Ad 1003 Notice of Appeal Hearing|THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 2015MiamiHerald.com| 18NE MIAMI HERALD NE NEIGHBORS CALENDAR HOW TO GET LISTED Post at our new, interactive platform at www.events.MiamiHerald.com at least two weeks in advance of your event. You no longer need to register or use a password, but you must provide an email address that is not blocked. You can post an event for free and that includes adding one image (must be at least 300x200 or 200x300 pixels.) If your event does 750<CA5@G22AG:>AG1<7? not fit the categories in the drop-down menu (most are performance -oriented and not intended for classes, meetings, conferences and the like), select Special Event. Limit your description to 240 characters (charac- 5%*I$SJZ(>$/!$M*/-%C$USZV$-8V*U*VQ/S$Z[6X*-$/" ters not words), including punctuation and spaces and your event name to three or four words. Do not use all caps, exclamation marks or unusual >/US*V4XRVUR/[SSZI$SJIZ+*^22TK:9=4P$""%Z"+/ symbols or hype your event. All events properly posted may also be used %*/V$[&1ZV/"/V&R!*[S OP9OP),D/;IP(./BN.4/,J for print calendars but we cannot guarantee print placement. Questions? Email smullin@MiamiHerald.com with ªCalendar questionº on the subject .NENN,6!6/$[S%*IZ!!$UU$Z[I%/!.*VU4I$SJC/""4 line or call 305-376-3430 for verbal instructions. 2=YYIZ[Q*[S$Z[I*[S*VFV$Q*4>$/!$M*/-%4D"ZV$+/ 9929)4 JO*OPK$)(L,P,MM(,"S"()+D9,JOCO",#/,P run is open to employees of busi- THURSDAY, APRIL 23 nesses, corporations, government $P)$H$)I,"/V*&/V+$[&S%*(Z""ZP$[&L 1+2: Coleccion Jumex in Dialogue agencies, financial institutions and This with the Lowe Art Museum non-profits regardless of company exhibit, in collaboration with Funda- size and incorporates a special GP,MM(,"O&J%(@(+LI,LD.3/BN.45L)(LO& cion Jumex Arte Contemporaneo, competition to award the overall J%(9$,!$F(,*%>$KJOL$*2L(K(LH,J$OPFO,L) pairs 11works from the Fundacion men's, women's and co-ed teams in Jumex with 11works from the mu- =RFO,L)Q-OP@$"(7O684N'/J%,J,MMLOH(), 20 different industries. Beginners seum's collection. Herald not advised can ease into exercise with friends C(LJ$S*,J(O&GMMLOML$,J(P(KK&OLJ%(;,)(>OJ(" of admission price. April 23-April 25 and gain inspiration and motivation ,J.884;,!(KGH(PI(/9$,!$F(,*%/@"OL$),6 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; April 26 12 p.m.-4 to continue walking and running to p.m.; April 28-April 30 10 a.m.-4 p.m. improve overall health, while com- Included in admission University of petitive runners have the opportuni- 8VZX*VSJL2==:@/!*UOQ*[R*4>$/!$M*/-%4 Miami - Lowe Art Museum 1301 ty to shine amongst their co-workers Stanford Dr., Coral Gables. D"ZV$+/ and lead the corporate team to 2015 Mercedes-Benz Corporate Run victory. As part of the tri-county race OXX*""/[SL>/SZIZ"/# For the 30th year in a row, the 2015 circuit, a portion of the proceeds OXX*""**UL>$/!$M*/-%2==:@/!*UOQ*[R*4 Mercedes-Benz Corporate Run from the Miami run will benefit presented by Verizon, a three circuit United Way. April 23 6:45 p.m. $40 ??I/[+S%*I$SJZ(>$/!$M*/-% 5K (3.1mile) Run Walk, will once Bayfront Park 301N. Biscayne Blvd., C8MD$"*L=:Y) again wind its way through the Miami. streets of Downtown Miami. Known As Aesthetics & Values Exhibition as ªFlorida's Largest Office Part,º the part of a year-long course, led by 5%*/XX*/"V*WR*US/[+/""+Z-R!