Michelle D. Thomas, PhD Application Package III •
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minimum of six months; or b. An individual shall demonstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of six months in a
business established in the City for a minimum of six months. �--
• Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six(6)months:Yes or No Ui � or
• Demonstrates ownership/interest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six months:Yes No
•Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach:Yesor No U
• I am now a resident of: North Beach U South Beach arMiddle Beach
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❑Ad Hoc Committee Centennial Celebration ❑Health Advisory Committee ❑Parks and Recreation Facilities Board
❑Affordable Housing Advisory Committee ❑Health Facilities Authority Board ❑Personnel Board
❑Art in Public Places Committee ❑Hispanic Affairs Committee ❑Planning Board
❑Board of Adjustment* * ❑Historic Preservation Board - El Police Citizens Relations Committee
❑Budget Advisory Committee ❑Housing Authority El Production Industry Council
❑Committee on the Homeless ❑Marine&Waterfront Protection Authority ❑Sustainability Committee
❑Committee for Quality Education in MB ❑Miami Beach Commission for Women ❑Transportation,Parking,&Bicycle-Pedestrian
Facilities Committee
❑Convention Center Advisory Board ❑Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council ❑Visitor and Convention Authority
❑Design Review Board** ❑Miami Beach Human Rights Committee
❑Disability Access Committee ❑Miami Beach Sister Cities Program
❑Gay,Lesbian,Bisexual and Transgender ❑Normandy Shores Local Government
Enhancement Committee(GLBT) Neighborhood Improvement
* Board members are required to file Form 1 -"Statement of Financial Interest"with the State.
*If you seek appointment to a professional seat(e.g., lawyer, architect, etc.) on the Board of Adjustment, Design Review
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co Note: If applying for Youth Center Advisory Board, please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center:
1. Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board:Yes 0 No 1=3l Dates of Service:
2. Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children:Yes 171 No 01
If yes,please list below the names of your children,their ages and the programs in which they participate:
Child's name: Age: Program:
Child's name: Age: Program:
• Have you ever been convicted of a felony?Yes or No a"-If yes,please explain in detail:
•Do you currently have a violation(s)of City of Miami Beach Code?Yes 111 or Nor If yes, please explain in detail:
•Do you currently owe the City of Miami Beach any money?Yes 0 or No Zr If yes,explain in detail:
•Are you currently serving on any City Board or Committee?Yes Eli or No Tf yes,which board/committee?
• In what organization(s)in the City of Miami Beach do you currently hold membership?
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Which department and title?
• Pursuant to City Code Section 2-25 (b): Do you have a parent 1, spouse 1, child brother Ell or sister 0 who is
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o Prohibition from directly or indirectly lobbying City personnel(Miami Beach City Code section 2-459).
o Prohibition from contracting with the City(Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1).
o Prohibition from lobbying before the board/committee you have served on for period of one year after leaving office(Miami Beach
City Code section 2-26).
o Requirement to disclose certain financial interests and gifts(Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1).
o CMB Community Development Advisory Committee: prohibition, during tenure and for one year after leaving office,from having
any interest in or receiving any benefit from Community Development Block Grant funds for either yourself, or those with whom
you have business or immediate family ties(CFR 570.611).
o Sunshine Law - Florida's Government-in-the-Sunshine Law was enacted in 1967. Today, the Sunshine Law regarding open
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o Voting conflict–Form 8B is for use by any person serving at the county,city or other local level of government on an appointed or
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who are presented with a voting conflict of interest under Section 112.3143, Florida Statutes.
Upon request,copies of these laws may be obtained from the City Clerk.
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Michelle D. Thomas, Ph.D.
•450 Alton Road,#2907,Miami Beach,FL 33139-6762
•305.532.7646(home/fax) •330.518.5505(cell)
•MichelleDThomasPhD @Gmail.com
Qualified for program development,leadership,teaching courses related to leadership,curriculum,
professional inquiry, reading and language arts.Twenty years of collective experience in K-12
public and private and higher education.
Strong and inspirational educational leader with a talent for networking, mentoring, and building learning
communities.Passionate about improving the current status of education and tenacious in pursuing goals.
History of success in designing and redesigning college-level programs and courses,developing
professional development opportunities for new and experienced teachers,teaching at the college
level and designing parent literacy-related workshops.
