Ruben A. Rayneri 2014 MIAMKMDE
F r ICE For Full-time County and Municipal Employees
Full-time County and municipal employees engaging in outside
employment must file an annual disclosure report by July 1st of Disclosure for
each year, in accordance with Section 2-11.1(k)(2) of the Miami- Tax Year Ending: al)l,
Dade County Code.
Last Name: ••yi\
First Name: (.--"R Middle Name:
open fl cp, o
Employee ID#: / 7/7- e2
Filing as(check one) ❑Miami-Dade Co. Employee
E Municipal Employee of: ,A/1 t3
Position Title: ( •
County/Municipal Department County/Municipal Division:
(,e.. -Re-SC S oTport S-er✓.c cS
If your home address is exempt from public records Work Telephone:
pursuant to Florida Statutes§119.07, please see the Ey 3 05 -1.3 71 711
note on the following page and check here: "
Mailing Address(Street Name and Number) Apt.#
300 ? e_
City State Zip Code
c,"'' FL 331
Please list the sources of outside employment,the nature of the work,and the amounts of money or other
compensation you received. If continued on a separate sheet,please check here: ❑
Name and Address of the Source of Nature of the Work Amount of Money or
Outside Income Performed Compensation Received
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I hereby swear(or affirm)that the aforesaid information is a true and correct statement.
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Signature •
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Si Date Signed
C { r nr c{ _ . 941//j.
COE 2014