Kathy Andersen Application PackageCITY OF MIAMI BEACH BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPLICATION FORM AndersenKathy NAME: First Name Last Name Middle Initial FL33139 HOME ADDRESS : 90 Alton Rd, Suite 3102Miami Beach Home No./StreetState Apt No.City Zip Code Kathy@KathyAndersen.com 7864232191786.423.2191 PHONE : WorkEmail Address Home Author, Speaker, Consultant, Mediator Business Name: Change Begins With One, LLC Position: 90 Alton Rd, Suite 3102 Miami BeachFL33139 Address: State CityZip Code Street Pursuant to City Code section 2-22(4) a and b: Members of agencies, boards, and committees shall be affiliated requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a) an indi   months; or b) an individual shall demonstrate ownership/interest No No No circle one): I am now a resident of: South Beach I have been working to help women and girls over the past 15 years in Miami-Dade County and beyond, including, but not limit No 123Please note that only three (3) Please list your preferences in order of ranking [] first choice [] second choice, and [] third choice. choices will be observed by the City Clerk’s Office. (Regular Boards of City) Choice 1:Miami Beach Commission For Women Choice 2: Choice 3: Note: If applying for Youth Advisory Board, please indicate your aff 1. Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board: No Years of Service: if yes, please list the names of your children, their No 2. Present participation in Youth Center activities by your chil ages, and which programs. List below: No Have you ever been convicted of a felony:If yes, please explain in detail: Do you currently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach code No If yes, please explain in detail: Do you currently owe the City of Miami Beach any money:No If yes, please explain in detail: No Are you currently serving on any City Boards or Committees:If yes, which board? What organizations in the City of Miami Beach do you currently h List all properties owned or have an interest in, which are loca Property 90 Alton Rd, Apt 3102, Miami Beach, FL 33139 No I am now employed by the city of Miami Beach:Which department? The following information is voluntary and is neither part of yo being asked to comply with federal equal opportunity reporting r Gender:Female Race/Ethnic Categories What is your race? Mark one or more races to indicate what you consider yourself t White Other Description: Are you Spanish/Hispanic/ Latino? Mark the "No" box if not Spani No Physically Challenged:No NOTE:  If appointed, you will be required to follow certain laws which These laws include, but are not limited to, the following:    Prohibition from directly or indirectly lobbying city personnel o    Prohibition from contracting with the city (Miami-Dade County Co o    Prohibition from lobbying before board/committee you have served o Beach Code section 2-26).    Requirement to disclose certain financial interests and gifts (M o (re: CMB Community Development Advisory Committee):  prohibiti from having   any interest in or receiving any benefit from Co or those with whom you have business or immediate family ties Upon request, copies of these laws may be obtained from the “I hereby attest to the accuracy and truthfulness of the applica VII – of the City Code “Standards of Conduct for City Officers, I Kathy Andersen agreed to the following terms on 11/20/2015 8:0 Received in the City Clerk's Office by: Name of Deputy Clerk Control No.Date M.P.A., Harvard University. Harvard Center for Public Leadership Certified Adaptive Leadersh. Jack Canfield Trained Success Coach. Florida Supreme Court Certified Circuit Civil Mediator. Award-Winning & Best-Selling Author. Kathy Andersen is an experienced leader, and has helped other le almost 20 years. Kathy holds a masterÈs degree from Harvard Kenn development, leadership, organizational development, and managem consultant in Adaptive Leadership from Harvard Kennedy School. K Circuit Civil Mediator. KathyÈs leadership experience spans both the private and public with international organizations across various industry sectors moving consumer goods. Kathy has experience in leadership develo formation, new product development, mergers and acquisitions, jo corporate strategy, marketing, branding, and change management. In the public sector, Kathy has worked with governments, non-pro States, Haiti, India, Venezuela, Mexico, and the Dominican Repub education, economic development, at-risk youth, and disabilities the Global Institute for Community Health and Development at the Professor Jeffrey Sachs and his team at the Earth Institute at C Nations, and the government of Haiti to bring the Millennium Vi KathyÈs clients have included major public and private corporations, educational institutions, Major Baseball players, country governments, private philanthropists, currently collaborating with Sheryl Sandberg, COO Facebook, and empowerment programs for underserved populations including