• Reading and writing instruction and program development
• Engaging teachers and leaders in teaching, learning and leading
• College level course and program development
• Collaborative leadership • Instructional methodology • Designing and facilitating
• Teacher evaluation • Supervising student teachers reading-related parent
• Strategic planning • Mentoring new teachers workshops
Doctor of Philosophy,December 2005
Kent State University,Kent,Ohio
Major: Curriculum and Instruction
Program Area:Teacher Professional Development
Title: Teaching as Professional Artistry:Personal Experience Stories
of Six Early Childhood Preservice Teachers'Reflective Inquiry Capacity Building
Master of Arts,August 1995
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
Major: Educational Theory and Practice
Program Areas:Language,Literature and Reading Education
Bachelor of Arts,May 1991, Summa cum Laude
Capital University, Columbus, Ohio
Awards: Faculty Scholar,Capital University Grant
Major: Elementary Education, 1-8
Program areas: Reading and Language Arts
Michelle D. Thomas,Ph.D. 2
Five-year Principal's License: Grades PreK-9. Valid July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2016 in any school
district in Ohio.License#CU1003678. Issued June 20, 2011.
Five-year Administrative Specialist License: Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Development.
Valid July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2016 in any school district in Ohio.License#CU1003678.Issued
June 20, 2011.
Ohio Permanent Teaching Certificate: Elementary 1-8,Areas of concentration: Reading and Language Arts;
Special Area Endorsement: Reading K-12. Certificate#P-EL-S, CU1003678. Issued April 4, 2001.
Thomas Educational Consulting, Miami Beach, Florida, May 2008-current
• Provide consultation, program design and facilitation on the following topics: Teacher
professional development, teacher evaluation, new teacher mentoring, curriculum design,
instructional methodology, teacher leadership, and professional learning communities.
• Reading program development and implementation.
• Develop and teach parent reading-related workshops: reading comprehension, vocabulary
development, reading and writing with beginning readers.
University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida, July 2009-current
Director, Glazer& Lorton Writing Institute
• Lead a team of 12 Miami-Dade County Public School teachers and administrators and 150+
teacher participants is a yearlong writing institute.
• Lead a team of 12 to develop the presenters' schedule for a 2-week institute that invites
writing experts from across the country to Miami to share their knowledge on writing
across the curriculum and connect writing with the Common Core State Standards
Adjunct Instructor, Department of Teaching and Learning
• Redesigned and taught a Master's level course entitled Literature for Children and Adolescents.
Course foci: examining how literature contributes to the growth and development of students;
reviewing criteria for evaluating books for children;reading and applying the research that
undergirds instructionally sound reading programs; surveying various genres of literature;
planning for literature across the curriculum; incorporating multicultural literature into reading
programs; and using literature to help students cope with particular concerns and/or problems.
• Redesigned a Master's level course Language & Early Reading Instruction (will teach in
2015). Course foci: Study of literature for children emphasizing multicultural literature and
use of literature across the curriculum; emergent literacy; development of emergent
literacy; examination of emergent literacy curriculum as well as appropriate assessment
and instructional techniques. Emphasis is on understanding of reading as a process.
Michelle D. Thomas,Ph.D. 410 3
• Developed and taught an APA seminar for master's level students.
• • Taught a Developmental Reading course for undergraduate college students.Provided strategies
to help students understand readings from all content areas, improve fluency,comprehension,
vocabulary,note taking,studying and self-assessment.
• Member of Advocacy Committee—evaluated masters' students' final projects.
Ursuline College, Pepper Pike, Ohio, June 2006-August 2007
Assistant Professor and Director, Programs for Advanced Studies in Education
• Redesigned and developed a master's program for practicing teachers in four program areas:
reading,technology, special education and curriculum and instruction.
• Responsible for 100+students in three off-campus locations as well as on-campus.
• Developed policy and procedures for hiring instructors, student services, an assessment
plan for program areas that aligned with learning outcomes, advertising, recruiting,
payment schedules, and communication practices; developed prospecti for all program
areas, collaboratively developed syllabi and assessments for all courses and facilitated
faculty in their implementation.
• Responsible for accepting students into the program and advising throughout their
• Observed, mentored, and provided feedback to all instructors.
• Worked through the NCATE process as a member of the Education Unit.
