Ad 10832B LOCAL & STATE |MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2015MiamiHerald.com|MIAMI HERALD H1 FLA. LOTTERY MIAMIDEERFIELD BEACH Captain awaits trial SELECTED SUNDAY, SEPT. 13 Midday Cash 30-5-3 Midday Play 43-5-4-8 after cocaine seizure Night Cash 30-6-0 Night Play 42-8-3-1 Fantasy 5See flalottery.com SATURDAY, SEPT. 12 · ªAgents identified them-vy, were also found in the 1-7-8-29-33 COCAINE, FROM 1B FANTASY 5: selves as Customs officersKia, the complaint said. CORRECTPAYOFF WINNERS 5 of 5Rolldown0ªUpon arrival, U.S. Cus-and conducted a pat-downAfter being arrested, the 4 of 5$555306 toms and Border Protectionof Levy,º the complaint says.complaint says, Levy ac- 3 of 5$2111,264 officers searched the ves-ªDuring the pat-downknowledged possession of 10-18-28-41-44-51 (Xtra: x4) LOTTO: sel,º according to a criminalsearch, agents discoveredthe cocaine-laden bricks Ð complaint filed by a specialtwo brick-shaped packagesbut refused to identify any CORRECTPAYOFF WINNERS 6 of 6Rollover0 agent of Homeland Securityof cocaine concealed in Lev-accomplices. 5 of 6$6,76715 Investigations, a unit of U.S.y's groin area.º 4 of 6$81.501,089 NOT-GUILTY PLEA Immigration and CustomsAgents then conducted a / 3 of 6$523,490 Enforcement.new search of the Gulf Trad-Levy has since been in- Wednesday's jackpot: $3 million ELEONORA EDREVA/WLRN-MIAMI HERALD NEWS `SACRED PLACE': er and the shipping yard,dicted and pleaded not Velmina Williams-Hamilton says 2-3-13-16-35 +27 (Xtra: x3) POWERBALL: SURVEILLANCE which resulted in the dis-guilty. A federal judge has her grandmother and cousins are buried at the CORRECTPAYOFF WINNERS 5 of 5+1Rollover0 When nothing was found,covery and seizure of an ad-set trial for November.former cemetery in Deerfield Beach. 5 of 5$1,000,0000 HSI special agents and otherditional 55 cocaine-filledªHis position is that he 4 of 5+1$10,0000 Building at officers initiated abrick-shaped packages, thehas nothing to do with the 4 of 5$10081 24-hour-a-day surveillance ofcomplaint said. It noted thatcocaine,º said Andre Pierre, 3 of 5+1$100133 the vessel and the shipping42 of the packages wereLevy's attorney. ªHe's an ex- 3 of 5$74,312 2 of 5+1$72,108 yard.found hidden in the ceilingperienced captain who for 1 of 5+1$412,704 It wasn't until Aug. 11,of Levy's quarters on theyears has plied the waters of cemetery 0 of 5+1$423,679 eight days after the initialGulf Trader, and 13 under hisLatin America and the Ca- Wednesday's jackpot: $185 million search began, that agentsbunk.ribbean and who simply FRIDAY, SEPT. 11 witnessed unusual activity.Two additional packages,works to support his 3-8-10-19-32 FANTASY 5: Hector Genaro Levy, thesimilar to those linked to Le-family.º site on hold CORRECTPAYOFF WINNERS 64-year-old Nicaraguan 5 of 5$75,943.283 captain of the Gulf Trader, 4 of 5$119.50307 was seen going back and 3 of 5$9.5010,339 forth several times between · his boat and the shipping CEMETERY, FROM 1B At a city yard's office Ð just before a commission man arrived at the dock in atime the site was an ac- gray Kia SUV, according totive burial ground; many meeting in April, the criminal complaint.say they had family mem- both black and Agents observed a similarbers buried there. scene the next day, Aug. 12,These oral histories white residents but this time Levy was seenare the main source of in- voiced their wearing baggy clothing thatformation about the cem- concealed his body and legs,etery since there are no concern that the complaint said.official city records. Deerfield Beach The third time LevyThat©s because the site CARL JUSTE/MIAMI HERALD STAFF walked between the boatwas never an official was covering up BUSTLING RIVER and the office, agents decid-: The Miami River is where authorities city-managed cemetery, important city ed to question him.found a boat that had a hidden stash of cocaine.but rather private prop- erty whose owner al- history. lowed the burials to hap- pen on his land. Burials on the sitemade to approve stopped about 80 yearsbuilding. ago, and the land hasThe cemetery has changed hands a fewgrown from being a site times. In 1974, the lan-of historical importance downer took a drasticfor Deerfield Beach's step and bulldozed theblack community into a site, destroying all exist-divisiveissue for many ing headstones and mak-residents. At the com- ing it impossible to offi-mission meeting in April, cially identify who is bur-both black and white res- ied there.idents voiced their con- Now, the current prop-cern that the city was erty owner has suspend-covering up important ed plans to build on a sec-history. tion of land he©s ownedVelmina Williams-Ha- since the 1980s Ð landmilton says her grand- that©s been the subject ofmother and cousins are dispute since then. A newburied on the site. She plan would involve thespoke at the April com- MIAMI-DADE COUNTY city and the owner work-mission meeting, and ing together to have thesaid many people there KENDALLCOMMUNITY state purchase the land.were upset about the After that, the state couldprospect of COUNCIL (12) in turn donate the land todevelopment. the city. ªThere were white CDMP PUBLIC HEARING people