Pieces set for big party
made in
King gives award to
Highlights of events at resort
killing of
Islamist who bashes U.S.
Tuesday, 11a.m., Red Course: adidas BOOST mini challenge
tend that sand trap is a beach,
pitting PGA pros vs. pro soccer, basketball, football and track
or rent a climate-controlled
and field athletes, including Dolphins quarterback Ryan Tanne-
suite overlooking the BlueHe has publicly declared that ªthe Jewsº control
Monster's 18th green.America, that apostates can be killed, that the United
Tuesday, 6 p.m., Royal Palm Pool: Cadillac Nights Opening
Why, someone who thinksStates is the world's ªbiggest terrorist,º and that the
Drive red carpet with PGA players, the Trump family and DJ Irie
adriver is a chauffeur and anSept. 11attacks were an ªinside jobº by President
for invited guests only.
eagle is a bird could attendGeorge W. Bush. But last weekend, Dr. Zakir Naik, a
Thursday, 4-6 p.m., Doral resort: Trump Model Search
the tournament that annuallyprominent Muslim televangelist from India, appeared BY JULHAS ALAM
Associated Press
Thursday, 8-10 p.m., Doral resort, Fashion Experience show
attracts the world's top 50at an elaborate ceremony at a luxury hotel in Saudi
hosted by Ivanka Trump with designs by Dolce and Gabbana
golfers and still have a won-Arabia, where the new monarch, King Salman, gaveDHAKA, Bangladesh Ð
Saturday, 6 p.m., White Course 18thhole: Carlos Santana
derful time.him one of the country's highest honors.Bangladeshi security officials
concert with guests Los Amigos Invisibles and La Gente Zona
That's the idea behind re-The award for ªservice to Islamº highlighted thearrested a suspect Monday in
vamping the spectator expe-conflicted position of Saudi Arabia as a U.S. ally thatthe killing of an American
rience: Lure the fanatic andcontinues to back Islamists who espouse hatred of thewriter who was a prominent
the curious alike, therebyWest. Reached by phone in Saudi Arabia on Monday,critic of extremist Islam and
nourishing the game and theNaik said he was proud to join the ªicons of the Mus-was hacked to death last
Cadillac Experience Double Decker, between 1 st and 18 th
event. Do it by bringing a lit-lim worldº who had received the award. He remainedweek as he walked with his
greens, featuring interactive stations with a hole-in-one com-
tle South Beach and Las Ve-harshly critical of the United States. ªI am absolutelywife in Dhaka, a government
petition, swing and putting analysis and ball fitting; Escalade
gas to Doral, the place namedagainst Muslims who kill, but what is the U.S. doing?ºspokesman said.
Lounge, 16 th hole; Grey Goose Lounge, 19 th hole; Premium caba-
after founders Doris and AlNaik asked, saying that the United States had killedThe arrest of Farabi Shafi-
nas, 16 th hole; LAN and TAM International Club with views of 18 th
Kaskel. Afghan, Iraqi, and Palestinian Muslims.ur Rahman came four days af-
and 9 th greens; Moet and Chandon Champagne Lounge in the
Golf is shedding its staidSaudi watchers were unsurprised that the kingdomter attackers wielding meat
fan village.
image as a sport for the but-would honor a harsh critic of the U.S., noting that ma-cleavers killed Avijit Roy, an
toned-down and shushed-up,pricing.'' caused him to withdraw fromny members of the Saudi religious establishment holdoutspoken atheist and critic
which dovetails perfectlyAbout 90,000 fans attend-tournaments and he didn'tsimilar views.of the intertwining of religion
with Donald Trump's $250ed the Cadillac Champion-even qualify for Doral. A re-In other Saudia Arabia news, a Saudi diplomatand politics, on a crowded
million renovation of aship last year, up 12 percentverse ªTiger Effectº is push-abducted by suspected al-Qaida militants in Yemensidewalk in the capital, said
7,481-yard course and a resortfrom 2013. A grounds ticketing events to be more cre-was freed after nearly three years in captivity and hasMufti Mahmud Khan, a
that had passed its prime andfor Thursday's first roundative in their offerings, partic-returned home to Riyadh, the kingdom said.spokesman for the anti-crime
become as frayed as the dow-costs $40; it's $50 on Fridayularly with food and pop/Rapid Action Battalion.
