Mayra D. Buttacavoli Application PackageMayra Diaz Buttacavoli FMB1208@aol.com 305-319-0304 cellular telephone OBJECTIVE To provide consulting services in connection with employee grievances, collective bargaining contract disputes and building and zoning matters. EXPERIENCE February 2009 to present Consulting for private land owners and business on building and zoning matters. Hearing Officer Interpretation of collective bargaining agreements andgrievances arising fromlabor disputes between the administration and employees and unions when discipline is filed against an employee. A report is preparedrendering the decision post hearing from evidence obtainedand research conducted. City of Miami Beach January 2004 –January 2008 Director of HumanResourcesand Risk Management Department. Oversight of the City’s Compensation, Recruitment, Employment Testing, Classification, Audits, Employee Benefits, Employee Relations, Risk Operations, and Labor Relations for negotiation sessionswith Police, Fire, AFSME, and GSA unions. April 1993 –December 2003 Assistant City Manager Reported to fivedifferent City Managers over this time frame, during which I had oversight of various departments including; Fire, Code Compliance, Internal Audit, Human Resources and Risk Management, Hurricane and Emergency Operations, Information Technology, Procurement, Fleet Management, Asset Management, Parks and Recreation, Special Events,Convention Center, Fillmore Jackie Gleason Theatre, and Bass Museum. As partof my functions I oversawvariouscapital projects including FireStation expansionsand renovations, 21Parkand Recreationfacilities, Miami Beach Golf Course and Clubhouse Renovation, Bass Museum Expansion and Renovation, Convention Center and Fillmore Jackie Gleason Theatre Convention Tax Development renovations, Cultural Center Streetscapeand Park planning renovation, and a New Regional Library. I was staff liaison to various Boards and Committees including: Visitors and Convention Authority, Police and Fire Pension Board Trustee, Convention Center Advisory Board, Tourist Expansion Convention DevelopmentTax Authority (TECCEA), Bass Museum Trustee Board and renovation/expansion committee, Miami Beach Golf Course Ad Hoc Committee, Collins Park Cultural Center Oversight Committee, Fire Station 2 Oversight Committee, and Convention Center Capital Projects Oversight Board. I was lead negotiator in several public/privateventures including; FPL/Publix Supermarket th land sale, 7streetparking garage, South Beach Marina,Pavarotti Concert on the Beach agreement, Smith and Wolenski Restaurant lease and the Miami Beach Golf Course Management Agreement. Miami Dade County September 1991 –April 1993 Fiscal Management Bureau Commander –Corrections and Rehabilitation Department Directed and supervised the Finance, Procurement, Property Room, Commissary, Warehouse and Fleet operations for the Department. I supervised over 60employees. July 1989 –July 1991 Family Leave of absence April 1984–July 1998 Director of Administrative Services –General Services Administration Department Administered one of the County’s largest departments consistingof seven divisions, 803 budgeted positions,a fiscal budget exceeding $160 millionand 800 positions of which I supervised 62. In this position I had oversight of Accounting and Fiscal Management, Computer System Development and Maintenance, Personnel, Parking Operations, Security Management, and Real Estate Management. In the County’s self insuredtrust fund yearly rates were set and billings issued to county departments forworker’s compensation, general liability, health,and police professional liability insurance coverage.I assisted with the coordination ofMiami-Dade special events,such as the Inter-American Development Bank Conference (1987), Congressional Partnership Weekend (1987), and the Papal Visit (1987). August 1981 –April 1984 Administrative Officer III –General Services Administration Department Directed the Finance and Accounting functions for the Department. October 1979 –August 1981 Accountant II –Parks and Recreation Department Supervision of the financial reporting of the public revenue facilitiesofVizcaya Museum, Marinas, Campgrounds, Trail Glades Range, tennis courts,golf courses, snack bars, and leases. June 1978 –October 1979 Auditor I –Internal Audit Department Audited the County’s Federally Funded programs and issued reports to the County Manager. EDUCATION University of Miami, Graduate School of Business,Master of Science, June 1978. University of Miami, School of Business, B.B.A.in Accounting, December 1977. Society of Human Resource Management, Professional Resource Management Certificate, January 2007. REFERENCES Available upon request.