• Member of a committee who prepared and met with reviewers from the Higher Learning
• Member of Graduate Council and Graduate Directors.
Adjunct Instructor, August 2005-December 2005
• Designed and taught a course in the Masters in Management program entitled
Socially Responsible Leadership that focused on the following topics: opportunities
and challenges of leadership, inspiring others, managing career and life, leadership
strategies,teamwork, building business-community relationships,ethics in leadership,
problem-solving approaches and professionalism.
Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, January 2006-June 2006
Adjunct Instructor
• Redesigned and taught an undergraduate level course instruction Masters of Arts in Teaching
(MAT)students for a course entitled Inquiry into Professional Practice.Course focus: five forms
of reflective inquiry interwoven into content standards(subject)and related to students' self-
understanding and the broader society.
• Redesigned and taught aster's and doctoral level course instruction for a course entitled
Fundamentals of Curriculum. The course was designed to introduce students to the fundamentals
of curriculum through three interrelated decision-making paradigms:standardized management
with its focus on the problem of standardized test performances enforced by state accountability
mandates;constructivist best practice with its focus on the problem of performances of subject
matter understanding informed by traditions of disciplinary knowing; and curriculum wisdom
with its focus on the problem of performances of disciplinary subject matter understanding
integrated with disciplined democratic understanding.
• Member of the early childhood education faculty search committee.
Proposal Writer for Special Dean Funded Project
• Collaborated with the College of Education Dean,Department Chair and grant writer to develop
a written proposal for a leadership academy on campus. The Jennings Foundation is currently
providing the primary financial support for the academy.
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EltpartnIttit of Ebncattun
•', 5 Year Professional License
.. ,
-:-:- This License Awarded To MICHELLE D. THOMAS . . .
Issue Date: 06/20/2011
License Number: C1:11003678
FROM: 07/01/2011 - 06/30/2016
.., .
The holder of this credential, having satisfactorily completed the requirements
prescribed by The State Board of Education, is authorized to teach the subject(s)
;,•, .!
-1' or serve in the area(s) listed below for the period specified. .-_-....
,,........i.,-,.. :IA!
...-i. .. Administrative Specialist
Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Development
::''•': Principal
Principal Grades 4-9
--;, 'A*4
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Interim Superintendent of Public Instruction
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Michelle D. Thomas,Ph.D. 4
Our Lady of the Elms,Akron, Ohio, August 2002-June 2004
Elementary Principal
• Lead a private elementary school that included 20 faculty and staff and 120
female students.
• Designed,coordinated,facilitated,and implemented comprehensive professional
development initiatives that had an impact on teaching, learning,and leadership
and promoted systemic change on campus.
• Worked closely with the Parent Teacher Organization to provide a variety of learning
opportunities and celebratory activities for the students, faculty,and staff.
• Represented the interests of the students, faculty, staff, and parents on the following
committees: Catholic Youth Organization,Technology,Campus-wide Leadership,
Parent Teacher Organization and Marketing/Recruiting.
Canfield Local Schools,Canfield,Ohio,July 1995-August 2002
Director of Instruction and Professional Development
• Designed,coordinated, facilitated,and implemented comprehensive professional
development initiatives that had an impact on teaching,learning,and leadership and promoted
systemic change throughout the district.
• Designed,coordinated,and implemented the district's new teacher induction program.
• Implemented the Ohio First Induction Model for new teachers.
• Coordinated the district's student teacher program and observe and provide feedback to
student teachers.
• Supervised,observed,and provided constructive feedback to all new faculty in the district in
connection with the Pathwise domains:Preparation/Planning,Environment,Instruction and
Professionalism.Revised the teacher induction program to address needs in these areas.
Leadership Team Member
• Collaborated with the superintendent,director of special services,building principals
and technology coordinator to develop district initiatives related to student and
teacher growth and development.
• Worked with the team to create the district's continuous improvement plan.
• Developed policy and procedures as the leadership team representative for the Local
Professional Development Committee.
• Recruited and selected new faculty.
Technology&Learning Center Coordinator
• Coordinated and facilitated a state-funded, SchoolNet Technology&Learning Center
that provided workshops,trainings,and courses for students,teachers, administrators,
staff and area districts.
• Developed and implemented a community technology education program.