dy upholstery on an old sofa.and $60 on Saturday and Sun-rock/country musicRoy, a Bangladesh-born
ªDonald understandsday or $125 for the week, with American citi-
show biz,º said Buchholz,kids 18 and under free with anªGolf is adapting to life be-PESHAWAR Ð Hundreds of parents were arrestedzenship, was killed on a visit
who developed a reputationadult. Sponsorship seatingyond Tiger just like the NBAand jailed on charges of endangering public securityfrom Georgia to attend Dha-
as the PT Barnum of sportingand suite prices range fromhad to adjust to life after Mi-after refusing to give their children polio vaccinations,ka's main book fair. He and
events during his years as$20,000 to $100,000.chael Jordan,º Becher said.officials said. Feroz Shah, a spokesman for the districthis wife, Rafida Ahmed, were
chief of Key Biscayne's ªfifthAt the Waste ManagementJust as tournament golf isadministration in Peshawar, capital of Khyber Pak-attacked after leaving the fair.
majorº of tennis, the MiamiPhoenix Open, attendance ismaking a transition to em-htunkhwa province, said 471people were jailed underAhmed was seriously in-
Open. Buchholz made theup to 500,000 and the buzzbrace the fan, recreationalgovernment orders. Pakistan is one of three countriesjured.
tournament into a happeningcreated around the ªloudestgolf is making a transition towhere polio is endemic, and the country last year ac-Rahman, a Muslim blogger
for both tennis lovers and ca-hole in golfº attracts 15,000 toembrace the player. The clo-counted for the vast majority of reported cases. Thewho denounced atheism, had
sual fans with attendance thatthe raucous stadium seatingsure of a dozen courses indisease remains common after the Taliban bannedthreatened Roy in Facebook
exceeds 300, the 16th green. Becher li-South Florida reflects what'svaccinations and attacked medical workers. Somepostings, Khan said, quoting
ªThe PGA Tour finallykens the fans to Duke basket-happening nationwide as thePakistanis also are suspicious about vaccinations, fear-him as writing: ªAvijit Roy
realizes it has to entertain theball's face-painted Camerongame has gained a reputationing it will sterilize their children. lives in America, so it's not
fan, as does the Miami HeatCrazies. It's gotten so un-golffor being too expensive, toopossible to kill him right now.
or any other sports franchiselike at No. 16 that last monthdifficult and too time-con-But he will be killed when he
or event. It's no longerwhen Ryan ªCowboyº Palm-suming and has failed to en-comes back.º
enough to watch athleteser got to the green, he greetedlish younger generations.CAIRO Ð A bomb blast in downtown Cairo killedRahman had been arrested
shoot basketballs or hit golfroaring spectators by tossingªI've seen it grow and I'veone person and wounded 10, the health ministry said. Apreviously for threatening an
balls from a bleacher seat.'' out balls wrapped in $10 billsseen it go,º said Charlie De-group calling itself Revolutionary Punishment claimedimam who performed funeral
The Doral tournament isthat said ªHave a beer on me.ºLucca Jr., who manages theresponsibility on its Twitter account. The group isprayers for another atheist
competing not only with aªPhoenix started a trend bycity of Miami's Melreesebelieved to mostly consist of Islamist youths seekingBangladeshi blogger killed in
multitude of entertainmentcreating a party within thecourse. ªWe're down to aboutrevenge for the ongoing crackdown on supporters of2013. He was released on bail
options for the cash- andtournament ± not unlike tail-24 courses in Miami-Dade.ousted President Mohammed Morsi. after six months in jail.
time-constrained populacegating at a football game,ºFor too long, golf was only forWhile Rahman acknowl-
but also the comforts ofsaid Matt Ginella, lifestyle re-stuffy, rich, white men.ºedged making the threats,
home, where a sports fan canporter at the Golf Channel.But DeLucca sees Doral'sKhan said, authorities re-
plop down in front of theªDonald and Ivanka Trumpgrowing popularity andMAIDUGURI Ð The latest video from the Bokofused to say if they believed
high-definition TV, adjust thewant to bring a party to Doral.come-one, come-all vibe as aHaram Islamic extremist group shows the bodies ofhe was one of the attackers.
