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LOCAL & STATE MIAMI HERALD |SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 2015MiamiHerald.com| 2B H1 FLA. LOTTERY MIAMI Dad: Jealousy may have played role SELECTED FRIDAY, AUG. 21 Midday Cash 36-3-3 Midday Play 40-3-0-9 Night Cash 36-8-2 SHOOTING, FROM 1B · no weapon, and no motive.within a year, working va-ing around the neighbor-The air conditioning to Night Play 47-5-7-4 Atwo-paragraph statementrious jobs, Grant Jacksonhood with friends than fre-the second-floor unit was Mega Moneysee flalottery.com low his window. He lookedreleased to the media saidsaid. He recently was work-quenting nightclubs.out, and the family was try- Fantasy 5see flalottery.com out and said he saw a manlittle more than the deading for a moving companyªHe was a talker,º saiding to keep cool with the Mega Millionssee flalottery.com wearing dark clothing run-man's name and where thein the north end of theGrant Jackson. open door and a small fan. THURSDAY, AUG. 20 ning east on 68th Terrace.murder occurred. county. Friday, Michael AntwanFriends were streaming in, 14-16-21-25-27 FANTASY 5: Then he raced downstairsFamily members saidGrant Jackson said hisJackson's twin 11-month-oldtrying to find out how and CORRECTPAYOFF WINNERS and found his son.Jackson graduated andson had an outgoing per-daughters Jhimiyaand Sa-why Jackson was murdered. 5 of 5$104,931.122 ªIt was too late by then,ºplayed basketball at Miamisonality and knew every-miyafrolicked around anªHe was a womanizer,º 4 of 5$112301 said Grant Jackson. ªTheyEdison Senior High School,one in the neighborhood. old battered couch in thesaid Jackson's father. 3 of 5$10.508,842 said there were 16 shots.º then made his way to a stateThe younger Jackson'sliving room of the smallªHe always hung around WEDNESDAY, AUG. 19 At least publicly, policecollege in California, wherehobbies were few, his fatherapartment, as an Adamthe `hood. He didn't go to 19-23-30-31-36 FANTASY 5: said they have little to gohe tried to continue playingsaid. Sandler movie played onclubs. Maybe it was jealou- CORRECTPAYOFF WINNERS on. They have no suspect,the sport. He was homeHe preferred more hang-the television. sy over some girl.º 5 of 5NoneNone 4 of 5$555.00262 3 of 5$25.008,210 COCONUT GROVE 10-29-39-40-41-52 (x4) LOTTO: CORRECTPAYOFF WINNERS Grove Bay clears hurdle after court rejects suits 6 of 6$9 millionNone 5 of 6$8,129.5010 4 of 6$85.00917 3 of 6$5.5019,112 Next jackpot: $10 million LAWSUITS, FROM 1B · Marc Sarnoff, who representsyears ago after public input.and longtime Scotty's owner,that any citizen is denied the 6-8-43-48-50 +7 x2 POWERBALL: the area, said demolition isThe plan lays out a new vi-Scott Wessel, were surprisedright to sue the government CORRECTPAYOFF WINNERS ney J.C. Planas said in aexpected to begin before thesion for Coconut Grove'sthat the developer would dofor an act that was illegal is a 5 of 5+1$80 millionNone statement.end of the year. Beloved barwaterfront, with more pub-so with lawsuits still hangingsad day for us all.