 percent of the regularly scheduled meetings per calendar year; such member shall be automatically removed. Based on the above information, your membership on the Budget Advisory Committee is now concluded. Please note that regrettably, the parking decal will no longer be honored since your term of membership on the committee has ended. Sincerely R ael Granado City Clerk cc: Saul Frances, Parking Department Director Alexandra Gorfinkel, Liaison We ar 7 l r PERIRY0 n We 11 rnYig,7 c?f J§0 '1c 6#009,4 kd'F1Pr�SSrr goyd+D wiffi ProEi p P iobbi 'i ynmuniry. FOR CONCLUDED LETTERS DUE TO ABSENCES The following board members must be removed due to absences, pursuant to City of Miami Beach Code Section 2-22 (9): if a member of an agency, board or committee fails to attend 33 percent of the regularly scheduled meetings per calendar year; such member shall be automatically removed. (See Attendance Reports attached) BUDGET ADVISORY COMMITTEE: — Christopher Pace COMMITTEE ON THE HOMELESS Rachael Zucherman ke/Mirta-L nonta 61'6 Ovk I - HEALTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE Julie Zaharatos Narson Todd Wirk Shaheen Daniel Nixon 1E "David Farcy !i CULTURAL ARTS COUNCIL Ileana Bravo –Term limited? If so, a concluded Thank you letter is HUMAN RIGHTS COMMITTEE Bradley Ugent POLICE CITIZENS RELATIONS Alejandro Dominguez "Cr co L. O N Z O U C cv r O Q N O •E E 0 0 O 0 0 0 E O V� a o 0 a of u.1 0 cr z Z r1 0 l- 0 N �� LU 0 0 0... W O O Ce O L.I. aJ m 5 ti;ex Ep W a. a. a. Q Q a. a. a. < O a. W Q! H _ 'I a a Q Q Q a a. a. 4 0 U C 0 i) O L � I a Q Q a a a. a. a. 4 CO ce Z _ a E f- a a. a a a a w > c < 0 < C .N z '�� .�. CO Q Q L L L a L a O w A w 0 C C Q C C E s 3 4a 3 f+ 3 �A O 4 �O = L. b\uo O b\u0 .A ... a a O O. V CT, cl 0 0. a. Q 4 Z 4 Q 4 ▪ O A O L I I QJ -O ® Z z Z CO 2 Z 2 Z 2 0 y o !;I Z Z Z a Q U Q) G• I c 0 C 0 c a) Z a aJ o y. +, CO tif 43) — L ... ▪ E -c fa co .0 (5 .0 0 C 'C t A N _ �o .ri 0 ca C G CU 711 ® �i .0 0. LL 0 V J 1C L C W C •— N CD a rt CL ill Z N '^ L. a a 3 41, N C C c ca C ,! (Q C •L H U 0 L L biA c E cv N o 0 U C J W I w N Y V) V) Z U. J & Z • Q) t Q a Q I— jv r1 N M gt LA t0 1� as at \ O � � � � � � r�1 Q a Z Z U � Prieto, Silvia From: Granado, Rafael Sent: Saturday, November 01, 2014 8:02 AM To: Hatfield, Liliam; Prieto, Silvia Subject: FW: Contact information for Ms. Limonta Attachments: Homeless Committee Attendance Report 3rd qtr 2014.doc Silvia Please see me on this. Regards, r Ammab... IONS INIMMINIMIN•15.1101111.31.11:13111•11.11= AA,I AM]BEACH Rafael E. Granado, Esq., City Clerk CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 Tel: 305-673-7411 www.miamibeachfl.gov We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. From: Ruiz, Maria Sent: Friday, October 24, 2014 6:22 PM To: Granado, Rafael Subject: FW: Contact information for Ms. Limonta Ralph— FYI - Ms. Limonta was appointed to the Committee on the Homeless but has never attended a meeting. She missed the last meeting because she said she had guests in town. Thanks, M From: Gorfinkel, Alexandra Sent: Friday, August 15, 2014 9:31 AM To: Ruiz, Maria Subject: Contact information for Ms. Limonta Good Morning Maria— Mirta Limonta's phone number is 305-672-8187. MIAMIBEACH 1 • Alexandra Gorfinkel, Case Worker OFFICE OF HOUSING&COMMUNITY SERVICES HOMELESS OUTREACH TEAM 555 17th Street,Miami Beach,FL 33139 Tel:305-604-4663 / Fax: 786-394-4628 / www.miamibeachfl.qov We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant,tropical,historic community. • 2