Ad 997 Full page A2 dailybusinessreview.com THURSDAY,MARCH 12,2015 DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW An ALM Publication FROM THE COURTS sow - ---1915•2015— MIAMIBEACH - CITY OF MIAMI BEACH '' I $ F - yQ.-' .rt'T, ,, l, CITY COMMISSION .•� NOTICE OF FIRST PUBLIC HEARINGS ,, IS ,4.._--; . �,-' - NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO t, THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP (FLUM) r t'` OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH � , � " mow COMPREHENSIVE PLAN `∎' . ON' 4 AND ZONING MAP CHANGES NOTICE IS HEREBY given that first readings/public hearings will be held by the Mayor and City ;;4` !Iliad; Commissioners of the City of Miami Beach,Florida,in the Commission Chambers,3rd Floor,City MELANIE BELL Hall,1700 Convention Center Drive,Miami Beach,Florida,on Wednesday,AprIl 15,2015 at 10:00 Akerman partner Michael Goldberg was the liquidating trustee. a.m.,or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard,to consider; File No.2237.1100 15"'Street-FLUM Amendment Rothstein I nvesto rs Agree An Ordinance Of The Mayor And City Commission Of The City Of Miami Beach,Florida,Amending The Future Land Use Map Of The Comprehensive Plan By Changing The Future Land Use to Settle After Rank Pays Category Pursuant To Section 118-166 Of The Code Of The City Of Miami Beach,Florida,Section 163.3181,Florida Statutes,And Section 163.3187,Florida Statutes,By Changing The Future Land Use Designation For A Parcel Of Land Located At 1100 15th Street,And Which Is Comprised Of by Julie Kay the hearing. Less Than 10 Acres,From The Current"Low Density Multifamily Residential Category(RM-1)," jkay @alm.com Coquina already paid the bankruptcy To The Future Land Use Category Of"Low Intensity Commercial Category(CD-1);"Providing For estate$12.5 million in 2011. Inclusion In The Comprehensive Plan,Transmittal,Repealer,Severability And An Effective Date. Now that it's been paid on a $67 After fighting and appealing a jury million judgment by TD Bank,Coquina award unsuccessfully for three years, File No.2238.110015"Street-Zoning Map Change Investments LLC has agreed to pay TD Bank last week paid the$67 million An Ordinance Of The Mayor And City Commission Of The City Of Miami Beach,Florida,Amending $12.1 million to the bankrupt law firm judgment it owed Coquina in what is one The Official Zoning District Map,Referenced In Section 142-72 Of The Code Of The City Of Miami collecting money for victims of Ponzi- of the only successful attempts to hold a Beach, Florida, Pursuant To Section 118-162,"Petitions For Changes And Amendments,"By scheming ex-attorney Scott Rothstein. financial institution liable for playing a Changing The Zoning District Classification For A Parcel Of Land Located At 1100 15th Street, Additionally,the Texas-based inves- role in a Ponzi scheme. And Which Is Comprised Of Less Than 10 Acres,From The Current RM-1,"Residential Multifamily tor group agreed to place$6.4 million Another investment group is suing Low Intensity District"To CD-1,"Commercial,Low Intensity District;"Providing For Codification, in an escrow account while lawyers for -Bank of America for complicity in the Repealer,Severability And An Effective Date. both sides determine exactly how much scheme,which the bank denies. --� _ I^ I _ more Coquina should pay. Under the terms of the original bank- _I --- I _ Lawyers for Coquina, Rothstein ruptcy settlement with Coquina,which 15T"TER — — `RM=1--- - Rosenfeldt Adler and TD Bank explained was sued in a clawback action,the com- ` —GD=1- [ M=11 the latest settlement Wednesday to U.S. pany agreed to pay up to$31 million if g I _-[CD-1]— I 1 Bankruptcy Judge Raymond Ray,who its lawsuit against TD Bank was success- — signed off on it in court. ful. J Paul Singerman,who represents liq- Rothstein is serving a 50-year fed- ,-J uidating trustee and Akerman partner eral sentence for masterminding a$1.2 .15TH ST CD-2 ..... Michael Goldberg,gushed about the lat- billion settlement financing fraud from —1 r..----�[CD-2]" D/, RM-1 I I est settlement. his opulent Fort Lauderdale law office. M`1 F"---(CD-21 RM!1) I f.— "This is an extraordinary result for About two dozen lawyers,bankers and -,,— the liquidating trustee and its benefi- other co-conspirators have been con- 1 L C ciary,and it's another significant step in victed of participating in the scheme or —g _ 1r = ; the final resolution of the case and the profiting from it. _ sue— payment of an unprecedented distribu- Julie Kay can be reached at 305-347-6685. „T„ [RS]—Q s lion to creditors,"Singerman said after 1;e-Land M e noted In brockan - ,`--1 L _____ FROM PAGE Al Appeal found in favor of ambiguity and • unenforceability.Judges Burton Conner, Inquiries may be directed to the Planning Department at 305.673.7550. GEICO Alan Forst and Dorian Damoorgian re- versed Ross'decision. INTERESTED PARTIES are invited to appear at this meeting,or be represented by an agent, total amount of this settlement shall not "The trial judge had no basis in law or or to express their views in writing addressed to the City Commission,c/o the City Clerk,1700 exceed$50,000.00." fact to conclude otherwise,"Damoorgian Convention Center Drive,1"Floor,City Hall,Miami Beach,Florida 33139.These items are available That pesky$100,000,spelled out for wrote. for public inspection during normal business hours in the Office of the City Clerk,1700 Convention all to see,was her downfall. Terry P.Roberts of the Law Office of Center Drive,1 Floor,City Hall,Miami Beach,Florida 33139.These items may be continued,and At trial GEICO argued the inconsis- Terry P.Roberts in Tallahassee,who rep- under such circumstances,additional legal notice need not be provided. tent dollar amounts in Ryan's document resented Ryan on appeal,had no com- created a patent ambiguity.Ryan main- ment by deadline.He said no decision Pursuant to Section 286.0105,Fla.Stat.,the City hereby advises the public that if a person decides tained the company"knew exactly what has been made on whether to file a mo- to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at its the proposal was for." lion for rehearing. meeting or its hearing,such person must ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, Circuit Judge Dale Ross conceded, June Galkoski Hoffman of Fowler which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.This notice "There is a little bit of confusion here." White Burnett in Fort Lauderdale rep- does not constitute consent by the City for the introduction or admission of otherwise inadmissible But with the"not exceed"clause,he said, resented Geico. She was in a hearing or irrelevant evidence,nor does it authorize challenges or appeals not otherwise allowed by law. "that seems to clarify or clear up any Wednesday afternoon and not immedi- kind of confusion,I would think." ately available for comment. To request this material in alternate format,sign language interpreter(five-day notice required), Ross ruled the conclusion clarified Samantha Joseph can be reached at 954- Information on access for persons with disabilities,and/or any accommodation to review any docu- any confusion. 468-2614. ment or participate in any city-sponsored proceedings,call 305.604.2489 and select 1 for English But the Fourth District Court of or 2 for Spanish,then option 6;TTY users may call via 711(Florida Relay Service). Rafael E.Granado,City Clerk CLARIFICATION City of Miami Beach Ad 997 In an Interview with Cuban American Bar Association president Manny Crespo Jr.pub- lished March 10,he said he was the first openly gay president of CABA.Former CABA 3/12 15-109/2416326M president Victor Diaz,who also Is gay,served as CABA president in 2003.