º 5 of 5$1,000,000None In an email to the city, a dif-Scotty's Landing, however,lic access and newer, moreover the project. But Knea-The city is expected to 4 of 5+1$10,000None ferent attorney for the devel-will remain open until a new,organized facilities. ªFinally,pler suggested they alreadyopen Regatta Park across the 4 of 5$10046 Next jackpot: $90 million oper said that Grove Bay in-casual restaurant is built, con-amaster plan gets imple-knew the outcome.street next month. The devel- tends to take over the proper-trary to reports that it wouldmented,º said Sarnoff.ªI plan to take advantageoper is also contributing ty Oct. 15. He would not sayclose by mid-October.When Grove Bay signaledof whatever the law affordsclose to $5 million toward a whether or when the redevel-Sarnoff said Friday's rul-it plan to take over the prop-me the opportunity to domunicipal, four-story, opment project would begin,ings pave the way for a Din-erty earlier this month, some,and will pursue that oppor-333-space parking garage but Miami Commissionerner Key master plan craftedincluding the current tenanttunity,º he said. ªThe dayalong South Bayshore Drive. FLORIDA State will update marriage certificates MARRIAGE, FROM 1B · Goldberg and Goldwasserimmediate stay of his order married in New York incovering all aspects of the denied before the SupremeOctober 2011. After Gold-federal case except one: Court ruling in June.wasser died, the state ofHinkle ordered Goldwass- ªLambda Legal is pleasedFlorida refused to recog-er's death certificate be to receive this confirma-nize their marriage and de-amended to show she was a tion that the Social Securityclared that she died a singlemarried woman, not single Administration will soonwoman.at the time she died. announce a change to theirIn April 2014, GoldbergGoldberg's primary in- spousal benefits policy thatjoined a lawsuit againstcome is Social Security. Be- could right a wrong forFlorida filed by the ACLUcause Florida didn't recog- hundreds of same-sexof Florida on behalf ofnize her marriage at the spouses ... whose claims areLGBT rights group SAVEtime of Goldwasser's still in the administrativeand eight same-sex couplesdeath, Goldberg has been / process or in litigation be-who married in anotherunable to qualify as her wi- VIA FACEBOOK JOINED LAWSUIT: cause their home states re-Arlene Goldberg, right, was denied state.dow