young unemployed communities. Kathy is also currently managing a Clint Action to train and transition under-served youth and young adul A spirited speaker and workshop host, Kathy has spoken at numero and retreats throughout the United States and internationally. I the Central University of Tibetan Studies in India and presented development. In 2007, Kathy presented a seminar on universities Universities Forum in Davos, Switzerland. In 2006, KathyÈs paper, highlighting a new business The Impact Domain model for simultaneously creating company growth and national gr sponsored conference on Business as an Agent of World Benefit at Kathy's five-time award-winning book, , tells the story of her Change Your Shoes, Live Your Greatest Life transformation after she changed her corporate high heels to hik thirty, after a childhood of sexual abuse left her wanting Åmore ; and co-authored a third book, an international bestseller, Change Your Shoes, 365 Life ResolutionsThe Soul of , with Jack Canfield (¨ series) and other experts in the field of personal and SuccessChicken Soup for the Soul business success. Kathy frequently appears on national media in the United States, personal development, health, and wellness. Kathy is also a writ In addition to KathyÈs masterÈs degree at the Harvard Kennedy Sc School, and has also undertaken several executive programs at Ha School on management, leadership, and non-profit governance. KATHY ANDERSEN M.P.A., Harvard University 90 Alton Road, Suite 3102 ~ Miami Beach, FL 33139 Tel: 786.423.2191 ~ Email: Kathy@KathyAndersen.com An experienced leader, executive, and consultant with internatio AREAS OF EXPERTISE ~ Strategic Management Consulting ~ International Business Deve Leadership, Change Management, and Organizational TransformationTeam Development and Management ~ ~ Strategic Partnership Development ~ Mediation & ConÑict Resolution ~ ~ ~ Negotiation, Deal Development and Execution ~ Product and Prog Branding, Marketing, and Communications (New, Social, and TradiMedia and Public Relations ~ ~ ~ ~Strategy Development, Planning, and Execution ~ Executive, Organ ~ Entrepreneurship and Innovation ~ Thought Leadership and Problem ~ ~ Corporate Social Responsibility ~ Client and Business DevelopClient Relationship Management ~ ~ Public Speaking ~ Facilitating Leadership and Strategic Retrea Non-ProÐt Capacity BuildingNon-ProÐt and Organizational Governance ~ ~ ~ ~ U.S-Based Development Programs Associated with Education, Work At-Risk Youth, Health, Families, and Child Sexual Abuse ~ International Development Programs in Areas of Water, Agricultur ~ ~ Fundraising ~ Grant Development and Management ~ Mergers & Acq ~ ÅBottom of the PyramidÆ Program Development ~ Financial Manageme ~ ~ SECTOR EXPERIENCE Government ~ Non-ProÐt ~ Private Enterprise ~ Academic COUNTRY EXPERIENCE United States~ Haiti ~ Dominican Republic ~ Venezuela~India~ Mexico ~Australia PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Founding CEO & President (A subsidiary of Change Begins With One, LLC)January, 2009 - Present Development Connect, LLC is a strategic consulting and project management Ðrm that under Development Connect and community development projects for international clients. Cl Pedro Martinez and Miguel Cabrera; SFX Baseball (Sports Agent); private philanthropists; and other private, non-proÐt and public. Major accomplishments include the creation, marketing, program d the Miguel Cabrera Foundation, Inc., to undertake community ball across the United States and throughout Latin America and the Ca Pedro Martinez Youth Academy and Ballpark community development development of foreign direct investment and community developme Dominican Republic; and the generation of funding for disaster r Miami-based non-proÐt organization. Development Connect is curre project to train and transition underserved youth and adults int Founding CEO & President Ma Change Begins With One, LLC; and KA Connect, LLC. undertakes organizational leadership, change, development, and c Change Begins With One, LLC programs; executive coaching and consulting; and personal succes consulting. (a subsidiary) publishes books and develops media and communications products in KA Connect LLC the areas of leadership, personal development, success, and well Major accomplishments include the organizational and leadership agencies on the east coast; the authoring of Kathy AndersenÈs Ðv development book , and the best-selling , with Change Your Shoes, Live Your Greatest LifeThe Soul of Success associated branding, marketing, speaking, social media, and comm; and collaboration with Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook COO and Founder of for victims of child sex trafÐcking and sexual abuse. Executive Director The Global Institute for Community Health and Development August 2006 - January 2009 Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami This role was a newly-created senior leadership role to establis health and