concerned be- PEOPLE BELIEVED cause they felt that was a TO HAVE BEEN 6:30 PM, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2015 sacred place, and they BURIED AT THE SITE wouldn't want some- Kendall Village Center Civic Pavilion The only knownthing built on top of their 8625 SW 124 Avenue, Miami, FL 33183 source of written infor-relatives even if they're Kendall Community Council (12) is holding a public hearing to addresstwo mation is a list of 300not there anymore,º Wil- names compiled by Lu-liams-Hamilton said. She applications requesting amendments to the Miami-Dade County cas. She went throughbelieves the site should ComprehensiveDevelopment Master Plan (CDMP). The May 2015 Cycle state records and tookbecome a memorial park. CDMP Amendment Application No. 2 and 9 are summarized as follows: down the name of every ONE LAST STUDY black resident of the city APPLICATION NO. 2 (Small-Scale Amendment) who died during the timeAfter development Proposed amendment to the LUP map to change 2.46 gross acres located at when people were buriedwas approved by the city the southeast corner of the intersection of SW 56 Street (Miller Road) and SW there. in April, Kassab commis- 89 Avenue. According to Lucas,sioned one final archae- this site was ªthe onlyological study in an ef- Requested Amendment to the CDMP: logical place theyfort to appease the com- Redesignate the application site on the Land Use Plan Map 1. could've been buried,ºmunity. From: Low Density Residential (2.5 to 6 dwelling units per gross acre) since all other cemeter-Dwayne Dickerson, a To: Business and Office ies were closed to them.legal representative for The list includes aKassab, called this ªa former slave, a Nativegreat example of Mr. Kas- Revise the Restrictions table in Appendix A of the Land Use Element to 2. American and even asab's cooperation add the proffered Declaration of Restrictions black military veteranthroughout the years.º APPLICATION NO. 9 (Standard Amendment) who fought in the CivilDickerson said Kassab Proposed amendment to the LUP map to change ±68.2 gross acres located War. and his team have gone None of these namesto great lengths to work north of NW 7 Street to approximately SW 80 Street, generally along can be officiallywith the community and theoretical NW/SW 69 Avenue. confirmed.address their concerns. Requests: When the study began STUDIES FOUND 1.Add text within the Land Use Element to create a new CDMP Land Use this time, it used pow- NO REMAINS category titled ‘Special District’; and erful technology that Two archaeologicalwasn't readily available 2.Create a subcategory under the Special District text titled “Ludlam Trail studies done over theearlier. On two separate Corridor District”; and past few decades foundoccasions this summer, I AM no evidence of human re-human remains were 3.Apply the new “Special District” designation to the former FEC railroad mains on the site. Thefound. corridor on the CDMP Land Use Plan Map: first study was commis-Dickerson said be- MDC sioned in 1986 by Robcause of that, the focus From: Transportation (ROW, Rail, Metrorail, Etc.) Kassab, the current prop-has now shifted away To: Special District erty owner, and its nega-from building on the site. 4.Add a new Policy ICE-1U within the CDMP Intergovernmental Coordination tive result is whatThe goal now is to get the Element. prompted him to pur-state to purchase the chase the site in the firstland through a special Add a new Policy ROS-2F within the CDMP Recreation and Open Space place. He has attemptedfund for situations like Element to develop the site multi-these. ple times over the pastDickerson said he The Council may adopt recommendations to the Planning Advisory Board and few decades, but resist-hopes that if that goes ance from the communi-through, the land could the Board of County Commissioners at the conclusion of the hearing. Multiple ty halted the plans everybe leased or donated to members of individual community councils may be present. This meeting is time. the city of Deerfield free and open to the public. If you have any questions regarding this matter After facing pressureBeach. If that happens, Laura D'Ocon and for a complete copy of the agenda, please call at 305-375-2800. Questions from residents, the cityhe said, it could well be- MDC Alumna regarding the CDMP applications should be directed to 305-375-2835.For commissioned a secondcome a memorial park. Journalist further information regarding sign language interpreters, materials in accessible study of the site in 2005, El Nuevo Herald/People en Espaol format, or any other accommodations needed to participate in this meeting part of which Kassab To hear about the please call the Regulatory and Economic Resources Department (RER) ADA paid for. The claim that history of the Deerfield Coordinator at (305) 372-6779 at least five days in advance of the meeting. no bodies remain on the Beach cemetery and the site was cited at the com-dispute over building on For legal ads online, go to http://legalads.miamidade.gov Join the Alumni Network mission meeting at the site, visit www.mdcalumni.com which the decision was www.wlrn.org.