and collect her Social fused to recognize their Social Security benefits when her wife, Carol One year ago, U.S. Dis-Security payments. marriages,º according to a Goldwasser, died in 2014.trict Judge Robert L. HinkleªI'm so excited, I am so news release from the na-of Tallahassee ruled thatexcited. It will make such a tional LGBT rights group.the agency to ensure thatIn Florida, ArleneFlorida's gay-marriage bandifference in my life. That's Social Security ªhas not an-those who had beenGoldberg of Fort Myersis unconstitutional, order-another $800 a month for nounced when this policywrongly denied in the pastwas denied her wife's So-ing the state to allow theme,º Goldberg said Friday. change will be posted andwill not have to wait longercial Security benefits aftermarriage of same-sex cou-ªI had a feeling it would implemented, but we lookto have their relationshipsCarol Goldwasser diedples and to recognize mar-come. It was just when it forward to reviewing thetreated with dignity by theMarch 13, 2014. riages performed else-would come. They need to details and working withfederal government.ºPartners for 47 years,where. The judge issued ancomplete the circle.º FABIOLA SANTIAGO Trump talk only feeding ignorance and hatred SANTIAGO, FROM 1B · And his unfortunate use of the controversial term ªan- on immigration.chor babiesº for the U.S.- ªI'm a fan of Donaldborn children of immigrants Trump,º says a slobberingdoesn't help the cause of Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.constructive conversation Wisconsin Gov. Scotton immigration. =;2C#!C3D!4!&-'%X+bZ&0Z0:+.ab,;+0,%b'3<Y/"%.H+0]%b'W%""/+&+0],/PZ&+C0Pa]0b,O%Z Walker said the UnitedBut at least Bush was Oa!!%\\%aba)Z&+O%ZPa)C%0!%S+0.&7J"a]%,07%bZ&+Oa!!%\\%abO&0!/+]\7 States should ªabsolutelyºwilling to rebuff Trump on 4B``OabX+bZ%abO+bZ+]L]%X+7C%0!%S+0.&7J"a]%,07ab.$'A$7'+/%3$>6$B*$:,%,58)+688E55+<B<% stop granting birthrightFriday. He tweeted: ªHis a]0\\aabZ&+]+0)Z+]0\Z&+!0ZZ+].0b/+&+0],7Za.ab\%,+]R citizenship.massive inconsistencies V;+\a"YZ%ab?)9&+C0Pa]Vb,O%ZPOa!!%\\%ab?)9&+O%ZP?)C%0!%S+0.&7V__] Ja""aW%b':+.ab,;+0,%b'3<Y/"%.H+0]%b'7VL+X+"a_!+bZVb,I]aYb,D+0\+V Miami son Marco Rubio,aside, @realDonaldTrump's VYZ&a]%M+,7;+\_+.Z%X+"P78b,+]:+.Z%ab44[Q(?)9&+O%ZPOa,+7:+.Z%ab\4 whose parents were notimmigration plan is not J"a]%,0:Z0ZYZ+\7Vb,:+.Z%ab[NQ=B?)9&+O%ZPOa,+7S+ZW++b9&+O%ZPVb,<a citizens when he was bornconservative and does not S+0.&7DDOGd<a]Z!0bc27Ja]9&+L+X+"a_!+bZ?)Vb[``Q;aa!OabX+bZ%abH+0, here in 1971, said he's ªnot inreflect our nation's values.º Vb,;+"0Z+,J0.%"%Z%+\7Fb."Y,%b'8_9a*>7```:^Y0]+J++Z?)Oab)+]+b.+Vb favor of repealingº the con-For the weary, at least it Vb,8_9a=B7(``:^Y0]+J++Z?);+\Z0Y]0bZJ0.