Ad 997 Notice of Public HearingA2 dailybuSI.015101foW,cor THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 2015 II 81ET8u5fE553EVIEN AnALMPub0catlor _- i — 1915•29115— MIAMIBEACH CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY COMMISSION NOTICE OF FIRST PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP (FLUM) OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND ZONING MAP CHANGES NOTICE IS HE REST giwan mar 51st reamngsNuolic hearings will be heed by the Mayor and Coy Commis inners of me City 0t Miami Beach, Florida, In the Commission Chambers, are Floor, City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Div9, Miami Beech. Florida, on 1Nednesday, April 15, 2015 M 10:00 O,rtl„ or as soon ammeter as the mailer can be heard. to consider: Fie No. 2237.1100 15" Siren - FLUM Amendmard An Ordinance Cd The Mayor And Clry Commission Of The City 01 Miami Beall. Florida, Amending Tina Future Land Use Map 01 The Gomprehaneive Plan By Changing The Furure Land Use Category Pursuant To Section 11 &186 0/The Code 011ie CIry Of Miami Beach, Florida, Section 163.3191, Florida Slalutes, And Section 163.3187, Florida Statutes, By Changing The Future Land Use Designation for A Parcel 01 Land Located At 1100 15171 51ree1, And Which Is Comprised 01 Lass Than 10 Acres, From The Currant `Low Density Mui6temily Residential Category (RAW TO The FWure Lend Use Category OP 'Low Intenslly Commercial Category (CD -t]; Providing Fai Inclusion In Tha Comprehensive Ran, Transmittal. Repealer, Severabl6ry And An Motive Dale. File NO, 223S 110015° Skeet - Zoning Map Change An Ordinance Of The Mayor And Cory Commission 01 The City 01 Miard Beach, Florida, Amending The Official Zoning District Map, Raderanced In Section 142.72 01 The Coda Oche City 01 Miami Beech, Florida, Pursuant To Section 110.162, 'Pythons For Changes And Amendments' By Changing The Zoning OlsIOcl Classification For A Parcel Of Land Located At 1100 15th Street, And Which le Comprised Of Less Than 10 Acres. From The Cwrent RM- 1. 'Reetdenlial Murharniry Low Intensity Drslrlct,- To CD-1, - Cwnmercial, Low Intensity Dislriet; Providing Far 0.15902911. Repealer. Sev.rebalty And An EBetlWe Data gWdss may ba &noted la ma Planning Deparrmenl at 305.073.7558. INTERESTED PARTIES are I2l9ed to appear at mN meeting. or 9a represented by an agent or to express their News 09 writing addressed 10 1ho Coy Commission, c/o the City Clark, 1700 C00venli.n Center Drive, I. Floor, Ciry Hail. Miami Beach, Florida 3313g. These ilenis are aveaa61e for pudic inspection during normal 6VSinas0 hours In the 012ce oI the CIry Clerk, 1700 Convention Con18r dive, 1e ROM, City Hall, Miami Beach, Florida 33139- These limns maybe cammeetl, and under such circumstances, additional legal notice need not be provided. Pursuant to Section 268.0105, Fla. Slat., the Ciry hereby advises he public that It a person decides to appeal any daaalen made by die City Commission with respect to any metier considered st its meeting or its hearing, such 001000 must 800991811110 a varbafm 100010 01 )6017+0c0821r155 15 111000. which record Includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal Is to be based. This notice does not constitute consent by Ma C119 for the mlredLdlipn or adrmsslnn of 00989058 inadmissible or Irrelevant evidence, nor dose k ael6wire challenges or appeals not OlhlMASe allowed by law. To regime' 1111e materiel in alternate format, sign language Interpreter (viva -day 11014M required ), 'nlormati0n on access for persona with dieabl6tiae, and9or any aoc0mm0da11on 10 review any door• men! or participate In any Clly0ponawed proceedings, call 305 604,2469 and select 1 for English 01 2 fur Span1011, ten option 0; TTY users lacy 9011 Via 711 (Florida Retay 580vice1. At 997 312 R81ael E. 311080o, City Clark City of Miami Beach 15- 109/2416326M