Ellen J. Marchman Application Package M IA i\'\I E:EACH BOARD Anti COMMITTEE APPLICATION FORM t4_,JAkskk_ AlktA. ___ . t.5.it ram . Flirt Name M4iie Initial lidtce) L UACIA Sk N.eA Mine Address City &ale Z CS -13CIS ll it)4\40 f?"01,c,ELL4 tli26 P, .I '011/: ' HO. Telephone . We*Telephooe cellular T6r,phoits ... ttruel ptidresi:* b 41618•IF Business Name, t-. , Occupai n ,... 1") \(& 6QC`e__k_ ., Business Address City $tkort Zip Code ProfesSiOnal License le.'-escribe)- Fxpires: ',. Pkote attach a copy of cc:trendy affective professional license. Pursuant to City Code section 2-22(4)a a b:Members of agencies,boards and committees shall be affiliated with the City.This requirement shall be fUllilled in the following ways a.An individual shall have been a resident of the City for a minimum of six months;or b, An individual shall demonstrate ownershipi'interest for a minimum of silt months in a [ business established in the City for a nliDirrIten of six nionth . ,....4, •Resident of Miami each for a minimum of six(6)MOntht:Yes 1:..1 or No •Demonstrates Ownershicu'interest in a business mai.erni Beach for a,MinimuM of six months:Yes dor No(D •Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach Yes 1.K.ii or No •I am now a resident oil_ North Beach ED South Beach Michile Beach Ca i:?- •I:.i.n a i lying for a a.pointrnent because I have s rf ial abilities,rov rig and experience.Please list below ble11..M.11414.W.Maark ' . - •Are you presently with the City of Miami Beach?Yes[Zi or No y a registered io_., Please list your preferences in order of ranking[1]first choice(2)second choice, and(3)third choice, PINT,*note.that only!agg.fliioicel tibo observed by h et offlc of the CitySiErk. i':5 Alionarble 14tuaing'-- Advisory tor:unties '..1 Health Pacylitrat.itanhoriiy Bollix] 1 1"I:ion/lanai*Saciers Ls-)cal Government - J An in Public Places CcerstAtea ,7-Hispanic A/fairs Comentiteii ll, 1 72 Paris ard Rewration Faci1iie.1 Heard c° C,Seeni ce.Atifu;nen't—;_lr_ , 1 7 Historic Presefotion SOeitl *, / ---- ,LI Poirsonnel Sozirei , . _ . E&1M Acivisory Cerro aree 1 7 Nouwi i_i;otnonty , . L Plaroun9 Board'* , , ..:1 Comm ttes an Stitt.For7loss a LGEITAdvasontcoran-77ec. "ollit,'n',Cinzains Ratallitra Conutuitlips CornnIttQlt for 4:xaity Ceocatiom in iiit I I Mane*a,Waterfront 12'iviection Authority I,iOnection Industry Ceunol -3 Convention GonaerAttsisoiy tliogArd I Miami Beach Commission fc.:Worniso '-7 sesrowisotity committee CI Dnaign Review Board'* E:MillrIll Fia.ach Caltuail d"Counca i Immix:dation,Psitkan.&Bicyche-Pecteatrion--- Facie*Cornminan 7 i)c,awrity,Acti;“Cornouee i...,Miami tiesich 14Tion RVIlle Earrimalks _ 77,msolor end pontion Auitio■A_ . E.'Ikknals Aoksaciy Oorrrnniem CI Magni tleaCti Sitter arias-Piegram ---{_...., • Board members are required to file Porn,1-"Statement of Financial Interest"with the State, *If you seek appointment to a professional 900{ea.,lawyer,architect,etc..)on the Board of Adjustment,Design Review Board, Historic Preservation Board or Nanning Board.attach a copy of your currently-effective license,and furnish the following information: Typo of Professlortni License License Number License Issuance Date License Expiration Date . • Page 1 of 4 F:SCIER4A.LIWOIMAISOMIPX/AND 031410111 FESIIC APPLICATION KtAStO 06057616n, 3 b° Note:If applying tor the Youth Center pcsitioft of tho Parks and iRectorttions Facilities Board,please indicate your affiliation with tho Sooti Rakosv Youth Center entRor the North Shore Parks Youth Center. 