%"%Z%+\G9&+dHaZ+"c27?bVbV_ V.]+:%Z+?b9&+Aa]Z&+0\ZOa]b+]?)4B Z&:Z]++ZVb,OabX+bZ%abO+bZ+]L]%X+7SaYb,+,;aY'&"P stitutional provision thatwas something. Z& SP9&+C%0!%S+0.&OabX+bZ%abO+bZ+]9a9&+Aa]Z&74B:Z]++Z9a9&+:aYZ&79&+J%""!a]+C%0!% automatically grants citizen-If the goal is to win the S+0.&VZ9&+E0.#%+I"+0\ab9&+0Z+]9a9&+K0\Z7Vb,OabX+bZ%abO+bZ+]L]%X+ ship to people born in theelection, the GOP candi- dD+0\+,<]a_+]ZPc2-L+"%b+0Z%b'9&+Oab,%Z%ab\Ja]9&+L+\%'b7Oab\Z]Y.Z United States. But he tolddates shouldn't be following ?_+]0Z%ab?)9&+HaZ+"?b9&+D+0\+,<]a_+]ZP6%Z&AaO%ZPJYb,%b'9&+]+)a]- **Q5+0]9+]!?)9&+D+0\+,<]a_+]ZP?b.+O+]Z0%bOab,%Z%ab\V]+:0Z%\f+,-< reporters in Iowa: ªI©m openTrump, but learning from K\Z0/"%\&!+bZ\?b9&+D+0\+,<]a_+]ZP-Vb,<]aX%,%b'Ja]VbbY0"S0\+;+bZ9 to doing things that preventMitt Romney's defeat. He HaZ+"?_+b\7?)9&+I]+0Z+]a)C%b%!Y!J%T+,;+bZ?]V<+].+bZ0'+?)9&+I]a\\ people who deliberatelycoined the phrase ªself de- 9&+HaZ+"7V!ab'?Z&+];+bZ@ come to the U.S. for purpos-portº and dissed the non- <;?<K;95R9&+_]a_a\+,D+0\+,<]a_+]ZP.ab\%\Z\a)0_a]Z%aba)Ja"%aAa@`N es of taking advantage of thewhite 47 percent he figured Z& ab0b0__]aT%!0Z+"PN@U>0.]+\%Z+abZ&+ba]Z&+0\Z.a]b+]a)4B:Z]++Z0b,OabX+bZ%abO+bZ+] 14th Amendment.ºwouldn't be voting for him Z& L]%X+7/aYb,+,]aY'&"P/PZ&+C%0!%S+0.&OabX+bZ%abO+bZ+]ZaZ&+Aa]Z&74B:Z]++ZZaZ&+ :aYZ&7Z&+J%""!a]+C%0!%S+0.&0ZZ&+E0.#%+I"+0\ab9&+0Z+]ZaZ&+K0\Z70b Just how he plans to be inanyway. He self-destructed L]%X+ZaZ&+6+\Z@ the bedroom at the time ofwhere it counts: the voting <K;CF99KL8:K:R9&+_]a_a\+,L+X+"a_!+bZ0b,I]aYb,D+0\+V']++!+bZ,a+\b conception to ascertain abooth. Z&+!0%b_+]!%ZZ+,Y\+\Yb,+]Z&+O%ZP1\D0b,L+X+"a_!+bZ;+'Y"0Z%ab\7W&% couple's motivation to re-The times call for lead- "aZ\7'0]0'+\7_+])a]!%b'0]Z\0b,.Y"ZY]0")0.%"%Z%+\-&aZ+"-!+].&0b,% produce, he didn't explain.ership that comes with a ,+X+"a_!+bZ-"0b,\.0_+a_+b\_0.+-_0]#\0b,0bPY\+Z&0Z%\.Y\Za!0]%"P0\ As much as Rubio wouldsubstantive bipartisan plan .abX+bZ%ab.+bZ+]a]'aX+]b!+bZ0"/Y%",%b'\0b,Y\+\@ like to distance himself fromon immigration reform 8b,+]Z&+O%ZP1\D0b,L+X+"a_!+bZ;+'Y"0Z%ab\7Z&+!0T%!Y!/Y%",%b'%bZ+b the barrio where he grew upbased on fact, reality, and ,%\Z]%.ZGZ&+OOOO%X%.0b,OabX+bZ%abO+bZ+],%\Z]%.Z2%\0eaa]0]+0]0Z%a /Y%",%b'&+%'&Z)a]0&aZ+"%\=``)++Z@9&+\.0"+a)Z&+&aZ+"Y\+%\"%!%Z+,/ to appeal to the GOP's con-not fear mongering. Making I AM 0]+0]0Z%a7!%b%!Y!]aa!\%M+7_0]#%b']+^Y%]+!+bZ\a)@(\_0.+\_+]]aa!0b servative white male base,immigrants the scapegoat a)Z&+O%ZP1\D0b,L+X+"a_!+bZ;+'Y"0Z%ab\@9&+O%ZP1\D0b,L+X+"a_!+bZ;+ surely he's heard of thefor what ails the country is a _]aX%,+)a]_a_Y"0Z%ab,+b\%Z%+\)a]Z&%\Mab%b',%\Z]%.Z@ expression ªnos mastican,Trump smokescreen to MDC 9&+&+%'&Za)0bP&0/%Z0/"+/Y%",%b'abZ&+D+0\+,<]a_+]ZP\&0""baZ+T.