development, focusing on contributing to health and d United States and throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. Major accomplishments included the formal establishment and appr of the university; acquisition of $3 million in start-up funding programs in the area of community health, maternal health, educa Haiti; development of community health centers in the United Sta Action for development programs in Haiti; collaboration with Pro Columbia University, the World Bank and the IDB to establish and in partnership with the government of Haiti and local and intern; and the development of a $10 million program for cleft palate in Haiti i Chief Operating OfÐcer January 2001 - August 2006 Shake-A-Leg Miami (a not-for-proÐt organization) This role was responsible for all aspects of organizational mana Ðnancial management, program development and implementation, gen agency relationships, institutional relationships, community serstrategic planning, marketing, communications, and public relations. Major accomplishments included growing the organization from a U operation in four years; securing grant funding of US$8 million foundations; expanding programming to encompass areas of nationa youth development, disabilities, and health and wellness; and wo School Committee in the development of a successful proposal to establishment of the Florida Statewide After School Network. Group Manager, Customer Relationship Management January 1998 - July 2000 Ford Motor Company, Melbourne, Australia. This role was a newly created group executive position responsib of Australia from Åproduction-drivenÆ to Åcustomer-drivenÆ as pa product development, market research, marketing, communications, Major accomplishments included the establishment of a US$10 mill venture that increased customer service capacity, and provided m customer sales and service; leading the market research for the which Ford Territory became the number one selling Sports Utility Vehicle in the Aust development of the Ðrst integrated company-wide customer informa system to enable increased sales generation, life cycle communic lifetime customer proÐtability. Senior Manager, Corporate Strategy April 1995 - December 1998 Westpac Banking Corporation, Sydney, Australia. This role was a senior management role in the Corporate Strategy internal consulting to company executives and senior management focused on the development and execution of new and innovative strategies and business initiatives to increa equity. Major accomplishments included the successful merger and acquisi banks, the Bank of Melbourne; the development and launch of a ne establishment of banking centers throughout the countryÈs larges launch of the Ðrst co-branded credit card for the Sydney 2000 Ol Marketing Manager, American Express International March 1992 - April 1995 Sydney, Australia. This role was responsible for the marketing and product developm Major accomplishments included the re-development of consumer le activities resulting in more than doubling of consumer acquisiti $5 million line of credit portfolio from Westpac Banking Corpora EDUCATION Master in Public Administration Harvard University, Harvard Kennedy School, Cambridge, MA. 2006. Academic Award: Lucius N. Littauer Fellow for Academic Excellenc Areas of Focus: International Development and Leadership. Graduate Management QualiÐcation (with Distinction) Australian Graduate School of Management, Sydney, Australia. 199 Bachelor of Business (with Distinction). Majors: Marketing and M University of Technology, Sydney, Australia. 1996. Executive Programs The Art and Practice of Leadership Development: A Master Class Harvard University, Harvard Kennedy School and Harvard Business Performance Measurement for Effective Management of Non-ProÐt Or Harvard University, Harvard Kennedy School. June, 2004. Innovations in Governance Harvard University, Harvard Kennedy School and Harvard Business Other QualiÐcations Florida Supreme Court CertiÐed Circuit Civil Mediator. MAJOR CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS . The Central University of Tibetan Studies, Sarnath, India (Vis Global Development and Leadership Seminar Scholar Program). 2008. . World Universities Forum. Davos, Switzerland. 2007. Universities as Agents of Global BeneÐt . Business as an Agent of World BeneÐt. Case Western Reserve Social Responsibility and Leadership Seminar University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA. 2006. INTERESTS & ACTIVITIES Personal Fitness, Health, and Wellness Outdoor Adventures Sailing and Boating ~ ~ ~ ~ Kayaking ~ Nature ~ Travel ~ Community Activities ~ ~ Global Development ~ Politics ~ Inspiring and Empowering Others ~ WEB SITES & SOCIAL MEDIA www.DevelopmentConnect.com www.KathyAndersen.com Twitter: @Kathy_Andersen Facebook: www.Facebook.com/ChangeYourShoesNow LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/andersenkathy HufÐngton Post Blog: http://www.hufÐngtonpost.com/kathy-andersen/