COUNTY For Full-time County and Municipal Employees
Full-time County(including Public Health Trust)and municipal employees engaging in outside employment must file an annual disclosure report
by July 1st of each year,in accordance with Section 2-11.1(k)(2)of the Miami-Dade County Code.
Disclosure for Tax Year Ending Last Name First Name Middle Name/Initial
2014 Taylor Elise S
Mailing Address-Street Number,Street Name,or P.O.Box
1100 Washington Avenue
City,State,Zip ID Number
Miami Beach, FL 33139 15545
If your home address is exempt from public records pursuant to Florida Statutes§119.07,please see note on the following page and check here.frAl
Filing as an Employee(check one)
0 County/Public Health Trust g Municipal City of Miami Beach PD
Department Division
Police Department Patrol
Position or Title Work telephone
Patrol Supervisor (305) 673-7901
Please list the sources of outside employment,the nature of the work,and the amounts of money or other compensation you received.
If continued on a separate sheet,check here. ❑
Name and Address Nature of the Work Performed Amount of Money or
of the Source Outside Income rce f o Outs de co a Compensation Received
Preferred Educational&Psychological Services $75-$125
610 SW 34th Street,Suite 201 Private Clinical Psychological Practice
Ft.Lauderdale,FL 33315 per hour
Carlos 99 University Adjunct Professor $2600
2173 NW W 99th Avenue
Dora!,FL 33172 Per Class
I hereby swear(or affirm)that the information above is a true and correct statement. RECEIVED BY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT;
❑Electronic Copy Li' :2
I —u
SI. - I Person Disclosi g -
9 - `S
Date signed
OFFICE USE ONLY Accepted: Y/ N Deficiency: Processed Date/Initials: Scanned Date/Initials:
138_01-22 COE 2015