David Lancz . .,, . , to • 4., r 5,_ .., DIVERSITY STATISTICS REPORTING -. . . , , . Name: \ 0 v1 / 1---, . • i---. (/'? L a. ,....-__ Board I Committee: f-.3 0 ci 6:7 E I- 641 61 v 1 s 6)1f-Lj ( 4 / ) / Appointment Date: I / / ii " *0 Pursuant to City of-Vliami Beach C)rdinance 2009-3632, the City is required to annually • prepare and preserit ' 'ireigo-i-t to thi-e'biN-'66mmission identifying the City's diversity statistics. This form allows board and committee applicants and, members to voluntarily self-identify their race, ethnicity, disabled status and gender. j Please check the appropriate box for each category: Gender: Male._W: Female . \•> '` ' ' ' ' Race/Ethnic Categories i I . , i What is your race? d African-American/Black LD Caucasian/White . . 1:3 Asian or Pacific Islander [Z3 Native-American/American Indian )f.S42.ther— Print Race: •. , . Do you consider yourself to be Spanish, Hispanic or Latino/a? Mark the "No"box if not Spanish, Hispanic, Latino/a. . „ No .-... . . .. . Yes s., • Do you consider yourself Physically Disabled? ' . , Zi No [=.1 Yes • i , 11. _ Signature: , c--- ---c, ,,_...----- Date: , 10 , . ,.,. FACLEM$ALL\aFORMS\BOARD AND COMMITTEES\MISCV3C minority information form 05-20-13 FINAL.doc Updated: Wednesday,June 25,2014 • . .