AC, and nosh to his heart'sThey want people to get theirboon for the game. He and histwo beheaded men accused of spying and copies someªHe has admitted that he
content without having tomoney's worth.son Charlie DeLucca III ofof the hallmarks of propaganda from the Islamic Statethreatened Avijit but we are
deal with parking hassles orªThere are golf puristsFirst Tee Miami will be takinggroup. The SITE intelligence group said the videonot sharing more informa-
exorbitant ticket prices.who will have a problem with1,000 inner city kids to Doralcalled ªHarvest of Spiesº was posted on Twitter bytion with you for the sake of
ªGolf was reluctant to piv-noise and backward caps andto introduce them to golf. HisBoko Haram's new media arm. the investigation. We need to
ot to the needs of millennials,cargo shorts but they are be-phone is ringing off the hookMIAMI HERALD WIRE SERVICESask him more,º Khan said.
and now they are playingcoming the silent majority.with ticket requests.
catch-up,º said Scott Becher,The game ignored the peopleªTrump has remade Doral
chief integration officer atwho paid to watch or paid tointo a breathtaking showcase,
Zimmerman Advertising inplay for too long.ºand it will be like an open
Fort Lauderdale, where heBuchholz said even hishouse for the sport this
oversees sports and enter-friend and golfing partnerweek,º DeLucca said. ªYou
tainment marketing. ªLook atJack Nicklaus has welcomedsmell the hamburgers, see the
what Ron Fraser did withchange and revamped hisCadillacs under the palm
University of Miami baseball,Muirfield tournament andtrees and watch some amaz-
or what Gulfstream Park golfers hitting amazing
doing. The model for the cus-The PGA also must adjustgolf shots and you decide,
tomer is: Entertain me, getto the decline of Tiger`Golf is on its way back up
me closer to the action inWoods, a fan magnet forand I'm going to go out and
ways I can't replicate bynearly two decades. Woods'play.'º
watching TV, and be fair withailing back and game have
Netanyahu unlikely to sway Congress
D-N.Y., said he's made up hisPresident Obama or the es-
mind not to make up his mindteemed office that he holds. I
time support a deal or don'tabout the nuclear deal untilhave great respect for both,º
support it. I don't think manyhe sees the final details.he told AIPAC attendees.
members are on the fence onªI don't know what the fi-ªMy speech is also not in-
this,º said Hamilton, a formernal deal is ± we hear all sortstended to inject Israel into the
chair of the House Foreignof reports and rumors,º EngelAmerican partisan debate,º
Affairs Committee and nowsaid. ªI've attended lots andhe said. ªAn important reason
director of the Center onlots of classified briefingswhy our alliance has grown
Congress at Indiana Univer-where different things arestronger decade after decade
sity. ªI really don't think ma-said. I think what's probablyis that it has been cham-
ny minds will be changed.ºgoing to happen is I'm not go-pioned by both parties, and
Hamilton and other ana-ing to love it and I'm not go-so it must remain.º
lysts believe that Netanya-ing to hate it. I'm going to
hu's talk is aimed more to-withhold judgment until I see
ward voters back in Israelafinal product.º
than lawmakers on CapitolSen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah,
Hill, as he faces a tough re-acknowledged that many
election bid on March 17.lawmakers are entrenched in
ªIt's a combination oftheir views. But he said Ne-
both,º said Haim Malka, dep-tanyahu still could ªconvince
uty director of the Middlesome who haven't taken this
East Program at Washing-as seriously as they should.º
ton's Center for Strategic andªI hope he will, because
International Studies. ªThewhat he's doing is a favor to
speech has not only beenthe world, really,º Hatch said
about undermining the [nu-Monday. ªI don't think it's
clear] deal but also about bol-asking too much to under-
stering his election. He's fac-stand that if this isn't handled
ing a lot of criticism from atright it can be a detriment to
home from the left and rightthe world.º
about national security andNetanyahu addressed AI-
domestic issues.ºPAC Monday amid tense re-
Rivals in a hotly contestedlations between his adminis-
election back in Israel havetration and the White House.
denounced the speech as da-White House officials com-
maging to U.S.-Israeli rela-plained House Speaker John
tions, and a group of formerBoehner's invitation was a
generals accused Netanayhubreach of protocol because it
of harming Israel's security.comes close to Israel's elec-
Ordinary Israelis appeartions, giving the appearance
divided over the speech,that Washington is backing
which is dominating the elec-his re-election.
tion campaign.Netanyahu tried to defuse
Regardless of whether Ne-some of the controversy in
tanyahu's speech is aimed athis AIPAC speech.
Israeli or congressional con-ªMy speech is not intended
sumption, Rep. Eliot Engel,to show any disrespect to