Judith Berson-Levinson AA I ANA I t, )4%C DIVERSITY STATISTICS REPORTING Name: 1 ,� �;P h ` . �r �_� w — e v t) 4,() Board / Committee: ' _ -- //1-- t-_r Cx- f . a u , 1 . Appointment Date: / / /�` • f � Pursuant to City of Miami Beach Ordinance 2009-3632, the City is required to annually • prepare and present a report to the City Commission,- identifying the City's diversity statistics. This form-allows board and committee applicants and members to voluntarily self-identify their race,"ethnicity, disabled status and gender. Please check the appropriate box for each category: Gender: Male Female krd Race/Ethnic Categories • What is your race? E £ can-American/Black Caucasian/White Ni Asian or Pacific Islander Za Native-American/American Indian Other— Print Race: Do you consider yourself to be Spanish, Hispanic or Latino/a? Mark the "No"box if not Spanish, Hispanic, Latino/a. 7 No LD Yes Do.you-consider yourself Physically Disabled? Lai No Yes J Signature: Date: - , LJ F:\CLER\$ALL\aFORMS\BOARD AND COMMITTEES\MISC\BC minority information form 05-20-13 FINAL.doc Updated: Wednesday,June 25,2014