Ad 1059 (just the ad)14NE 1 THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 2015 r;= MiamiHerald.carn 1 MIAMI HERALD - CITY OF MIAMI BEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AND INTENTTO CONSIDERA DEVELOPMENT AND GROUND LEASE AGREEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY given that a Second Rea dingiPublic Hearing Will be heard by the Mayor and Cily Commission of the City at kliarrl Hearin, Florida In the Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor, City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, on Wednesday, September 2, 2015 at 11:00 a.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter can 50 heard, [n Ixansider: A Resnlul - -n•, OtThe Mayor And City C4mmis5i0n Of The City Of Miami Be'ad1, Approving, Following Second Reeding/Public Nearing A Development And Ground Lease Agreement, As Authorized, Respectively, Under Section 118.4 Of The City Code, Sections 163.3220 - 103.3243, Florida Statutes. And Section 52 -37 Of The City Code, Between The City And Portman Miami Beach, LLC ("Portman"), For The Development Of An 800 -Room Convention Headquarter Ho eel And Rr:1:111 :d Fad qi712i, Including UpTO 95,000 Square Foci EH CranterenCe Anil Ballroom Facie lac, And Up TO 37455 Square Feel Of Realaura n[ Facililiee (The "Hotel"), On An Apa-oximately 2.55 Acre Site On The Norl,aasl Carver Of 17`^ firmer And CnnvenliOn Center Drive, Bounded ROUghly By The Miami Beech Convention Center To The North, 17 °i StreetTa The South, The Fillmore Miami Beach AtTne Jackie GleasonTheater'TbThe East,And Convention Center DrivaToThe Wesl lThe "Leased Property"1; DelineaitingThe Condition For'he Design, Coostrlctfnn, Equipping And Operation Of The Hots. On The Leased Property With No City Funding Therefor; Providing For A 99 -Year Term Of The Leased Property Once Certain Conditierls Are Satisfied; Prohibiting Gambling Establishments OnThe Leased Property: And Providing For Annual Base Rent Tra7hr. City, Atte rThe Hood Opens, OfThe Greeter of Minimum Fixed Rent OrA Perl:en[age OIThe Ci mere Revenues OfThe Hotel, Among Crier Rent. PROPERTY:The proposed Leased Property consists of a portion of Folio No. 02- 3227 -500 -000 5 on to *pproeimalely 2.65 acre 0118 011 th5 northeast Corner 0f 17^ Street and Convention Center Drive, bounded roughly by the Miami Beach COnvention (ironer t0 the North, 17°' Street 10 the South, the Ftlmore Miami Beach et the Jade* Gleason Theater 10 the East and Convention Center Drive to the West. PERMITTED USES:TIe proposed Oevelooment and Ground Lease Agreement does not amend the main permitted uses under the City's Land Development Regulations, which include parking Irr[s, garages, performing IS and Ins'tonal facilities; hotel; meretlandiss mail; mmmerria or slice development: landscape open space; porky and any use that is cos lnrn011,3 as0OCiatcd with a 00 rwen1105 Center or govern manta' !mildinge and uses. Under the City's Land Development Regulations, the maximum building intensity for 1115 toning disl'ir:1 (Ihr, COE Civic and Covention Carver dis[riCl) is a floor area ratio of 2.76.The maximum building height fora hotel is 300feet The ar.,lr :nt the hotel unr. is limilprl by eel bark, 0 eig hl, floor area ra10, minimum room 0170, tsarkiny rellri rements Of .4 :Paces per room end other ppyigiOne of the City's Land Development Regulations. The Citys Land Development Regulations do nor provide for population densities for this ?Wiling 2101/10/ The height of any habitable building on the Leased Property shall not exceed 300 tree lO the lop of the roof, 254 archtteclural prOjOCtiOns will comply with the terms of the City`s. Land Development tSpbI$tions, A copy of the proposed Development and Ground Lease Agreement is available for public inspection during 1017115i business hours in the ice of the City Clerk 1720 Convenri,aVn Center Drive,, 1st Floor, City Hal!. Miarni Beach. Florida 33]34, Inquiries may V1= &reefed 10 M6 OMCC Of roe Co 41tnntey e! 305,573.7470. INTERESTED PARTIES are invited 10 appear at this meeting, or be represented by an agent. or to express [hair views In writing addressed to the City Commission, 0/0 the City Clerk, 1700 Convention Center Drive, 1" Floor, Clty Hall, Miami Beach, Florida 33139.This item is available for public tnsps iiort during normal business hours to the OHite of the C,i[y Clerk, 1700 COnvrnlinn Crnttr Drive, 1" Floor, City Hall, Miami rt., Florida 33139 -This meeting, or any item therein, may be continued, and under such eircumstancl :s, additional legal 1191ioe syral not be provided. Pursuant to Section 286.0106, Fla. Sta1., the City hereby advises the public that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with reaps re any mane- considered at its meeting or its hearing, 5110h plaeon muss cnsnrr [hat a verbatin, record of the proceedings is made, which record inc:udes the testimony and MoridelICI, upon which the appeal is to hr binsett,ThiS notice rto cs 1101 C00Stit0r Im•sr-n[ by the City for The intro41U0110n or admission of Other-w:. inadmissible Or irrelevant evidence, nor does ft authorize challenges or appeals not othe noise allowed by law. To request this material in alternate format, sign language Interpreter )five• day notice required), information on access for persons with disabilities, andfor any a00Ommodatlnn to review any document or participate in arty City- spOnSOrer1 nrpaeedings, ca'I 150.04.2489 and se lea 1 for English or 2 for Spanish, then option e; ITT losers may r:all tin 711 ?F'nrida Relay tic,viepl. Aol 1063 Rafael E. Gran arin, city G ark Cily nt Miami Beach