Michelle D. Thomas,Ph.D. 5
K-3 Computer Coordinator
• Facilitated trainings for teachers to develop skills and integrate curricula with
technology to in turn enhance students' learning opportunities and outcomes.
• Collaborated with county school districts and the local ESC to develop technology
• Responsible for teaching technology skills to students in compliance with the Board adopted
technology benchmarks.
• Designed and facilitated technology trainings for parents to assist students and teachers in the
Heritage Middle School,Westerville,Ohio,August 1991 August 1995
Teacher, Reading and Language Arts Grade Seven
• Responsible for the implementation of the language arts model in which
all phases of language instruction (reading,writing, speaking, listening,
viewing/observing)were integrated into the classroom learning experiences.
• Facilitated teachers and students in the preparation of the school's award-winning
literary journal,which showcased excellence in writing.
• Chaired and coordinated the school's Career Education Program.
• Collaborated with Dr.Karin Dahl,professor from The Ohio State University,
on an action research project that investigated the impact of classroom writing
conferences on student.
SoFi K9,Inc.,Miami,Florida,February 2010-Current
Co-Founder, President
• Responsible for advocating for the rights and interests of SoFi (South of Fifth) dog owners.
• Assist in supporting responsible dog ownership, emphasizing respect for the rights and
interests of neighbors and the community as well as the welfare of our companion animals.
• Assist in educating the community about dog behavior and other factors influencing
canine-human interactions.
• Assist in working with city,county and other officials to promote safe, healthy recreational
venues for dogs both on-and off-leash, enabling responsible dog owners to exercise and
socialize their dogs while promoting proper park stewardship.
Joshua's Heart Foundation,Miami,Florida, January 2010-Current
Former Executive Director, Current Advisory Board Member
• Assist in promoting the involvement of the community in pursuit of solutions to real-world
problems such as stomping out hunger and breaking the cycle of poverty.
• Provide advice,guidance, support, and advocacy for the foundation and the continuing
development of its programs, initiatives—food distributions that provide fresh produce,
canned and boxed food items for those experiencing food insecurities; a back pack program
that provides food for children in need over the weekend; and a reading program.
Michelle D. Thomas,Ph.D. 6
The City of Miami Beach Leadership Academy, Spring 2009
• Participated in a civic and public information program designed for residents of
Miami Beach. The Academy provided residents with the information and resources
to become more knowledgeable members and participants in a diverse community
as well as effective neighborhood leaders.
• Represented the community residents on a committee to review RFPs of companies
interested in providing vehicle location devices for 120 City vehicles.
Ohio Council of Community Schools,Cleveland,Ohio, 2004-2006
Board President
Responsible for providing three not-for-profit schools (one Hope Academy elementary
schools grades 1-8 and two Life Skills Centers grades 9-12) with the essential resources,
(i.e., adequate budget, staff, and facilities) for rendering high-quality services for
the school-age children of Cuyahoga County, evaluating the work of the schools,
approving the hiring of school administration, initiating and facilitating community outreach,
and developing a strategic plan for future schools, projects and needs.
D&E Counseling Center,Youngstown,Ohio, 1998-2000
Board Member
Responsible for providing the not-for-profit Center with the essential resources,
(i.e., adequate budget, staff, and facilities) for rendering high-quality services
for the troubled youth of Mahoning County, evaluating the work of the agency,
and developing a vision for future projects and needs.
Capital University,Columbus,Ohio, 1990-1992
Volunteer Literacy Advocate
P.A.R.T.Y.Project(Participate Actively in Reading Throughout the Year), Columbus,Ohio.
Developed middle school student interest in reading,provided enrichment to reluctant
readers,and guided students where and how to obtain reading materials.
Gornik,R.,Henderson,J.G., &Thomas, M.D. (2004). Transformative curriculum leadership:
Inspiring democratic inquiry artistry. In R.A. Gaztambide-Fernandez&J. T. Sears(Eds.)
Curriculum work as a public moral enterprise.New York: Rowan&Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
Henderson, J. G.,& Gornik,R. (2006). Transformative curriculum leadership(3`d ed.).