*[SUX*VS/$[$[&SZ artist John Bailly, students are D$"*<Z;=:Y)4$[-"R+$[&/""XVZ-**+$[&U.*(ZV*S%* exposed to art as a tool that can be used to introduce, hasten or combat C$USZV$-8V*U*VQ/S$Z[MZ/V+4/V*/Q/$"/."*(ZVXR."$- social change. The works showcased $[UX*-S$Z[+RV$[&[ZV!/".RU$[*UU%ZRVU$[S%* have all been chosen by students [+ Z(]-*UZ(S%*8"[[$[&F*X/VS!*[S4H [[674,1799,904,1824][6][,,][Z@R5624.tmp]]\ZZV4I$SJC/""; because they either enforce or challenge social norms and play a A[WR$V$*U!/J.*+$V*-S*+SZS%*8"[[$[&F*X/VS!*[S vital role in the social and cultural /S9Y:;N=9;=::Y; dialogue surrounding controversial issues. April 23-April 25 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; April 26 12 p.m.-5 p.m.; April 8RVUR/[SSZ6*-S$Z[HTN;Y2Y:4D"/;6S/S;4S%*I$SJ 28-April 30 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Free Frost %*V*.J/+Q$U*US%*XR."$-S%/S$(/X*VUZ[+*-$+*USZ Art Museum 10975 SW 17th St., Miami. /XX*/"/[J+*-$U$Z[!/+*.JS%*6X*-$/">/US*VP$S% All About You Art Show to Benefit V*UX*-SSZ/[J!/SS*V-Z[U$+*V*+/S$SU!**S$[&ZV$SU Miami Artist Benedicte Act4Me Blanc-Fontenille opens a new solo %*/V$[&4UR-%X*VUZ[!RUS*[URV*S%/S/Q*V./S$! show to benefit Act4Me, a Miami- V*-ZV+Z(S%*XVZ-**+$[&U$U!/+*4P%$-%V*-ZV+ Dade County nonprofit that helps $[-"R+*US%*S*US$!Z[J/[+*Q$+*[-*RXZ[P%$-%S%* kids with neurological disorders and developmental delay get access to /XX*/"$USZ.*./U*+;5%$U[ZS$-*+Z*U[ZS-Z[US$SRS* the therapy they need. A 1985 -Z[U*[S.JS%*I$SJ(ZVS%*$[SVZ+R-S$Z[ZV/+!$UU$Z[ graduate of L'Ecole des Beaux Arts, Benedicte has lived and worked in Z(ZS%*VP$U*$[/+!$UU$."*ZV$VV*"*Q/[S*Q$+*[-*4[ZV Miami since 2001. Her work is all +Z*U$S/RS%ZV$G*-%/""*[&*UZV/XX*/"U[ZSZS%*VP$U* about movement, energy and /""ZP*+.J"/P;5%$UOXX*/"C*/V$[&$UZX*[SZ capturing fleeting moments. It's about life, it's all about you. April Q$*P$[&.JS%*XR."$-4.RS$S$U[ZS/XR."$-%*/V$[&4 23-April 25, April 28-April 30 12 /[+Z["JS%*OXX*""/[S4S%*OXX*""**UBOXX"$-/[S/[+ p.m.-5 p.m. Free The Hangar Gallery 2235 NW Second Ave., Miami. S%*I$SJ04/[+ZVS%*$VV*XV*U*[S/S$Q*U4/UX/VS$*USZ Enjoy a zoo-wide Dinosaurs LIVE! S%*/XX*/"!/JX/VS$-$X/S*; Jurassic adventure with life-size animatronic dinosaurs at every turn! April 23-April 24 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; April 5ZV*WR*USS%$U!/S*V$/"$[/"S*V[/S*(ZV!/S4U$&[ 25-April 26 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; April "/[&R/&*$[S*VXV*S*VB]Q*K+/J[ZS$-*V*WR$V*+04 27-April 30 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Included in admission Zoo Miami 12400 S.W. $[(ZV!/S$Z[Z[/--*UU(ZVX*VUZ[UP$S%+$U/.$"$S$*U4 152nd St., Miami. /[+1ZV/[J/--Z!!Z+/S$Z[SZV*Q$*P/[J+Z-R!*[S Eleazar Delgado - Untamed: A Solo ZVX/VS$-$X/S*$[/[J-$SJKUXZ[UZV*+XVZ-**+$[&U4 Eleazar Delgado will be Art Show debuting a new body of work, titled -/""9Y:;NY';H'T)/[+U*"*-S2(ZVE[&"$U%ZVH(ZV ªUntamed,º in the Bird Road Art 6X/[$U%4S%*[ZXS$Z[N,553RU*VU!/J-/""Q$/=22 District. April 23-April 30 Free Harrisart 4432 SW 74th Ave., Miami. BD"ZV$+/7*"/J6*VQ$-*0; Page: NabesNE_9,Pub. date:Thursday,April23Last user:cci Edition: 1stSection, zone:,DadeNELast change at:19:13:4April21