Ad 1015 Just the AdAn lLA7 Publication DRILY BUSINESS REVIEW I HUBSUAY, AFRIL 23. 2413 dailybusinessreview.00m A3 MIAMIBEACH CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY COMMISSION NOTICE OF SECOND PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP (FLUM) OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND ZONING MAP CHANGES NOTICE IS HEREBY given that second read:ngs.'public hearings will be held by the Mayor and City Commieelonere of the City of Mierni Reach. Flnride, in the Communion Chemberv, Third Floor, City Hall. 1700 Convention Center Drive. Miami Beach, Florida, en Wednesday, May 6.2015 at 10470 a.m., Or as Soon thereatler as the matter can be heard, lb consider adopting: File No. 2257.1100 150 Street - FLUM Amendment An Ordinance Anxsreding The Future Land Use Map Of The Comprehensive Ran Pursuant To Section 118-156 01 The Cede And Serdidns 163,3181, And 163.3197, Florida Statutes, By Changing The Fulure Land Use Designalion For A Parcel Of Land Located At 1100 I5'" Street, Which Parcel Is Comprised Of Less Than 10 Acres. From The Current "Lew Density Mulllfamily Residential Category IRM -1). To The Future Land Use Category Of 'Lew Intensity Commercial Calegory (CD-1);" Providing For Inclusion In The Comprehensive Plan, Transminal, Repealer, Severabllty And An Etfeclive Date. File No. 2229.1100 13'" Street - Zoning Map Change An Ordinance Pursuant T Section 118 -152, "Petitlon5 For Changes And Amendments; Amending - he Official 7nniny fhstrrnt Map, References' In SechOn 147 -77 Of The City Code Ry Changing - he Zoning District Classification For A Parcel OF Land Located At 1100 15' Street, And Which Is Comprised Of Less Than 10 Acres, From The Current RM -1, - Re$idanlial Multifamily Low Intensity U elriel; To CD -I, - Comrrrercial. Love Inlenrrty Drsa114;' Providing For Codircation, Repealer, Severabllty And An Etteclive Date. 10}11 TER 'NTH c1 CD-2 CD -2]^ itr114e .1CD_1[. [R14,11- isms, 1 .1)_ R R Land Lime noge0 lot i4ie R lnqulriess may be directed to the Alarming Department at 305.97a 7220 INTERESTED PARTIES are to app.], at this rres:ti ny, ur be r prosenu,d by an agent. or lo express Iheir views in writing addressed ,o the City Commission. ore the City Clerk 1700 Convention Center Drive, 1" Floor, City Hall, Miami Beach, Florida 33135.These items are available 4.x public inspection during normal business hours in the Office or the Cdy Clerk 1700 Convention Center Drive, 1" FI00r, City Hall. Miami Beach, Flerida 33139. The items maybe continued, and under si h circumstances, es, additional e981 notice need not be provided. P ursuant to Section 211@.0105, Fla. Stilt.. the City hereby advises the public that if a person decides 1n Hippest!. tiny decision mmte by the City Commis Lion with regpect to any matter considered at its meeting or its hearing. such person must ensure that a verbatim record Cr the proceedings is made, which record irld udes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is lo be based. This notice does not constitute consent by the City for the introduction or admission of otherwise irladmisside or irrelevant evidence. rev does it authorize challenges or appeals not otherwise allowed by law, 7o request this material in *tamale formal, sign language interpreter [five -day notice required), information an access Mr persons with disabilities, andfor any accommodation to review arty docu- ment or participate In any chysponsored proceedings, call 305.604.2405 and select 1 lor English or 2 Mr Spanish, Mee option 8; TTY users may call via 711 i;Flbrida Relay Service). Hated E. drarrada. City Clerk City of Miami Beath Ad 1015 4123 155-10915432559M