Upper Saddle River,NJ:Merrill/Prentice Hall. [My contributions in this book are Chapters 3:
Cultivating Reflective Inquiry; 8: Building Local Learning Communities]
Henderson, J. G., &Kesson,K.R. (2004). Curriculum wisdom:Educational decisions in democratic
societies.Upper Saddle River,NJ: Merrill/Prentice Hall. [My contribution in this book is in the
chapter entitled "Two Administrative Narratives:A Central Office Administrator's Story" (pp. 159-
Thomas,M.D. (2006). Teaching as professional artistry:Personal experience stories of six
early childhood preservice teachers'reflective inquiry capacity building.Ann Arbor,MI:UMI
Dissertation Publishing.
Michelle D. Thomas,Ph.D. 11111 7
Teaching as Professional Artistry:Personal Experience Stories of Six Early Childhood Preservice
Teachers'Reflective Inquiry Capacity Building. A"brown bag"presentation at Kent State
University,November 17,2005,Kent, Ohio.
The Four Developmental Dimensions of Transformative Curriculum Leadership: Conception and
Narration. A paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Conference,
April 21-25,2003,Chicago,Illinois.
Cultivating Curriculum Wisdom in a Standardized Policy Environment.A"brown bag"presentation
at Kent State University,April 9, 2003,Kent,Ohio.
Struggling for Authentic Human Synergy and a Robust Democratic Culture: The Wellspring Community
for Women in Educational Leadership. Using a dramatic format, a paper presented at the Last
Chances! Voices in Action: Women Learn, Women Lead Conference, a conference by and for
women in professional leadership, October 3-4,2002,Ursuline College,Pepper Pike, Ohio.
Reflections from a Transformational Leader:Inviting Democratic Inquiry Artistry into Public Education.
A paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Conference,April 1-5,2002,
New Orleans,Louisiana.
The Role of Public Moral Leadership:Democratic Curriculum Mindfulness and the Impact on Student
Learning. A panel discussion conducted at the 2nd Annual Ohio Graduate Student and Faculty conference,
March 2, 2002, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.
Contemporary Curriculum Mindfulness for Professional In-service. A paper presented at the
American Educational Research Association Conference,April 10-14,2001, Seattle,
Preservice Teachers:Preparing for a Career in Education. Conducted presentations on the
following topics: student teaching,job search, interviewing,key questions, and professional
expectations,Fall/Spring 1999-2005,Youngstown State University,Mount Union College, and
Kent State University.
• Member of the following:
✓ Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development(ASCD)
✓ International Reading Association(IRA)
✓ Learning Forward(formerly National Staff Development Council -NSDC)
✓ National Association of Professional Women(NAPW)
✓ Phi Delta Kappa(PDK)
• National Association of Professional Women —2013-2014 VIP Woman of the Year for Outstanding
Excellence and Dedication to Her Profession and the Achievement of Women.
• Joshua's Heart Foundation—2013 Recipient of the HandsOn Broward Volunteer of the Year Award.
4 1.
Michelle D. Thomas,Ph.D. 8
My personal time is spent reading(especially women in leadership),engaging in fitness activities,walking my dog,
cooking,and traveling with my husband.Married to James D.Thomas,Partner and Chair-Litigation Practice Group
for Squire Sanders,an international law firm.
Catherine E. Hackney,Ph.D. Elizabeth G.Harry,Ph.D. Mary A.Avalos,Ph.D.
Former Dean of Graduate Studies Professor and Chair Research Assistant Professor
Ursuline College School of Education& School of Education&
38 Aurora Street Human Development Human Development
Hudson,OH 44236 University of Miami University of Miami
(330)342-0243 5202 University Drive P.O.Box 248065
chacknel @kent.edu 222 Merrick Bldg. Coral Gables, FL 33145
Coral Gables,FL 33146 (305) 284-6467
(305)284-5363 mavalos @miami.edu
bharry @miami.edu
Joanne Arhar, Ed.D. Katherine F.Brown, J.D. Douglas T.Hiscox,M.A.
Associate Dean and Professor Vice President for HR Deputy Superintendent of
College of Education, Health, University of Minnesota Academic Affairs
and Human Services 120 Morrill Hall Youngstown City
Kent State University 100 Church Street S.E School District
308 White Hall Minneapolis,MN 55455 20 W. Wood Street
Kent, OH 44242 (651) 336-6508(cell) Youngstown, OH 44503
(330) 672-0619 (cell) brown059 @tc.umn.edu (234) 855-3733 (cell)
jarhar @kent.edu (330) 744-6930 (office)
dhiscox54 @aol.com