4 Please iffeStribe yew past service with the City's Youth Centers(incltde dotes of service); • Piesemt liXOtiOralion in Youth Cooler ACLiuilies by your children:Yes 0 NO ED If yes.please Ibt below the names el your children,their ages and the programs in which they participate: Child's name: Ago: Program' Child's name: Age: Program; •Have you ever been conVidad of a felony?Yes MI or No PA If yes,pose explain in de:Miff, - , •Do you currently have a violations)of City of Miami Beach Code?Yes ca or N.011;If yes,*rise explain in detaR: •DO you Clirrentiiy eVvt the City cie Miami Beadri any money?Yes or N* If yes,explain in deleat •Are you currently solving on any City Board or Committee?Yes Ci or No 1. If yes,which boald/cononifice? •in%%Mal arGAIVIZPC Alf; Pio City of Miami Eteac.h do you i.4tly hold meilitteethip?,1 , t kAtetAD - • ,Name Position Name POSition *es o w n e d curia which 'Ou vo interest within I()City of Miami Beach: J1-1 - okt _ — WA •Aro you now erripleyed by the City Of Miami Beach?Yea 111or No 'Mall-department and lida? • Pursuant to City Code Section 245(bt; Do you If a parent D, spouse Ca,child 0 brother 0 or sister 0 who is employed by the City of Warni,Beach?Yes tor No if'Yes.'identity person(s)and ir.„partmentr,Sp. „. The following Information is voluntary and is neither part of your application nor bias any bearing on your consideration for appointment,ft is being asked to comply with City diversity reporting requirements. Garlder: Male• Female il% RecciEthoic Categories What Is yew race? African-Amerimbialack Caucasiannhile Asian or Pacifiz isimidor Netive-ArnericantAmericon Indian Page 2 of 4 rACLIMIALLTORMS1110,44,40 CND calcIETTEEStae. attvisED ear52415 4 • J—Other-Print Race Do you oorielder yourself to be Spanish.Hispanic or LatfrioJa?firer rho"No'box If nett Spanish,Firsparec,LeAno/a. di-No ED Yes Do you ConSider yourself Phyr-ically Disabled'? ,1 No r Yes ry ■■1, NOTE:IF APPOINTED,YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO FOLLOW CERTAIN LAWS THAT APPLY TO CITY BOARD/COMMITTEE MEMBERS.,THESE LAWS INCLUDE,BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO o Prohibition from directly/or indirecily lobbying City persionner(tiliarki Beach City Code section 2.459). o front contracliig with the City(Miami-Dade Couryty.Code sectivr' O Probibitfoo from lomying before the bonntlicomMitloo you have strutel on for period ol olio year after Ieavtag office(Miami Beach City Code Wrion 2-28). O Requirement to disclose. .!rtairy financial in-lereSts and Ots(Mlami.Dacle Courtly Cade, lion 2,11.1y o CMS Coennautly Devefopment Advisory Committee;prOhibition,during tenve eAd far one yeas at Pr leaving office, on having airy interost in or mceiving any bonefi l from COrtimunity Development Block Grant funek,tut either yourself,or Those with vADorn you have business or immediate family liet,(CFR S70.611), cm Striohin0 law- Florida's Government-in-lhe-Sunthirvo Lao was ertactod in 1967. Today, the Sunshine Law regarding open government can bo lound in,„Chapter 2135 bf the Florida Stobulos_ These statutes esiablish a bask ifghl of access to most rrteeling.$01130.1rcitA,earnmfssfans and other governing&Atm of stale and total othiornrrbental agencies or airthorities. o Voting cOrigict.-Form 813 is for use by any peison serving at the minty_oily or other local Wye,of govemntern on on apirloinleci or elected beard,council,oommission,authority or committee, It applies equally to trierutors of.advisory and non-advisory baffles who are rest:in:ed with a voting conflict of interest under Sailion 1113143,Fklikfa Statutes, Upon rettlAet,copies et these Inv4 yrray be obtolnod from the City Cterte, KEREBY ATTEST TO THE ACCURACY Afro TRUTHFULNESS OF THE APPLICATION; AND I HAVE RECEIVED.READ AND WILL ABIDE BY CHAPTER Z ARTICLE VII,OF THE MIAMI BEACH CITY comp ENTITLED-STANDARDS OF CONDUCT FOR CITY OFFICERS,EMPLOYEES AND AGENCY MEMBERS AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE COUNTY ARMOR STATE LAWS AND STATUTES ACCORDINGLY." 001 \NC\0:06tctiNi iqur?aa: a iq,rk -'1Nlot„,\Ortc-e-k Applitet urg to ttlerte C çitican1 ipLEAs.s KW) Received in the Office of the City Clerk by: Name of Depiaty Clerk CoMrol No. Date PLEASE ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME, PHOTOGRAPH AND A COPY OF ANY APPLICABLE PROFESSIONAL.LICENSE. ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS, IF NECESSARY, TO PROVIDE REQUIRED INFORMATION. Page 3 of 4 OCLEIMALL'irefIRMSIFPARIDAND COLISATTUr5C APPirCATTON REVISF.D Orreit',20f.s...cry, 5 MIAMI 3EACH Cay of Micirni Beach 1700 ConNensi.osl Comer-Drivo, 14iiorni Beoch„ffofictn 3313Q, wv.w.iipiumibecrchbay OFFICE OF THE OTY CLERK COyClariamiarnibeochfl,gav Tolephone: 305.673.7411 Fox: 305.673,7254 Acknowledgement of fines/suspension for Board/Committee Members for failure to comply with Miami- Dade County Financial Disclosure Code Provision Code Section 2-11.1(l)(2) (A. Board Member's Name: Nett-1\ \--AppkVa-,404 I understand that no later than 114/.121 eaclear all members of Boards and Committees of the City of Miami Beach, including these of a purely advisory nature, are required to comply with Miami-Dade County Financial Disclosure Requirements, This means that the members of City Advisory Boards, Whose sole or primary responsibility is to recommend legislation or give advice to the City Commission, must file, even though they may have been recently appointed. One of the folfowing forms'mist be filed with the City Clerk of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach,Florida, no later than 12:00 noon of July 1,of each year. 1, A'Source of Income Statement" 2. A"Statement of Financial Interests(Form 1)" 3, A Copy of your latest Federal Income Tax Return Failure to file one of these forms, pursuant to the Miarni.Dade County Code, may subject the person to a fine of no mere than$500,60..1„ys in jail or both At14 t ' 1S ignature Date Updat,e-fr,N4ay,June 05,2015 Page 11 of 4 FALLEFMAtIl2,3FORMSAMVI0 ANSI COLIVITTEF.VBC WM:AWN REVISED mom S tAX:i 6 Name: Ellen Marchman Title: Principal / Founder Get Ink Public Relations Place of employment: Get Ink PR/ Miami Beach, FL Job history: • Office of the Mayor/ Denver: 1994— 1996 • Tall Pony Productions / Los Angeles: 1996 - 1999 • Magnet PR/ Los Angeles: 1999 - 2002 • Thompson Hotels/ Miami Beach: 2002—2004 • Get Ink PR/ Miami Beach: 2005 - Present Career accomplishments: Ellen Marchman has been a celebrated publicist from her start with the Mayor's press office in Denver, Colorado. As the grand daughter of a former Governor of New Mexico, Ms. Marchman brought her applied knowledge of politics and communication to the Denver Mayor's office and assisted Mayor Wellington Webb to successfully campaign and win his second term. Relocating to Los Angeles, Ms. Marchman joined Tall Pony Productions as production assistant and was quickly promoted to production coordinator and then production manager. She worked on nationally televised award shows such as SAG Awards, Radio Music Awards and ShoWest. She free-lanced with Palm Springs Film Festival and Sundance Film Festival. Joining a top 25 PR Agencies (Magnet Communications) in Los Angeles and esteemed clientele such as Starbucks Coffee, Whole Foods Market, Jamba Juice, Michael Chow, Ben Ford and Neil Fraser, Ms. Marchman assisted Magnet Communications in winning numerous awards and propelling clients to the top tier of brand awareness. Ms. Marchman's fondest defining moment was securing her client, Jamba Juice, on the Oprah Winfrey Show. Ms. Marchman founded Get Ink PR at the age of 33. As principal of the public relations and creative agency, she spearheads marketing and communication campaigns for leading national hoteliers and restaurateurs, lifestyle wellness clients and non-profit organizations. Outside activities and accomplishments: • Design and Architecture Senior High School —Advisory Committee • PAAM — Member • New World Symphony— Director of Communications / Friends Program • International Miami Film Festival —Member • Community Partnership for the Homeless—Volunteer Industry contributions: • Awarded 2009 "Women of Excellence" / National Association of Professional and Executive Women • Director of Communications/ New World Symphony • Active Member/ PRSA v vs ,o''ry i tir' �.£ �k,� .ex/rx ,� r "� 3 �q g 5� a p � v n ' $4 A� s " ,ue S, y, y ,a ydF F r r � � � " .�r ,fi ,�y r v� �t ' " a. :4k'v x r h t� L -yr'� <. �tlg 4i l k �/9 y �$' �'sg / 3 = ;7 ct'P $ 'iii,:ii'ilisiti'l:EliiiOtt:::"':-- -:,--''''',,:,:,"'/ '/Y/ ii.7':'---4. '--;!:'!'''' ' ,:i!!fio.,::;;:ts!".:iiff,„.::,::-,,,k,„ : / /:,:,,/� YF.rbe.£ � /Ji p 140-J4.4t*J**, r2:4:'2H , f; !,i / 4;, : ,,,P f x $d ,4 ¢ °� ,. "*c but yd" %. x.may , t �'' R� rkg!!'''�3 y r? may. 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