++, pero no nos tragan.ºTheyhijack the electoral process. Z&+]aa)70b,0].&%Z+.ZY]0"_]a$+.Z%ab\W%"".a!_"PW%Z&Z&+Z+]!\a)Z&+O% chew us, but won't swallow.His initial reaction to the ;+'Y"0Z%ab\@ His poor poll numbers showBoston attack only brings +-A?1A%8!'?;A?A9'*$'4'EA?D'C8/C*I;A5C*B'/9'+";''D'C8J9/4/JE/.E'% that all his efforts to appealout the egomaniac. ªI will *5;JC"CA;D/E.59JC'99!A5;9JC8!'<%L-'A%8!'&J81&E';G(:677&AC4'C8JAC &J81H/EE(@J/DJ)'/-!(KEA;J*/33:32>FC=5J;J'9D/1.'*J;'-8'*8A8!'<%L- to them are failing. In thesay that people who are 37,>063>6#67> slate of immigrant-bashingfollowing me are very pas- FA9K;K:9KL<V;9FK:0]+%bX%Z+,Za0__+0]0ZZ&%\!++Z%b'7a]/+]+_]+\+bZ+, GOP candidates, he's be-sionate,º Trump told the +T_]+\\Z&+%]X%+W\%bW]%Z%b'0,,]+\\+,ZaZ&+O%ZPOa!!%\\%ab7.3aZ&+O%Z comes just one more im-Boston Globe. ªThey love \Z O+bZ+]L]%X+74J"aa]7O%ZPH0""7C%0!%S+0.&7J"a]%,0==4=*@9&%\%Z+!%\0X0%"0/"+)a]_Y/ migrant. The same goes forthis country and they want ,Y]%b'ba]!0"/Y\%b+\\&aY]\%bZ&+?)f.+a)Z&+O%ZPO"+]#74B``OabX+bZ%ab\Z J"aa]7 Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal,this country to be great O%ZPH0""7C%0!%S+0.&7J"a]%,0==4=*@9&%\!++Z%b'7a]0bP%Z+!Z&+]+%b7!0 \Y.&.%].Y!\Z0b.+\70,,%Z%ab0""+'0"baZ%.+b++,baZ/+_]aX%,+,@ another sorry example ofagain. They are passionate.º the self-loathing son ofBut on Friday he was <Y]\Y0bZZa:+.Z%abN[U@`4`>7J"0@:Z0Z@7Z&+O%ZP&+]+/P0,X%\+\Z&+_Y/"% 0__+0"0bP,+.%\%ab!0,+/PZ&+O%ZPOa!!%\\%abW%Z&]+\_+.ZZa0bP!0ZZ+].a immigrants.softening his tone and a]%Z\&+0]%b'7\Y.&_+]\ab!Y\Z+b\Y]+Z&0Z0X+]/0Z%!]+.a],a)Z&+_]a.++, The only candidate with atweeted that the incident Mario S. Cano ]+.a],%b."Y,+\Z&+Z+\Z%!abP0b,+X%,+b.+Y_abW&%.&Z&+0__+0"%\Za/+/0\ shot at turning the hate talkwas ªterrible.º .ab\Z%ZYZ+.ab\+bZ/PZ&+O%ZP)a]Z&+%bZ]a,Y.Z%aba]0,!%\\%aba)aZ&+]W% MDC Alumnus around and becoming theªWe need energy and +X%,+b.+7ba],a+\%Z0YZ&a]%M+.&0""+b'+\a]0__+0"\baZaZ&+]W%\+0""aW+ Attorney GOP nominee is anotherpassion, but we must treat Law Of ces of Mario S. Cano 9a]+^Y+\ZZ&%\!0Z+]%0"%b0"Z+]b0Z+)a]!0Z7\%'b"0b'Y0'+%bZ+]_]+Z+]Gf Miamian, former Floridaeach other with respect,º %b)a]!0Z%abab0..+\\)a]_+]\ab\W%Z&,%\0/%"%Z%+\70b,3a]0bP0..a!!a,0 a]_0]Z%.%_0Z+%b0bPO%ZPQ\_ab\a]+,_]a.++,%b'\7.0""=`>@U`(@N([*0b,\ Gov. Jeb Bush. But he can'tTrump said. :_0b%\&7Z&+ba_Z%abU-995Y\+]\!0P.0""X%0B44GJ"a]%,0;+"0P:+]X%.+2@ afford to upset his conserva-Too little, too late. We tive Texas-Florida base Ðneed to take back our coun- ;0)0+"K@I]0b0,a7O%ZPO"+]# Join the Alumni Network O%ZPa)C%0!%S+0.& and so, his stance on im-try from Donald Trump Ð V,4`>* www.mdcalumni.com migration is, at best, anemic.and the campaign, too.